
It’s safe to say that iOS 13 has been troublesome at best. The latest iPhone software has been plagued by bugs and other issues. Fortunately, its replacement is slated to arrive this fall. During Monday’s virtual WWDC, Apple unveiled iOS 14 and showed off some long-awaited features.

可以肯定地说,iOS 13充其量是麻烦的。 最新的iPhone软件已受到bug和其他问题的困扰。 幸运的是,它的替代品定于今年秋天到货。 在周一的虚拟WWDC期间, Apple推出了iOS 14,并展示了一些期待已久的功能。

One of the biggest changes is the inclusion of widgets. While Android users have had access to these handy bits of software for some time now, iPhone users will get to experiment with them when iOS 14 rolls out. Meanwhile, the latest OS update features plenty of other changes to get excited about.

最大的变化之一是包含小部件。 虽然Android用户已经可以使用这些方便的软件一段时间了,但是iPhone用户将在iOS 14推出时对其进行试验。 同时,最新的操作系统更新还具有许多其他令人振奋的变化。

小部件终于到达iOS (Widgets Finally Arrive on iOS)

Sometimes, it’s nice to see snippets of an app on your home screen without having to actually open the app. That’s exactly why widgets were invented. They allow users to snap helpful features to their home screen and are customized based on the functionality of different apps.

有时,无需真正打开应用程序就可以在主屏幕上看到应用程序的摘要。 这就是发明小部件的原因。 它们允许用户将有用的功能捕捉到其主屏幕,并根据不同应用程序的功能进行自定义。

Widgets have been a staple of Android, but Apple has hesitated to add them to iOS. That’s partially because it has long valued a clean, simple look on its home screens. While widgets allow users to customize their device, they can detract from a phone’s organized look.

小部件一直是Android的主要组成部分,但Apple却毫不犹豫地将其添加到iOS。 这部分是因为它长期以来一直看重其主屏幕上整洁,简单的外观。 尽管小部件允许用户自定义其设备,但它们可能会损害电话的组织外观。

Nonetheless, they are coming to iOS 14. The OS update will allow users to add widgets not only to the Today view but also to their home screen. Like Android, iOS 14 will feature a “widget gallery” where users can find, add, and customize their widgets.

尽管如此,他们即将进入iOS14。此操作系统更新将使用户不​​仅可以将小部件添加到“今日”视图,还可以添加到其主屏幕。 与Android一样,iOS 14将具有“小工具库”,用户可以在其中查找,添加和自定义其小部件。

Apple also plans to introduce “Smart Stack,” a widget that automatically shows relevant apps based on what time it is. For instance, it might show breaking news headlines in the morning, places to eat at lunchtime, and travel times around rush hour.

苹果还计划推出“智能堆栈”,这是一个小部件,可根据时间自动显示相关应用。 例如,它可能显示早晨的头条新闻,午餐时间的吃饭地点以及高峰时间的旅行时间。

They will take some getting used to, but iOS users should enjoy the extra functionality that widgets offer.


较少干扰的观看 (Less Obtrusive Viewing)

Another complaint that Apple users often have is that using certain features-like accessing Siri or receiving Facetime calls-is very obtrusive. Apple is setting out to address those concerns in iOS 14.

苹果用户经常抱怨的另一个问题是,使用某些功能(例如访问Siri或接收Facetime通话)非常麻烦。 苹果正着手解决iOS 14中的这些问题。

Siri will no longer take over the entire screen. The digital assistant will now appear in a small overlay near the bottom of the screen as an animated icon. Siri will also be able to send audio messages rather than just transcribing a dictated text.

Siri将不再接管整个屏幕。 现在,数字助理将以动画图标的形式出现在屏幕底部附近的一小层覆盖物中。 Siri还将能够发送音频消息,而不仅仅是抄写规定的文本。

In the same vein of being less obtrusive, incoming phone calls and FaceTime calls will appear as a much smaller pop-up. For users who like to ignore those calls, the lack of a full-screen takeover is refreshing.

出于不那么吸引人的目的,来电和FaceTime通话将显示为一个较小的弹出窗口。 对于喜欢忽略这些呼叫的用户,缺少全屏接管令人耳目一新。

If these features seem a bit familiar, that might be because they closely resemble how Android handles the same tasks. When the Google Assistant is summoned, it appears in a small tab at the bottom of the screen. Meanwhile, incoming calls appear in a pop-up at the top of the device.

如果这些功能看起来有点熟悉,那可能是因为它们非常类似于Android处理相同任务的方式 。 召唤Google助手后,它会出现在屏幕底部的一个小标签中。 同时,来电会显示在设备顶部的弹出窗口中。

It appears that Apple is taking style cues from Android with iOS 14. The update will bring iPhone users some overdue features that Android users have come to love.

看来苹果公司正在从iOS 14的Android系统中获取样式提示。此更新将为iPhone用户带来一些Android用户已喜欢的过期功能。

That includes a new “App Library.” It functions very similarly to Android’s app drawer, allowing users to hide apps from their home screen without uninstalling them. The new feature includes smart grouping, which pools related apps together automatically.

其中包括一个新的“应用程序库”。 它的功能与Android应用程序抽屉非常相似,允许用户从主屏幕隐藏应用程序而无需卸载它们。 新功能包括智能分组功能,该功能可自动将相关应用程序汇集在一起​​。

新应用介绍 (New App Introductions)

Unsurprisingly, iOS 14 will include some new apps and noteworthy changes to existing ones. Perhaps the most exciting is Apple’s Translate app, which will be built-into the operating system. Once again, it is similar to a Google product (Google Translate) and allows users to easily swap text between languages. When it launches, the app will support 11 languages (English, Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Portuguese, and Russian).

毫不奇怪,iOS 14将包含一些新应用程序,并对现有应用程序进行值得注意的更改。 也许最令人兴奋的是Apple的Translate应用程序,它将内置在操作系统中。 再次,它类似于Google产品(Google Translate),并允许用户轻松地在语言之间交换文本。 该应用启动后将支持11种语言(英语,中文,法语,德语,西班牙语,意大利语,日语,韩语,阿拉伯语,葡萄牙语和俄语)。

For those who don’t want to actually download a full app, Apple is launching a feature called “App Clip.” It allows users to access small parts of an app in a snappy, card-based format without installing it. App Clips are launched by a new QR-code format that’s triggered with a visual code and an NFC transmission.

对于那些不想真正下载完整应用程序的人,Apple 推出了一项名为“ App Clip”的功能。 它允许用户以快速,基于卡的格式访问应用程序的小部分,而无需安装它。 应用程序剪辑以一种新的QR代码格式启动,该格式通过可视代码和NFC传输触发。

For example, a user could pull up a coffee shop’s rewards program at the counter by scanning the code. They could then use Sign In With Apple to avoid making a new account and be able to access a rewards card without downloading another app. Notably, App Clips will work with Apple Pay and can be accessed through the new App Library.

例如,用户可以通过扫描代码在柜台上拉起咖啡店的奖励计划。 然后,他们可以使用“与Apple登录”来避免创建新帐户,并且无需下载其他应用即可访问奖励卡。 值得注意的是,App Clips可以与Apple Pay一起使用,并且可以通过新的App Library进行访问。

优化的日常应用 (Optimized Everyday Apps)

Alongside the new features noted above, Apple is rolling out an array of updates to some of its core apps with iOS 14. Messages, Maps, CarPlay, and Home are getting new capabilities.

除了上面提到的新功能外,Apple还推出了一些针对iOS 14的一些核心应用程序的更新。消息,地图,CarPlay和Home正在获得新功能。

The updated version of Messages allows users to pin contacts and conversations to the top of the app for quick accessibility. There are also new Memoji accessories- including a face mask. Finally, group chat users will be able to thread conversations and mentioning a certain person will ping them with a notification.

消息的更新版本允许用户将联系人和对话固定在应用程序顶部,以实现快速访问。 还有一些新的Memoji配件- 包括面罩 。 最终,群聊用户将能够发起对话,并且提及某个人会通过通知ping通他们。

Apple Maps is getting some noteworthy upgrades as well thanks to integrations from services like Zagat and AllTrails. It will also have better support for cyclists with bike-specific features for several major cities. Meanwhile, a new EV (electric vehicle) Routing Feature helps electric car owners track the battery life of their vehicle and find charging stations along a route. At this point, it isn’t clear if the feature will work with all electric cars or only certain models.

由于诸如Zagat和AllTrails之类的服务的集成,Apple Maps也获得了一些值得注意的升级。 它还将为几个主要城市的自行车特定功能的自行车手提供更好的支持。 同时,新的EV(电动汽车)路由功能可帮助电动汽车所有者跟踪其车辆的电池寿命并在路线上找到充电站。 目前,尚不清楚该功能是否适用于所有电动汽车或仅适用于某些车型。

CarPlay is slated to receive support for custom wallpapers and new app categories. iOS 14 will also bring support for NFC car keys with some models. BMW’s 5 Series will be the first vehicle that’s compatible with the feature.

CarPlay计划获得对自定义壁纸和新应用类别的支持。 iOS 14还将为某些型号提供对NFC汽车钥匙的支持。 宝马5系将是第一款与该功能兼容的车辆。

Finally, the Home app is getting support for “Adaptive Lighting.” This will allow the lights in a smart home to automatically adjust their color and temperature throughout the day. Facial recognition for HomeKit security cameras is also rolling out alongside iOS 14.

最后,Home应用程序将获得对“自适应照明”的支持。 这将使智能家居中的灯全天自动调整其颜色和温度。 HomeKit安全摄像机的面部识别功能也将与iOS 14一同推出。

iOS 14何时发布? (When Will iOS 14 Arrive?)

All said, iOS 14 is packed with new features and upgrades that make it much more user friendly and customizable. While it loses some of the simplicity that Apple is known for, most users are now familiar enough with the operating system that it doesn’t matter.

总而言之,iOS 14包含了新功能和升级,使其更加用户友好和可自定义。 尽管它失去了苹果所闻名的一些简单性,但现在大多数用户已经对操作系统足够熟悉,这无关紧要。

Apple says that iOS 14 is “coming this fall.” As such, there isn’t a hard date for when the updated OS will start rolling out to devices. Professionals in the Apple Developer Program have access to a developer preview starting Monday. Meanwhile, a public beta is going to begin in July.

苹果表示 ,iOS 14“将于今年秋天上市”。 因此,对于更新的操作系统何时开始向设备推出并不难。 从周一开始,Apple开发人员计划中的专业人员可以访问开发人员预览。 同时,公开测试版将于7月开始。

iOS 14 will be available for users on the iPhone 6S and up. That means any device that supports iOS 13 will be able to upgrade to the newest OS. Considering the many pitfalls of iOS 13, that’s exciting news.

iOS 14将在iPhone 6S及更高版本上供用户使用。 这意味着任何支持iOS 13的设备都将能够升级到最新的操作系统。 考虑到iOS 13的诸多陷阱,这是令人振奋的消息。

Originally published at https://www.theburnin.com on June 22, 2020.

最初于 2020年6月22日 https://www.theburnin.com 发布

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/apple-unveils-ios-14-featuring-widgets-and-several-app-upgrades-b7af6aad9e8a




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