mcq 队列

1) Which of the following definitions correctly defines the State-space in an AI system?

  1. A state space can be defined as the collection of all the problem states

  2. A state space is a state which exists in environment which is in outer space

  3. A state space is the total space available for the agent in the state

  4. All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 1
A state space can be defined as the collection of all the problem states

All the possible states for an AI system together form the state space. The state-space means the collection of all those states in which the agent can be.


  1. 状态空间可以定义为所有问题状态的集合

  2. 状态空间是存在于外层空间环境中的状态

  3. 状态空间是该状态下可用于代理的总空间

  4. 上述所有的



AI系统的所有可能状态共同形成状态空间。 状态空间表示代理可以处于的所有那些状态的集合。

2) State whether the following condition is true or false?

"An AI agent cannot be in any other state except for those included in the state space for that particular system."

  1. True

  2. False

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 1

An AI system can be only in a state that is defined in its state space. This is because the state space is the collection of all the possible states that the system can be in. Hence, there exists no other state except for these in which the system can reside.



  1. 真正



AI系统只能处于在其状态空间中定义的状态。 这是因为状态空间是系统可能处于的所有可能状态的集合。因此,除了系统可以驻留的状态之外,没有其他状态。

3) Which of the mentioned definitions correctly define 'move' for an AI agent?

  1. When the agent moves from one place to another, then it is called the move of the agent

  2. When the agent goes from one state to another, it is known as a move

  3. Both (1) and (2)

  4. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 2
When the agent goes from one state to another, it is known as a move

The "move" of an agent is defined with respect to the state it changes and not with respect to its actual position.


  1. 当代理人从一个地方移动到另一个地方时,这称为代理人的移动

  2. 当代理人从一种状态转到另一种状态时,这称为移动

  3. (1)和(2)

  4. 以上都不是




4) "The complete set of rules for defining the valid movements of an AI agent for changing the states"
What does the above definition refer to?

  1. Documentation for an AI agent

  2. Production rules for an AI agent

  3. Pseudo Code for an AI agent

  4. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 2
Production rules for an AI agent

The production rules for an AI agent are the complete set of rules for defining the valid movements of an AI agent for changing the states.


  1. AI代理的文档

  2. AI代理的生产规则

  3. AI代理的伪代码

  4. 以上都不是




5) State whether the following condition is true or false?

"Fault tolerance of a system can be defined as the ability of a system to sustain failures and continue functioning."

  1. True

  2. False

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 1

The given statement is true and is the definition of Fault tolerance of the system.



  1. 真正





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