mcq 队列

1) Why do we want to implement the concept of Logic in an AI system?

  1. So that the agent can have decision making capability

  2. So that the agent can think and act humanly

  3. So that the agent can apply the logic for finding the solution to any particular problem

  4. All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 4
All of the above

All the mentioned points are the valid reason behind- "Why we want to implement logic in an AI system?"


  1. 使代理具有决策能力

  2. 使代理可以思考并采取行动

  3. 以便代理可以将逻辑应用于发现任何特定问题的解决方案

  4. 上述所有的




2) In AI systems, Logic can be represented in two types. What are these two types?

  1. Inductive Logic

  2. Common Logic

  3. Deductive Logic

  4. Machine Logic


  1. i. and ii.

  2. i. and iii.

  3. ii. and iii.

  4. iii. and iv.

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 2
i. and iii.

In artificial intelligence, we deal with two types of logics: Deductive and Inductive.

2)在AI系统中,逻辑可以表示为两种类型。 这两种类型是什么?

  1. 归纳逻辑

  2. 通用逻辑

  3. 演绎逻辑

  4. 机器逻辑


  1. 一世。 ii。

  2. 一世。 iii。

  3. ii。 iii。

  4. iii。 iv。


一世。 iii。


3) Which of the following statements correctly defines the deductive logic in AI?

  1. In deductive logic, the complete evidence is provided about the truth of the conclusion made

  2. A top-down approach is followed

  3. The agent uses specific and accurate premises that lead to a specific conclusion

  4. All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 4
All of the above

All the mentioned statements correctly defined the deductive logic in AI.


  1. 在演绎逻辑中,提供了关于所得出结论真实性的完整证据。

  2. 遵循自上而下的方法

  3. 代理使用特定且准确的前提得出特定结论

  4. 上述所有的




4) Consider the following statement:
"While taking any decision, the agent must provide specific reasons based on which the decision was taken. And this reasoning can be done by the agent only if the agent has the capability of understanding the logic."
Among which of the following situations will the agent use and apply logic for solving the problem?

  1. To solve real life problems

  2. To play a game against a human in the same way as a human would do

  3. To understand the environment variables

  4. All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 4
All of the above

In all the mentioned situations, the agent will have to apply logic to solve the problem humanly.


  1. 解决现实生活中的问题

  2. 以与人类相同的方式与人类玩游戏

  3. 了解环境变量

  4. 上述所有的




5) In AI, the Logic is classified into two types: deductive and inductive. Which of the following approaches is followed up by the Inductive logic?

  1. Top-down approach

  2. Bottom-up approach

  3. No specific approach

  4. According to precedence

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 2
Bottom-up approach

In Inductive logic, the reasoning is done through a ‘bottom-up’ approach. What this means is that the agent here takes specific information and them generalizes it for the sake of complete understanding.

5)在AI中,逻辑分为两种类型:演绎和归纳。 归纳逻辑遵循以下哪种方法?

  1. 自上而下的方法

  2. 自下而上的方法

  3. 没有具体方法

  4. 根据优先顺序



在归纳逻辑中,推理是通过“自下而上”的方法完成的。 这意味着代理在这里获取特定信息,并且为了全面理解而对其进行概括。


mcq 队列

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