mcq 队列

1) Which of the following correctly defines the use of probabilistic reasoning in AI systems?

  1. In situations of uncertainty, probabilistic theory can help us give an estimate of how much an event is likely to occur or happen.

  2. It helps to find the probability whether the agent should do the task or not.

  3. It does not help at all.

  4. None of the above.

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 1
In situations of uncertainty, probabilistic theory can help us give an estimate of how much an event is likely to occur or happen.

The only option (1) is the valid reason which correctly defines the use of probabilistic reasoning in AI systems.


  1. 在不确定的情况下,概率理论可以帮助我们估计事件可能发生或发生的程度。

  2. 这有助于查找代理是否应执行任务的可能性。

  3. 它根本没有帮助。

  4. 以上都不是。




2) In which of the following mentioned statements, probabilistic reasoning is applicable?

  1. The number occurred on rolling a die.

  2. What will the temperature tomorrow?

  3. What card will get on picking a card from a fair deck of 52 cards?

  4. What output will we get on tossing a coin?


  1. Only iv.

  2. All i., ii., iii. and iv.

  3. ii. and iv.

  4. Only ii.

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 2
All i., ii., iii. and iv.

We cannot be 100% sure about the output we get on tossing a die, coin or picking a card, or the upcoming day’s temperature as it depends on various factors which are almost impossible to monitor accurately. However, probabilistic reasoning is applicable there.


  1. 该数字发生在模具旋转时。

  2. 明天温度是多少?

  3. 从公平的52张牌中挑选一张牌会得到什么牌?

  4. 我们扔硬币会得到什么输出?


  1. 只有iv。

  2. 全部i。,ii。,iii。 iv。

  3. ii。 iv。

  4. 只有ii。


全部i。,ii。,iii。 iv。

我们不能百分百确定我们继续掷骰子,硬币或捡卡所获得的输出,或即将到来的一天的温度,因为它取决于几乎无法精确监控的各种因素。 但是,概率推理在此适用。

3) On which of the mentioned points does the Probabilistic Reasoning depend?

  1. Estimation

  2. Likelihood

  3. Observations

  4. All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 4
All of the above

All the mentioned reasons are valid as the Probabilistic reasoning depends upon all of them.


  1. 估算值

  2. 可能性

  3. 观察结果

  4. 上述所有的




4) The results that we get after we apply probabilistic reasoning to a problem are,

  1. 100% accurate

  2. Estimated values

  3. Wrong values

  4. None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 2
Estimated values

Probabilistic theory helps us to derive an estimate about how much an event is likely to occur or happen.


  1. 100%准确

  2. 估计值

  3. 值错误

  4. 以上都不是




5) State whether the following condition is true or false?
"The sum of all these probabilities for an experiment is always 1 because all these events/alternatives can happen only within this experiment."

  1. True

  2. False

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 1

It is the basic and most important law of probability that the sum of probabilities for an experiment is always 1.


  1. 真正





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