试卷代号: 1356
高级英语听说(2) 试题

Section One (20 points, 2 points each)
Directions: Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Write the words on the Answer Sheet
Nancy: Hello?
Mari: May I speak to Nancy, please?
Nancy: Speaking.
Mari: Uh hi, uh, my name is Mari, and I’m calling about the room for rent. I saw your ad at the campus (1) ________office.
Nancy: Oh, right OK, uh, are you a student?
Mari: Well, right now, I’m just studying English, but I’m planning to start college full-time in (2) ________.
Nancy: I see. Where are you living now?
Mari: I’ ve been living in a house with some other students, but I don’t like it there.
Nancy: Why? What’s the (3) ________?
Mari: Well, first of all, it’s really noisy, and it’s not very clean. The other people in the house are real slobs. I mean they never lift a finger to clean up after themselves. It really bugs me! I need a place that’s cleaner and more private.
Nancy: Well, it’s really (4) ________here. We’re not home very much.
Mari: What do you do?
Nancy: I teach English at the college.
Mari: Wait a minute! Didn’t we meet yesterday at the (5) ________exam?
Nancy: Oh … you’re the girl from Japan! What was your name again?
Mari: Mari.
Nancy: Right. What a small world!
Mari: It really is. By the way, who else lives in the house? The ad said there are three people.
Nancy: Well besides me there’s my (6) ________, Andrew, and my cousin, Jeff. He’s a musician and a part-time student. Uh, are you OK with having male roommates?
Mari: Sure, as long as they’re clean and not too noisy.
Nancy: Don’t worry. They’re both easy to live with.
Mari: OK. Um, is the neighborhood safe?
Nancy: Oh sure. We haven’t had any problems, and you can (7) ________to school from here.
Mari: Well, it sounds really nice. When can I come by and see it?
Nancy: Can you make it this evening around five? Then you can meet the guys, too.
Mari: Yeah, five o’clock is good. What’s the (8) ________
Nancy: It’s 3475 Hayworth Avenue. Do you know where that is?
Mari: No, I don’t.
Nancy: OK. From University Village you go seven blocks east on Olympic Avenue. At the intersection of Olympic and Alfred there’s a (9) ________. Turn left, and go up one and a half blocks. Our house is in the middle of the block on the left.
Mari: That sounds easy.
Nancy: Yeah, you can’t (10) ________. it. Listen, I’ve got to go. Someone’s at the door. See you this evening.
Mari: OK, see you later. Bye.
Nancy: Bye-bye.

Section Two (20 points, 2 points each)
Part One
Directions: You are going to listen to five short conversations/passages. After each conversation/passage, there is one question. Choose the best answer to each question and write your answers on the Answer Sheet Each conversation/passage will be read twice.
Number One: a conversation
11. How do the students feel about the situation?
A. excited.
B. worried.
C. bored.
Number Two: a conversation
12. What’s the customer’s account number?
A. 391335.
B. 381335.
C. 381339.
Number Three: a conversation
13. What’s the man’s job?
A. A tailor.
B. A dentist.
C. A receptionist.
Number Four: a conversation
14. How does the girl feel about the boy’s hair?
A. She likes it.
B. She does not like it.
C. She thinks it’s funny.
Number Five: a talk
15. What can we infer from this passage?
A. Discoveries and inventions usually happen at the same time.
B. A1l discoveries depend on inventions.
C. A discovery and an invention are not the same thing.
Part Two
Directions: You are going to listen to one conversation. After the conversation, there are five questions. Choose the best answer to each question and write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
16. What is the main topic of the conversation?
A. Heart problems.
B. Medical advances.
C. New medicines.
17. Why did the girl need a second heart operation?
A. Because her new heart didn’t work.
B. Because her old heart didn’t work.
C. Because she needed another heart.
18. When Jane says That’s so weird. what does she mean?
A. It’s good.
B. It’s not true.
C. It’s strange.
19. When Jane says, “Unbelievable!” What does she mean?
A. I don’t believe you.
B. It’s hard to believe.
C. It isn’t true.
20. Why is the story amazing?
A. Because the girl’s original heart got better.
B. Because the girl was born with two hearts.
C. Because the girl had a new heart.
Section Three (30 points, 3 points each)
Directions: You) re going to listen to a conversation. After the conversation there are ten statements. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false on the Answer Sheet. The conversation will be read twice.
21. Campbell Hall is red in color.
22. Campbell Hall is behind the fountain
23. Mari is going to Campbell Hall to attend an art class.
24. Nancy is an English teacher.
25. Mari is from Korea.
26. Mari only wants to Major in international business.
27. Mari has been here for three weeks.
28. Mari has never visited the States before.
29. Mari’s father has a company.
30. Mari thinks English is important for her career.
Section Four (30 points, 3 points each)
Directions: Listen to the lecture and fill in the blanks to complete the notes. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet The lecture will be read twice.
Topic: Changes in American Family
Ⅰ.Typical American family
A. In 1950s:
(31) ________ went to work.
(32) ________ stayed home and took care of the house and the children?
There are usually (33) ________ (how many) children in the family.
B. Changes today:
a. People are having (34) ________ children;
b. More and more children are growing up in single parent families-families with only a mother or only a (35) ________;
In1950s only II percent of married mothers worked outside the home; in
2002 about (36) ________ percent of mothers were working.
1) They need (37) ________,
2)They have more opportunities than they did 30 0r (38) ________
years ago.
New problems:
1) Who takes care of babies and grandparents,
2) Who (39) ________, cooks and cleans;
3)Who volunteers at the children’s (40) ________.


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