高级英语写作 试题
Iriformation for the examinees:
● This examination consists of 3 parts.They are:
Partl:Vocabulary and Structure [10points]
Part2:Paragraph Organization and Development[40 points]
Part3:Writing an Essay[50 points]
● The total marks for this examination are 100 points.Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.
● There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet;therefore,you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task

Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure [ 10 points, 2 points each]
Questions l-5 are based on the following task.
Choose the appropriate words or expressions from the box to complete the following paragraph.
There are THREE extra choices that you don’t need.Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

A.produces B.However C.justas D.care
E.consequences F.Although G.convenient H.responsible

Technology surrounds us and is a part of our daily lives.We can find technological innovations at home,our workplace,our schools,and our playgrounds.(1)_ technology has improved our lives in some ways,it has also brought many negative(2) .
Modern technology has made life very(3) .We have everything we need and our inventions take care of so many unpleasant details in our day-to-day lives.Foods from all over the world are available at local supermarkets.International travel is now fast and easy.We can talk to friends on cell phones any time,anywhere,and we can catch a TV show from many countries faraway.
(4)__ ,these conveniences have a price.We consume too much energy and too many resources,and we create too much waste.The world is overflowing with pollution and waste.We cannot continue like this forever.We should be more(5) about protecting our world while still enjoying conveniences.If our natural world is destroyed,the convemences will be useless.

Part 2 Paragraph Organization and Development [40 points]
Questions 6-8 are based on the following task.(15 points, 5 points each)
Read the following paragraphs.Choose the best answer to each question.Write your answer A,B or C on the Answer Sheet.

(6) In the first place,it is more nutritious than store-bought or restaurant food.It is also less expensive.In addition,preparing and eating home-cooked food helps strengthen family bond.
Home-cooked food has higher nutritious value than prepared food.A lot of prepared food is high in sugar and fat.It is also not very fresh,so it has lost nutritious value while sitting on the shelf waiting to be bought.
(7)__ A restaurant meal,even at a fast-food restaurant,is more expensive than a meal at home.Additionally,you have to tip the server and pay for transportation to and from the restaurant.Buying a pre-packed meal at a grocery store is not any better.It costs a lot more than buying ingredients and preparing the meal yourself.
Family ties grow stronger when family members cook and eat meals together.When family members prepare a meal together,they spend time together.They have the chance to share ideas and discuss problems.(8) They have fun as a family.Their relationships are stronger.
Home-cooked food is good for our health,our wallets,and our family relationships.There is no reason to eat prepared food from grocery stores or restaurants on a regularbasis.
6.Choose the best topic sentence for this paragraph.
A.Home-cooked food is better for us than prepared food in several ways.
B.Home-cooked food takes time to prepare,but it tastes very good.
C.Home-cooked food requires following several steps.
7.Choose the best topicsentence for this paragraph.
A.Eating at a restaurant is not as simple as it looks.
B.Many people enjoy eating at restaurants.
C.It costs a lot of money to buy prepared food.
8.Choose the missing supporting detail.
A.They prepare healthy meals.
B.They learn to communicate with each other.
C.They may have a large or small family.

Question 9 Complete the following paragraph by adding details.(25 points)
● Make sure your tone and the vocabulary you use are in unity with the relevant paragraph.
● Write about 60-80 words.Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

Xiao is a fundamental concept in Chinese culture.What is Xiao?I think Xiao is love for parents and being good to parents.There are many examples of being Xiao towards parents by a son or a daughter.Xiao is respecting your parents.Xiao is not only supporting your parents materially when they need it;it is also frequently updating parents on our situation,so that they wouldn’t worry about us and so that they can help and advise us if they see that we need it.Xiao is not forgetting about your parents’health.(Add supporting details here)

Part 3 Writing an Essay[ 50 points]
Question 10: Write an essay on the following topic.
Write can essay about a place(a cty or a country) that you have visited.
● You can write about your first impressions.
● Think about sights,language,food,people and transportation.
● Write about 150-180 words.


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