Playing Media


The most basic case of multimedia integration in a QML application is for it to playback media. The QtMultimedia module supports this by providing a dedicated QML component: the MediaPlayer.


The MediaPlayer component is a non-visual item that connects a media source to one or several output channel(s). Depending on the nature of the media (i.e. audio, image or video) various output channel(s) can be configured.


Playing audio


In the following example, the MediaPlayer plays a mp3 sample audio file from a remote URL in an empty window:


import QtQuick
import QtMultimediaWindow {width: 1024height: 768visible: trueMediaPlayer {id: playersource: ""audioOutput: AudioOutput {}}Component.onCompleted: {}

In this example, the MediaPlayer defines two attributes:


  • source: it contains the URL of the media to play. It can either be embedded (qrc://), local (file://) or remote (https://).
  • source:它包含要播放的媒体的URL。它可以嵌入(qrc://)、本地(file://)或远程(https://)。
  • audioOutput: it contains an audio output channel, AudioOutput, connected to a physical output device. By default, it will use the default audio output device of the system.
  • audioOutput:它包含一个连接到物理输出设备的音频输出通道audioOutput。默认情况下,它将使用系统的默认音频输出设备。

As soon as the main component has been fully initialized, the player’s play function is called:


Component.onCompleted: {


Playing a video


If you want to play visual media such as pictures or videos, you must also define a VideoOutput element to place the resulting image or video in the user interface.


In the following example, the MediaPlayer plays a mp4 sample video file from a remote URL and centers the video content in the window:


import QtQuick
import QtMultimediaWindow {width: 1920height: 1080visible: trueMediaPlayer {id: playersource: ""audioOutput: AudioOutput {}videoOutput: videoOutput}VideoOutput {id: videoOutputanchors.fill: parentanchors.margins: 20}Component.onCompleted: {}

In this example, the MediaPlayer defines a third attribute:


  • videoOutput: it contains the video output channel, VideoOutput, representing the visual space reserved to display the video in the user interface.
  • videoOutput:它包含视频输出通道videoOutput,代表在用户界面中显示视频所保留的视觉空间。


Please note that theVideoOutputcomponent is a visual item. As such, it's essential that it is created within the visual components hierarchy and not within theMediaPlayeritself.



Controlling the playback


The MediaPlayer component offers several useful properties. For instance, the duration and position properties can be used to build a progress bar. If the seekable property is true, it is even possible to update the position when the progress bar is tapped.


It's also possible to leverage AudioOutput and VideoOutput properties to customize the experience and provide, for instance, volume control.


The following example adds custom controls for the playback:


  • a volume slider
  • 音量滑块
  • a play/pause button
  • 播放/暂停按钮
  • a progress slider
  • 进度滑块
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtMultimediaWindow {id: rootwidth: 1920height: 1080visible: trueMediaPlayer {id: playersource: Qt.resolvedUrl("sample-5s.mp4")audioOutput: audioOutputvideoOutput: videoOutput}AudioOutput {id: audioOutputvolume: volumeSlider.value}VideoOutput {id: videoOutputwidth: videoOutput.sourceRect.widthheight: videoOutput.sourceRect.heightanchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter}Slider {id: parent.topanchors.right: parent.rightanchors.margins: 20orientation: Qt.Verticalvalue: 0.5}Item {height: 50anchors.left: parent.leftanchors.right: parent.rightanchors.bottom: parent.bottomanchors.margins: 20Button {anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCentertext: player.playbackState ===  MediaPlayer.PlayingState ? qsTr("Pause") : qsTr("Play")onClicked: {switch(player.playbackState) {case MediaPlayer.PlayingState: player.pause(); break;case MediaPlayer.PausedState:; break;case MediaPlayer.StoppedState:; break;}}}Slider {id: progressSliderwidth: parent.widthanchors.bottom: parent.bottomenabled: player.seekablevalue: player.duration > 0 ? player.position / player.duration : 0background: Rectangle {implicitHeight: 8color: "white"radius: 3Rectangle {width: progressSlider.visualPosition * parent.widthheight: parent.heightcolor: "#1D8BF8"radius: 3}}handle: Item {}onMoved: function () {player.position = player.duration * progressSlider.position}}}Component.onCompleted: {}

The volume slider


A vertical Slider component is added on the top right corner of the window, allowing the user to control the volume of the media:


Slider {id: parent.topanchors.right: parent.rightanchors.margins: 20orientation: Qt.Verticalvalue: 0.5

The volume attribute of the AudioOutput is then mapped to the value of the slider:


AudioOutput {id: audioOutputvolume: volumeSlider.value

Play / Pause


Button component reflects the playback state of the media and allows the user to control this state:


Button {anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCentertext: player.playbackState ===  MediaPlayer.PlayingState ? qsTr("Pause") : qsTr("Play")onClicked: {switch(player.playbackState) {case MediaPlayer.PlayingState: player.pause(); break;case MediaPlayer.PausedState:; break;case MediaPlayer.StoppedState:; break;}}

Depending on the playback state, a different text will be displayed in the button. When clicked, the corresponding action will be triggered and will either play or pause the media.



The possible playback states are listed below:


  • MediaPlayer.PlayingState: The media is currently playing.
  • MediaPlayer.PlayingState: 媒体正在播放
  • MediaPlayer.PausedState: Playback of the media has been suspended.
  • MediaPlayer.PausedState: 媒体播放已暂停
  • MediaPlayer.StoppedState: Playback of the media is yet to begin.
  • MediaPlayer.StoppedState: 媒体播放尚未开始

Interactive progress slider


Slider component is added to reflect the current progress of the playback. It also allows the user to control the current position of the playback.


Slider {id: progressSliderwidth: parent.widthanchors.bottom: parent.bottomenabled: player.seekablevalue: player.duration > 0 ? player.position / player.duration : 0background: Rectangle {implicitHeight: 8color: "white"radius: 3Rectangle {width: progressSlider.visualPosition * parent.widthheight: parent.heightcolor: "#1D8BF8"radius: 3}}handle: Item {}onMoved: function () {player.position = player.duration * progressSlider.position}

A few things to note on this sample:


  • This slider will only be enabled when the media is seekable (line 5)
  • 此滑块仅在媒体可搜索时启用(第5行)
  • Its value will be set to the current media progress, i.e. player.position / player.duration (line 6)
  • 其值将设置为当前媒体进度,即player.position / player.duration(第6行)
  • The media position will be (also) updated when the slider is moved by the user (lines 19-21)
  • 当用户移动滑块时,介质位置也将更新(第19-21行)


The media status


When using MediaPlayer to build a media player, it is good to monitor the status property of the player. Here is an enumeration of the possible statuses, ranging from MediaPlayer.Buffered to MediaPlayer.InvalidMedia. The possible values are summarized in the bullets below:


  • MediaPlayer.NoMedia. No media has been set. Playback is stopped.
  • MediaPlayer.NoMedia. 没有设置媒体。播放停止。
  • MediaPlayer.Loading. The media is currently being loaded.
  • MediaPlayer.Loading. 媒体当前正在加载。
  • MediaPlayer.Loaded. The media has been loaded. Playback is stopped.
  • MediaPlayer.Loaded. 媒体已加载。播放停止。
  • MediaPlayer.Buffering. The media is buffering data.
  • MediaPlayer.Buffering.媒体正在缓冲数据。
  • MediaPlayer.Stalled. The playback has been interrupted while the media is buffering data.
  • MediaPlayer.Stalled. 媒体缓冲数据时,播放被中断。
  • MediaPlayer.Buffered. The media has been buffered, this means that the player can start playing the media.
  • MediaPlayer.Buffered.媒体已缓冲,这意味着播放机可以开始播放媒体。
  • MediaPlayer.EndOfMedia. The end of the media has been reached. Playback is stopped.
  • MediaPlayer.EndOfMedia. 媒体的末日已经到来。播放停止。
  • MediaPlayer.InvalidMedia. The media cannot be played. Playback is stopped.
  • MediaPlayer.InvalidMedia.媒体无法播放。播放停止。
  • MediaPlayer.UnknownStatus. The status of the media is unknown.
  • MediaPlayer.UnknownStatus.媒体的状况不得而知。

As mentioned in the bullets above, the playback state can vary over time. Calling playpause or stop alters the state, but the media in question can also have an effect. For example, the end can be reached, or it can be invalid, causing playback to stop.



It is also possible to let theMediaPlayerto loop a media item. Theloopsproperty controls how many times thesourceis to be played. Setting the property toMediaPlayer.Infinitecauses endless looping. Great for continuous animations or a looping background song.


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