Google Docs is great, but because it typically requires an internet connection to use, getting things done when you’re offline can be challenging. If you’re using Google Chrome, an official extension named Google Docs Offline changes that.

Google文档非常棒,但是由于通常需要使用互联网才能使用,因此在离线状态下完成工作可能具有挑战性。 如果您使用的是Google Chrome浏览器,则名为Google离线文档的官方扩展会对此进行更改。

Note: Using Google Docs offline requires Google’s official Chrome extension, so you can only use it in Google Chrome. It works for Docs, Sheets, and Slides, but not Forms.

注意:离线使用Google文档需要Google的官方Chrome扩展程序,因此您只能在Google Chrome中使用它。 它适用于文档,表格和幻灯片,但不适用于表格。

如何离线使用Google文档 (How to Use Google Docs Offline)

First, you’ll need to install the Chrome extension Google Docs Offline. After installing it, you’ll find a new setting in each of the main Google apps that lets you set things up for offline use. When you enable that setting in one app, it becomes automatically enabled in all supported Google apps, so you don’t need to go to each app to enable it.

首先,您需要安装Chrome扩展Google离线文档 。 安装后,您会在每个主要的Google应用中找到一个新设置,可将其设置为脱机使用。 在一个应用程序中启用该设置后,该设置将在所有受支持的Google应用程序中自动启用,因此您无需转到每个应用程序即可启用它。

We’ll be working with Google Docs in our example, but it works the same in Slides and Sheets. In the app, click on the hamburger icon in the top left corner, and then again on “Settings.”

在我们的示例中,我们将使用Google Docs,但是在幻灯片和表格中它的工作原理相同。 在应用程序中,单击左上角的汉堡图标,然后再次单击“设置”。

In the Settings window, toggle the “Offline” switch to the on position and then click “OK.”


Doing this enables offline mode across all the Google Drive applications (Docs, Sheets, and Slides).


In an attempt to save space locally, Google Docs only saves recently accessed files locally for use offline. You have to manually enable it by clicking on the three dots icon to the side of a specific document, then toggle “Available Offline” to access your file from anywhere.

为了节省本地空间,Google文档仅将最近访问的文件保存在本地,以供离线使用。 您必须通过单击特定文档侧面的三个点图标来手动启用它,然后切换“可用脱机”以从任何位置访问文件。

Any file that is available offline shows a grey check mark in the bottom left corner of your Docs, Slides, or Sheets homepage.


Now, when you open the file in offline mode, a lightning bolt icon appears at the top of the document, signifying you are opening the file while offline.


You can now create, open, and edit any files without connecting to the internet. The next time your computer connects to a network, all the changes you made are synced to Google’s servers.

您现在可以创建,打开和编辑任何文件,而无需连接到Internet。 下次您的计算机连接到网络时,您所做的所有更改都将同步到Google的服务器。



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