If you want to insert an image or object into a document, it’s relatively simple. However, positioning and getting them to stay where you want can be frustrating. The wrap text feature in Google Docs makes all of this more manageable.

如果要将图像或对象插入文档,则相对简单。 但是,定位并使其停留在您想要的位置可能会令人沮丧。 Google文档中的自动换行功能使所有这些操作更加易于管理。

什么是文字包装? (What Is Text Wrapping?)

Before we get started, it’s helpful to understand how Google Docs handles images and how that affects the text.

在开始之前,了解Google Docs如何处理图像及其对文本的影响会很有帮助。

After you insert an image into your document, you’re given three options: inline, wrap text, and break text. By default, Google Docs sets the text wrapping to “Inline.”

在将图像插入文档中之后,将为您提供三个选项:内联,换行和换行。 默认情况下,Google文档将文字换行设置为“内联”。

For this setting, Docs handles the image the same as another text character in the file. You can position it anywhere throughout a sentence or paragraph, and it moves along the page the same way any text character would.

对于此设置,“文档”将以与文件中另一个文本字符相同的方式处理图像。 您可以将其放置在整个句子或段落中的任何位置,并且它可以像任何文本字符一样在页面中移动。

If you select “Wrap Text,” the text surrounds all four sides of the image or object and leaves a consistent gap between the text and each image’s boundary.


If you choose “Break Text,” on the other hand, the text remains above and below the image or object, breaking up the sentence or paragraph into which you inserted it.


While we don’t use this option in this guide, it’s still good to know all the choices you have.


如何在图像周围换行 (How to Wrap Text Around an Image)

Now that you understand the options, let’s wrap some text! To get started, fire up your browser and go to Google Docs. Open a document with some images around which you want to wrap text.

现在您已经了解了选项,让我们包装一些文字! 首先,请启动浏览器并转到Google文档。 打开包含一些要环绕文本的图像的文档。

If you haven’t inserted your image yet, place the cursor where you want it, click Insert > Image, and then choose the location of your image.


Next, select the image or object, and then click the Wrap Text icon in the box that appears.


You can drag the image around and place it wherever you want in the document. After you release it, the text automatically wraps around all sides of the image.

您可以拖动图像并将其放置在文档中的任何位置。 释放后,文本将自动环绕图像的所有侧面。

The default spacing of the margin (the distance from the edge to the text) is 1/8 inch. However, you can change the margin to anything from 0 to one inch—just click the drop-down arrow after you select the image.

页边距的默认间距(从边缘到文本的距离)为1/8英寸。 但是,您可以将页边距更改为0到1英寸之间的任何内容-选择图像后,只需单击下拉箭头即可。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/450952/how-to-wrap-text-around-images-in-google-docs/


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