
Many writers need to keep track of word count, and Google Docs now makes it easy. In the fall of 2019, Google introduced a heavily requested feature in Docs that counts words on-screen as you type, similar to Microsoft Word. Here’s how to use it.

许多作者需要跟踪字数统计,而Google Docs现在使它变得容易。 在2019年秋天,Google 引入了 Docs中一项要求很高的功能 ,该功能可以在您键入内容时对屏幕上的单词进行计数,类似于Microsoft Word。 这是使用方法。

Click  “Tools” on the menu bar while editing a document and select “Word count”.


A menu will pop up on the screen that displays word count statistics. Click on the checkbox next to “Display word count while typing.”

屏幕上会弹出一个菜单,显示字数统计。 单击“输入时显示字数”旁边的复选框。

Google Docs will display a live word count box in the lower-left corner of the document. It will automatically count the words as you type. Very handy.

Google文档将在文档的左下角显示一个实时单词计数框。 键入时,它将自动对单词计数。 非常便利。

Now, you officially have no excuse for coming in over (or under) your target. Editors of the world rejoice!

现在,您正式没有借口进入目标上方(或下方)。 全世界的编辑们都很高兴!

Before Google introduced this feature, you had to click Tools > Word Count every time you wanted to check the word count. That Word Count menu option still counts the number of pages and characters in the document, so it’s still useful.

在Google引入此功能之前,您每次要检查字数时都必须单击工具>字数。 该“字数统计”菜单选项仍然可以计算文档中的页数和字符数 ,因此它仍然很有用。




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