
Word tracks certain summary information about documents, such as the number of words in a document. If you want to display the number of words contained in your document in the document itself that you can quickly update, this is easily accomplished.

Word跟踪有关文档的某些摘要信息,例如文档中的单词数。 如果要在文档本身中显示可以快速更新的文档中包含的单词数,则很容易实现。

To insert a word count in your document, place the cursor at the point in the document where you want to insert the word count and click the “Insert” tab.


In the “Text” section of the “Insert” tab, click the “Quick Parts” button. If your Word window is not wide enough to display “Quick Parts” next to the appropriate button, click the button with the icon to which the mouse cursor is pointing in the following image.

在“插入”选项卡的“文本”部分中,单击“快速零件”按钮。 如果您的Word窗口不够宽,无法在相应按钮旁边显示“快速部件”,请在下图中单击带有鼠标光标所指向的图标的按钮。

Select “Field” from the drop-down menu.


On the “Field” dialog box, select “Document Information” from the “Categories” drop-down box.


Click on “NumWords” in the “Field names” list on the left.

单击左侧“字段名称”列表中的“ NumWords”。

The “Format” and “Numeric format” lists allow you to specify the format for the field being inserted. However, for the number of words, you don’t need to apply any formatting so don’t select anything from those lists. Click “OK” to insert the field into the document.

“格式”和“数字格式”列表允许您指定要插入的字段的格式。 但是,对于单词数,您无需应用任何格式,因此无需从这些列表中选择任何内容。 单击“确定”将字段插入文档。

The number of words in your document is inserted at the cursor. Once you add or delete words in your document, you can update the word count by right-clicking on the word count number, and selecting “Update Field” from the popup menu.

文档中的单词数插入到光标处。 在文档中添加或删除单词后,可以通过右键单击单词数编号,然后从弹出菜单中选择“更新字段”来更新单词数。

NOTE: When the cursor is in word count number, the number is highlighted in gray because the number is a field.


If you have other fields in your document you want to update, you can update all of them at once by pressing “Ctrl + A” to select the whole document (minus any headers, footers, footnotes, or endnotes) and then pressing “F9”. To update fields in headers, footers, footnotes, and endnotes, you must open those parts of the document and update the fields in them separately.

如果您要更新的文档中还有其他字段,则可以一次全部更新,方法是按“ Ctrl + A”选择整个文档(减去所有页眉,页脚,脚注或尾注),然后按“ F9 ”。 要更新页眉,页脚,脚注和尾注中的字段,必须打开文档的那些部分并分别更新其中的字段。

You can also insert other document properties into your Word document, including built-in and custom properties.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/227012/how-to-insert-a-word-count-into-your-word-document/



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