
Google Docs lets you use voice typing to dictate using your computer’s microphone. It’s great for people who suffer from a repetitive strain injury, or for those who just don’t like typing. Here’s how to use Voice Typing in Google Docs.

Google文档可让您使用语音输入来指示计算机的麦克风。 对于遭受重复性劳损伤害的人或不喜欢打字的人来说,这非常好。 以下是在Google文档中使用语音输入的方法。

Note: Voice Typing is only available for use in Google Docs and the speaker notes of Google Slides, and only if you’re using Google Chrome.

注意:仅当您使用Google Chrome浏览器时, 可以在Google文档和Google幻灯片的演讲者注释中使用语音输入。

如何在Google文档中使用语音输入 (How to Use Voice Typing in Google Docs)

The first thing you’re going to want to do is to make sure you have a microphone installed and working.


Once your microphone is set up, fire up Chrome and head on over to Google Docs. Alternatively, from the address bar in Chrome, type docs.new to start a new document instantly.

设置好麦克风后,启动Chrome并转到Google文档 。 或者,从Chrome的地址栏中,键入docs.new立即启动新文档。

启用语音输入 (Enabling Voice Typing)

To activate Voice typing, click Tools > Voice Typing. You can also press Ctrl+Shift+S in Windows or Command+Shift+S in macOS.

要激活语音输入,请单击工具>语音输入。 您也可以在Windows中按Ctrl + Shift + S或在macOS中按Command + Shift + S。

A window with a microphone icon will appear; click on it when you’re ready to dictate. You can move the tool out of the way by clicking and dragging the window wherever you want.

带有麦克风图标的窗口将会出现。 准备口述时,请单击它。 您可以通过在任意位置单击并拖动窗口来将工具移开。

Note: The first time using Voice Typing, you’ll need to grant Chrome permissions to use your microphone.


If Voice Typing doesn’t automatically load your native tongue, click the three dots and then use the Language drop-down to select from over 100 languages and dialects.


Speak clearly in your normal volume and at your normal pace so the tool can understand what you’re saying. Everything you say now appears in the body of your document. If it’s having trouble understanding you, make sure you have selected the correct dialect in the languages menu.

以正常的音量和正常的步调清晰地说出声音,以便该工具可以理解您的意思。 您现在说的所有内容都会出现在文档的主体中。 如果您无法理解自己的语言,请确保在“语言”菜单中选择了正确的方言。

Voice typing processes your voice in real-time. When you finish speaking, click the microphone again to stop listening.

语音输入会实时处理您的语音。 说完后,再次单击麦克风以停止收听。

添加标点符号 (Adding Punctuation)

Voice typing even understands when you want to add punctuation to your document if you use these phrases:


  • Period

  • Comma


  • Exclamation mark


  • Question mark


  • New line


  • New Paragraph


So, for example, you could say “Dictating in Google Docs is easy and fun period You can even…”

因此,例如,您可以说“在Google Docs中听书是很容易且有趣的时期,您甚至可以…”

Note: Punctuation only works in German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Russian.


使用语音命令 (Using Voice Commands)

Using voice typing doesn’t end with the ability to type words and add punctuation. You can use it to edit and format text and paragraphs inside your document without having to click anything in the toolbar.

使用语音输入并不仅仅限于输入单词和添加标点符号。 您可以使用它来编辑文档中的文本和段落并设置其格式,而无需单击工具栏中的任何内容。

Note: Voice commands are only available in English for Google Docs; they are not available in Slides speaker notes. Both the account and document language must be English.

注意:语音命令仅适用于Google文档的英语版本; 它们在幻灯片演讲者注释中不可用。 帐户和单据语言都必须为英语。

If you mess up and accidentally say something you want to be deleted, you can say “Delete” or “backspace” to remove the word before the cursor.


Here are some other useful commands to get you started being more productive and making the most out of Voice Typing:


  • Selecting text: Select [word, phrase, all, next line, next paragraph, next word, last word]”


  • Format your document: Apply Heading [1-6], apply normal text, Bold, italicize, italics, underline


  • Change font size: Decrease font size, increase font size, font size [6-400], make bigger, make smaller


  • Edit your document: Copy, cut, paste, delete [word or phrase], insert [table of contents, bookmark, equation, footer, header, page break]


  • Move around your document: Go to start/end of [line, paragraph, column, row, document], move to next/previous [character, word, page, column, heading, line, misspelling, paragraph, row]


The number of voice commands almost seems endless, and you can find a full list by clicking the question mark in the tool’s window or by saying “Voice commands list.”


When you’ve finished with your document and no longer want voice typing to pick up any of the words you’re saying, say “Stop listening.”


Voice Typing and speech-to-text have come a long way in recent years and with the number of features, commands, and greater accuracy, you could use it to type all your notes—or even a whole document.


Voice Typing also helps people who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome or otherwise experience pain when typing. Once you’ve mastered all the commands, you may never have to use a keyboard or mouse when typing up a document again!

语音打字还可以帮助患有腕管综合症或在打字时感到疼痛的人。 掌握了所有命令后,再次输入文档时,您可能不必再使用键盘或鼠标!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/399757/how-to-use-voice-typing-in-google-docs/



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