存储过程概念: 就是一组为了完成特定功能的sql语句集创建存储过程
【没有参数】drop procedure if exists 名字;delimiter $$create procedure 名字()beginsql代码块end;delimiter $$【有参数】in 参数传进来  drop procedure if exists 名字;delimiter $$create procedure 名字(in 参数1 数据类型1,out 参数2 数据类型2....)beginsql代码块 end;delimiter $$set @b = "";call  名字(值1,@b);
********************************************************************************调用:call 名字();call 名字;自定义函数是解决特定的需求 存储过程会比自定函数更强大。drop procedure if exists xiaoyang;delimiter $$create procedure xiaoyang()beginselect "虫虫你好漂亮!!";end $$delimiter ;drop procedure if exists xiaoyang2;delimiter $$create procedure xiaoyang2(in n1 int(11),out n2 varchar(100))beginif(n1 <100)then set n2 := concat(n1,"<100");elseif n1 = 100then set n2 := concat(n1,"=100");else set n2 := concat(n1,">100");end if;end $$delimiter ;set @m = "";call xiaoyang2(100,@m);select @m;自定义函数里面不能返回结果集。【select】
存储过程可以赋值:select 值 into  变量;set 变量 = 值;set 变量 := 值;  [推荐方式]
show procedure status;
select db, name, type from mysql.proc where db = 'test' and type='PROCEDURE';
show create procedure p1\G
drop procedure if exists p1;
格式: declare 变量名 变量类型 [default 默认值];drop procedure if exists p2;
delimiter $$create procedure p2()begindeclare age int default 20;declare name varchar(30) default '狗蛋';select concat('姓名:', name, '     年龄:', age);end$$
delimiter ;
call p2();
delimiter $$create procedure p3()begindeclare age int default 40;set age := age + 10;           #赋值select age from dual;end$$
delimiter ;
call p3();
判断语法:if 要判断的语句 then要执行的sql(statement)else要执行的sql(statement)end if;drop procedure if exists p4;
delimiter $$create procedure p4()begindeclare age int default 20;if age > 60 thenselect '已经老了' from dual;elseselect '一枝花' as '威廉' from dual;end if;end$$
delimiter ;
call p4();
语法: [in | out | inout] 参数名 参数数据类型delimiter $$create procedure p5(u_name varchar(30), u_age int)beginif u_name = '胖胖' thenselect '其实一点也不胖' as '胖胖';elseif u_name = '小红' thenselect '她真的很好看' as '小红';elseselect '这个我就不知道了' as '未知的';end if;end$$
delimiter ;
call p5('胖胖', 18);
call p5('小红', 18);
call p5('狗剩', 18);
--在存储过程里使用循环求 1 到 10 的和;
delimiter $$create procedure p6()begindeclare num int default 0;declare i int default 0;while i <= 10 doset num := num + i;set i := i + 1;end while;select num as '总和';end$$
delimiter ;
call p6();
********************************************************************************参数 [in | out | inout] 的使用
语法: [in | out | inout] 参数名 参数数据类型--in
drop procedure if exists p7;
delimiter $$create procedure p7(in n int)begindeclare num int default 0;declare i int default 0;while i <= n doset num := num + i;set i := i + 1;end while;select num as '总和';end$$
delimiter ;
call p7(100);--out
--需求: 把计算出来的和返回出来
drop procedure if exists p8;
delimiter $$create procedure p8(in n int, out num int)begindeclare i int default 0;set num := 0;while i <= n doset num := num + i;set i := i + 1;end while;end$$
delimiter ;
call p8(100, @value);    @name 表示全局的用户变量
select @value as '总和';--inout
delimiter $$create procedure p9(inout age tinyint unsigned)beginset age := age +18;end$$
delimiter ;
set @value = 10;
call p9(@value);
select @value;
drop procedure if exists p10;
delimiter $$create procedure p10()begindeclare i int default 100;# repeatwhile i < 10 doselect i as 'i';set i := i + 1;end while;# until i > 10 end repeat;    #意思是在 i的值 大于10之前 这个条件就满足end$$
delimiter ;
call p10();
********************************************************************************可以使用case 语法
delimiter $$create procedure p11(in u_name varchar(30))begincase u_namewhen '狗蛋' thenselect '狗蛋一点也不蛋' as '狗蛋';when '狗剩' thenselect '这是狗蛋他哥' as '狗剩';when '铁蛋' thenselect '这狗蛋他老表' as '铁蛋';elseselect '不知道他是谁了' as '未知的';end case;end$$
delimiter ;
call p11('铁蛋');
call p11('狗剩');
call p11('蛋蛋');
一条sql,对应n着条结果集的资源, 取出资源的接口/句柄, 就是游标沿着游标可以一次取出一行
--需求: 使用游标获取到第一行的数据;delimiter $$create procedure p12()begindeclare row_no int;declare row_name varchar(30);declare row_sex varchar(10);declare getstu cursor for select stu_no, stu_name, stu_sex from student;     #定义一个游标open getstu;  #打开游标fetch getstu into row_no, row_name, row_sex;      #获取游标select row_no, row_name, row_sex;close getstu;  #关闭游标end$$
delimiter ;
call p12();
********************************************************************************--需求: 使用游标获取到所有的数据;
drop procedure if exists p13;
delimiter $$create procedure p13()begindeclare row_no int;declare row_name varchar(30);declare row_sex varchar(10);declare row int default 0;declare i int default 0;declare getstu cursor for select stu_no, stu_name, stu_sex from student;     #定义一个游标select count(*) into row from student;open getstu;  #打开游标repeatfetch getstu into row_no, row_name, row_sex;      #获取游标select row_no, row_name, row_sex;set i := i + 1;until i >= row end repeat;close getstu;  #关闭游标end$$
delimiter ;
call p13();
********************************************************************************--declare continue handler for NOT FOUND的使用drop procedure if exists p14;
delimiter $$create procedure p14()begindeclare row_no int;declare row_name varchar(30);declare row_sex varchar(10);declare i int default 0;declare getstu cursor for select stu_no, stu_name, stu_sex from student where stu_no = 1;     #定义一个游标# declare continue handler for NOT FOUND set i := 1;      #声明如果没有返回时程序会继续执行 并且把i的值设置为1;declare exit handler for NOT FOUND set i := 1;            #exit 退出open getstu;  #打开游标repeatfetch getstu into row_no, row_name, row_sex;      #获取游标# if i = 0 thenselect row_no, row_name, row_sex, i;# end if;until i = 1 end repeat;      close getstu;  #关闭游标end$$
delimiter ;
call p14();
游标 :遍历整个表 ,对表做出一些改变1. 声明游标   declare `名字` cursor for 表名;  【select id,name from xiaomo】  ======打造宝剑eg: declare xiaoyang cursor for select id,name from xiaomo;2. 打开游标 open 游标; eg: open xiaoyang;    # 取出数据    =====  拔出宝剑3. 取数据 fetch 游标的名字 into 变量1,变量2...;   eg: fetch xiaoyang into mid,mname;  ======寻找敌人,斩于剑下脏话:if(变量1 = "脏话1" or 变量1.... .... ...)then update xiaomo set manme = "*****" where id = 变量1;4.关闭游标 close 游标的名字;     ===== 宝剑回樵eg: close xiaoyang;来一个入门案例:+----+------------+------+------+------+-------+
| id | name       | age  | sex  | xpri | money |
|  1 | I love you |    8 | NULL | NULL |  NULL |
| 12 | 风度迷彩   |   17 | NULL | NULL |   600 |
| 13 | 虫虫       |   27 | NULL | NULL |   600 |
+----+------------+------+------+------+-------+需求:如果用户小于10岁,更改name为  如果用户大于10岁小于18岁,更改name为  我是未成年,你别骗我如果他大于18岁, 更改name为   我是成年人,知道潜规则drop procedure if exists mypro;delimiter $$create procedure mypro()begindeclare mid int(11); #声明一个变量mid,数据类型是 int(11)declare mage int(11); declare mname char(80);declare xiaotao cursor for select id,age,name from xiaomo; #声明游标,名字为xiaotao,遍历的是xiaomo表的id和age字段。open xiaotao;  #打开游标fetch xiaotao into mid,mage,mname;  #从游标里面取出数据,把id取到的值赋给mid,把age取到的值赋给mageif(mage<10)then update xiaomo set name = concat(mname,"我是小孩子,读书少") where id = mid;end if;fetch xiaotao into mid,mage,mname;  #从游标里面取出数据,把id取到的值赋给mid,把age取到的值赋给mageif(mage>10 and mage<18)then update xiaomo set name = concat(mname,"我是未成年,你别骗我") where id = mid;end if;fetch xiaotao into mid,mage,mname;  #从游标里面取出数据,把id取到的值赋给mid,把age取到的值赋给mageif(mage>18)then update xiaomo set name = concat(mname,"我是成年人,知道潜规则") where id = mid;end if;close xiaotao;end $$delimiter ;mysql> select * from xiaomo;
| id | name                                           | age  | sex  | xpri | money |
|  1 | I love you我是小孩子,读书少我是小孩子,读书少 |    8 | NULL | NULL |  NULL |
| 12 | 风度迷彩我是未成年,你别骗我                   |   17 | NULL | NULL |   600 |
| 13 | 虫虫我是成年人,知道潜规则                     |   27 | NULL | NULL |   600 |
+----+------------------------------------------------+------+------+------+-------+mysql> call mypro;
| id号 | 年龄 |
|    1 |    8 |
+------+------+mysql> call mypro;
| id号 | 年龄 |
|    1 |    8 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)+------+------+
| id号 | 年龄 |
|   12 |   17 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)+------+------+
| id号 | 年龄 |
|   13 |   27 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)循环repeat业务代码until 条件  【退出】end repeat;存储过程第一次加载到内存的时候慢,以后调用的时候就好啦。改进版本
drop procedure if exists mypro;delimiter $$create procedure mypro()begindeclare mid int(11); #声明一个变量mid,数据类型是 int(11)declare mage int(11); declare mname char(80);declare flag int default true;  #申明一个变量,默认值是为truedeclare xiaotao cursor for select id,age,name from xiaomo; #声明游标,名字为xiaotao,遍历的是xiaomo表的id和age字段。declare continue handler for not found set flag = false; #遍历没有数据,就更改标志flag为false# declare continue handler for not found 条件;open xiaotao;  #打开游标repeatfetch xiaotao into mid,mage,mname;  #从游标里面取出数据,把id取到的值赋给mid,把age取到的值赋给mageif(mage<10)then update xiaomo set name = concat(mname,"我是小孩子,读书少") where id = mid;elseif(mage>10 and mage<18)then update xiaomo set name = concat(mname,"我是未成年,你别骗我") where id = mid;elseupdate xiaomo set name = concat(mname,"我是成年人,知道潜规则") where id = mid;end if;until flag = falseend repeat;close xiaotao;  # 关闭游标end $$delimiter ;call mypro;call mypro();mysql> select * from xiaomo;
| id | name                                                             | age  | sex  | xpri | money |
|  1 | I love you我是小孩子,读书少我是小孩子,读书少我是小孩子,读书少 |    8 | NULL | NULL |  NULL |
| 12 | 风度迷彩我是未成年,你别骗我我是未成年,你别骗我                 |   17 | NULL | NULL |   600 |
| 13 | 虫虫我是成年人,知道潜规则我是成年人,知道潜规则                 |   27 | NULL | NULL |   600 |
+----+------------------------------------------------------------------+------+------+------+-------+drop function if exists mypro;delimiter $$create function mypro()returns varchar(100)begindeclare mid int(11); #声明一个变量mid,数据类型是 int(11)declare mage int(11); declare mname char(80);declare flag int default true;  #申明一个变量,默认值是为truedeclare xiaotao cursor for select id,age,name from xiaomo; #声明游标,名字为xiaotao,遍历的是xiaomo表的id和age字段。declare continue handler for not found set flag = false; #遍历没有数据,就更改标志flag为false # declare continue handler for not found 条件;open xiaotao;  #打开游标repeatfetch xiaotao into mid,mage,mname;  #从游标里面取出数据,把id取到的值赋给mid,把age取到的值赋给mageif(mage<10)then update xiaomo set name = concat(mname,"我是小孩子,读书少") where id = mid;elseif(mage>10 and mage<18)then update xiaomo set name = concat(mname,"我是未成年,你别骗我") where id = mid;elseupdate xiaomo set name = concat(mname,"我是成年人,知道潜规则") where id = mid;end if;until flag = falseend repeat;close xiaotao;  # 关闭游标return "ok";end $$delimiter ;ERROR 1406 (22001): Data too long for column 'name' at row 11406 : error-code  错误代码22001 :  sqlstate   错误状态mysql> select * from xiaomo;
| id | name   | age  | sex  | xpri | money |
|  1 | gezi1  |    8 | NULL | NULL |  NULL |
| 12 | gezi12 |   17 | NULL | NULL |   600 |
| 13 | gezi13 |   27 | NULL | NULL |   600 |
+----+--------+------+------+------+-------+ERROR 1406 (22001): Data too long for column 'name' at row 1ERROR 1329 (02000): No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed自定义conditiondeclare mycondition condition for 错误代码; eg:  declare mycondition condition for 1406;declare mycondition condition for 错误状态; eg:  declare mycondition condition for '22001';drop procedure if exists mpro;delimiter $$create procedure mpro()begin declare mid int(11);declare mname varchar(100);declare flag int default true;declare mycondition condition for 1406;  #  错误状态declare mycondition1 condition for 1259;  #  错误状态declare mycondition2 condition for 1406;  #  错误状态declare mycondition3 condition for 1406;  #  错误状态declare mycondition4 condition for 1406;  #  错误状态declare mycondition5 condition for 1406;  #  错误状态declare mycondition6 condition for 1406;  #  错误状态 declare cur cursor for select id,name from xiaomo;if(.....)thendeclare continue handler for mycondition set flag = false;   # not found 属于一种状态【condition】elseif(/.///)then declare continue handler for mycondition set flag = false;   # not found 属于一种状态【condition】open cur;repeatfetch cur into mid,mname;update xiaomo set name = concat(name,"hello!!") where id = mid;until flag =falseend repeat;close cur;end $$delimiter ;drop procedure if exists mpro;delimiter $$create procedure mpro()begin declare mid int(11);declare mname varchar(100);declare flag int default true;declare mycondition condition for '22001';  #  错误状态declare cur cursor for select id,name from xiaomo;declare continue handler for mycondition set flag = false;   # not found 属于一种状态【condition】open cur;repeatfetch cur into mid,mname;update xiaomo set name = concat(name,"hello!!") where id = mid;until flag =falseend repeat;close cur;end $$delimiter ;600万create table bw(id int(11) primary key auto_increment,name varchar(11),age tinyint(4) unsigned,birth timestamp);timestamp: 时间蹉while 条件 dosql代码end while;-----------------------------------------
| bw    | CREATE TABLE `bw` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`name` varchar(11) DEFAULT NULL,`age` tinyint(4) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,`birth` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRPRIMARY KEY (`id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 |innodb 索引的情况主键索引  聚簇索引=====》 行数据页面分裂------------------------------------------修改表的引擎
alter table bw engine myisam;bw    | CREATE TABLE `bw` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`name` varchar(11) DEFAULT NULL,`age` tinyint(4) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,`birth` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENPRIMARY KEY (`id`)ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 |插入1000条数据drop procedure if exists mypro;delimiter $$create procedure mypro()begindeclare i int(11) default 0;declare mage int(11) default 10;while i<1000 doset i:= i+1;set mage = floor(rand()*110);  # 0 110insert into bw(name,age) values(concat("monkey",i),mage);end while;       end $$delimiter ;mysql> call mypro;Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)mysql> call mypro();Query OK, 1 row affected (27.74 sec)


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