
- Python或Anaconda
- 手机或模拟器,用于运行游戏
- ADB 驱动,下载地址
- 相关依赖,例如PIL库



  • 核心:每次落稳之后截图,根据截图算出棋子的坐标和下一个块顶面的中点坐标,根据两个点的距离乘以一个时间系数获得长按的时间
  • 识别棋子:靠棋子的颜色来识别位置,通过截图发现最下面一行大概是一条直线,就从上往下一行一行遍历,比较颜色(颜色用了一个区间来比较)找到最下面的那一行的所有点,然后求个中点,求好之后再让 Y 轴坐标减小棋子底盘的一半高度从而得到中心点的坐标
  • 识别棋盘:靠底色和方块的色差来做,从分数之下的位置开始,一行一行扫描,由于圆形的块最顶上是一条线,方形的上面大概是一个点,所以就用类似识别棋子的做法多识别了几个点求中点,这时候得到了块中点的 X 轴坐标,这时候假设现在棋子在当前块的中心,根据一个通过截图获取的固定的角度来推出中点的 Y 坐标
  • 最后:根据两点的坐标算距离乘以系数来获取长按时间(似乎可以直接用 X 轴距离)

2、用 ADB 工具获取当前手机截图,并用 ADB 将截图 pull 上来

adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/autojump.png
adb pull /sdcard/autojump.png


  • 手动版:用 Matplotlib 显示截图,用鼠标点击起始点和目标位置,计算像素距离;
  • 自动版:靠棋子的颜色来识别棋子,靠底色和方块的色差来识别棋盘;

4、用 ADB 工具点击屏幕蓄力一跳;

adb shell input swipe x y x y time(ms)


  • 安卓手机打开 USB 调试,设置 > 开发者选项 > USB 调试
  • 电脑与手机 USB 线连接,确保执行adb devices可以找到设备 ID
  • 界面转至微信跳一跳游戏,点击开始游戏
  • 运行python wechat_jump_auto.py,如果手机界面显示 USB 授权,请点击确认
  • 请按照你的手机分辨率从./config/文件夹找到相应的配置,拷贝到 *.py 同级目录./config.json(如果屏幕分辨率能成功探测,会直接调用 config 目录的配置,不需要复制)

iOS 手机操作步骤

  • 运行安装好的 WebDriverAgentRunner
  • 将手机点击到《跳一跳》小程序界面
  • 运行脚本。有两种模式可供选择:手动辅助跳 和 自动连续跳
    • 手动辅助跳

      • 命令行运行python3 wechat_jump_iOS_py3.py
      • 依次点击弹出的窗口中的起始位置和目标位置,会自动计算距离后起跳
      • 根据起跳的精准情况更改python3 wechat_jump_iOS_py3.py中的time_coefficient参数,直到获得最佳取值
    • 自动连续跳
      • 拷贝./config/iPhone目录下对应的设备配置文件,重命名并替换到./config.json
      • 命令行运行python3 wechat_jump_auto_iOS.py
      • 会自动计算坐标并连续起跳,根据起跳的精准情况更改./config.json 中的press_coefficient参数,直到获得最佳取值


# coding: utf-8
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import shutil
import time
import math
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import random
import json
import re# TODO: 解决定位偏移的问题
# TODO: 看看两个块中心到中轴距离是否相同,如果是的话靠这个来判断一下当前超前还是落后,便于矫正
# TODO: 一些固定值根据截图的具体大小计算
# TODO: 直接用 X 轴距离简化逻辑def open_accordant_config():screen_size = _get_screen_size()config_file = "{path}/config.json".format(path=sys.path[0],screen_size=screen_size)if os.path.exists(config_file):with open(config_file, 'r') as f:print("Load config file from {}".format(config_file))return json.load(f)else:with open('{}/default.json'.format(sys.path[0]), 'r') as f:print("Load default config")return json.load(f)def _get_screen_size():size_str = os.popen('adb shell wm size').read()if not size_str:print('请安装ADB及驱动并配置环境变量')sys.exit()m = re.search('(\d+)x(\d+)', size_str)if m:width = m.group(1)height = m.group(2)return "{height}x{width}".format(height=height, width=width)config = open_accordant_config()# Magic Number,不设置可能无法正常执行,请根据具体截图从上到下按需设置
under_game_score_y = config['under_game_score_y']
press_coefficient = config['press_coefficient']       # 长按的时间系数,请自己根据实际情况调节
piece_base_height_1_2 = config['piece_base_height_1_2']   # 二分之一的棋子底座高度,可能要调节
piece_body_width = config['piece_body_width']             # 棋子的宽度,比截图中量到的稍微大一点比较安全,可能要调节# 模拟按压的起始点坐标,需要自动重复游戏请设置成“再来一局”的坐标
if config.get('swipe'):swipe = config['swipe']
else:swipe = {}swipe['x1'], swipe['y1'], swipe['x2'], swipe['y2'] = 320, 410, 320, 410screenshot_way = 2
screenshot_backup_dir = 'screenshot_backups/'
if not os.path.isdir(screenshot_backup_dir):os.mkdir(screenshot_backup_dir)def pull_screenshot():global screenshot_way# 新的方法请根据效率及适用性由高到低排序if screenshot_way == 2 or screenshot_way == 1:process = subprocess.Popen('adb shell screencap -p', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)screenshot = process.stdout.read()if screenshot_way == 2:binary_screenshot = screenshot.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n')else:binary_screenshot = screenshot.replace(b'\r\r\n', b'\n')f = open('autojump.png', 'wb')f.write(binary_screenshot)f.close()elif screenshot_way == 0:os.system('adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/autojump.png')os.system('adb pull /sdcard/autojump.png .')def backup_screenshot(ts):# 为了方便失败的时候 debugif not os.path.isdir(screenshot_backup_dir):os.mkdir(screenshot_backup_dir)shutil.copy('autojump.png', '{}{}.png'.format(screenshot_backup_dir, ts))def save_debug_creenshot(ts, im, piece_x, piece_y, board_x, board_y):draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)# 对debug图片加上详细的注释draw.line((piece_x, piece_y) + (board_x, board_y), fill=2, width=3)draw.line((piece_x, 0, piece_x, im.size[1]), fill=(255, 0, 0))draw.line((0, piece_y, im.size[0], piece_y), fill=(255, 0, 0))draw.line((board_x, 0, board_x, im.size[1]), fill=(0, 0, 255))draw.line((0, board_y, im.size[0], board_y), fill=(0, 0, 255))draw.ellipse((piece_x - 10, piece_y - 10, piece_x + 10, piece_y + 10), fill=(255, 0, 0))draw.ellipse((board_x - 10, board_y - 10, board_x + 10, board_y + 10), fill=(0, 0, 255))del drawim.save('{}{}_d.png'.format(screenshot_backup_dir, ts))def set_button_position(im):# 将swipe设置为 `再来一局` 按钮的位置global swipe_x1, swipe_y1, swipe_x2, swipe_y2w, h = im.sizeleft = w / 2top = 1003 * (h / 1280.0) + 10swipe_x1, swipe_y1, swipe_x2, swipe_y2 = left, top, left, topdef jump(distance):press_time = distance * press_coefficientpress_time = max(press_time, 200)   # 设置 200 ms 是最小的按压时间press_time = int(press_time)cmd = 'adb shell input swipe {x1} {y1} {x2} {y2} {duration}'.format(x1=swipe['x1'],y1=swipe['y1'],x2=swipe['x2'],y2=swipe['y2'],duration=press_time)print(cmd)os.system(cmd)# 转换色彩模式hsv2rgb
def hsv2rgb(h, s, v):h = float(h)s = float(s)v = float(v)h60 = h / 60.0h60f = math.floor(h60)hi = int(h60f) % 6f = h60 - h60fp = v * (1 - s)q = v * (1 - f * s)t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s)r, g, b = 0, 0, 0if hi == 0: r, g, b = v, t, pelif hi == 1: r, g, b = q, v, pelif hi == 2: r, g, b = p, v, telif hi == 3: r, g, b = p, q, velif hi == 4: r, g, b = t, p, velif hi == 5: r, g, b = v, p, qr, g, b = int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255)return r, g, b# 转换色彩模式rgb2hsv
def rgb2hsv(r, g, b):r, g, b = r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0mx = max(r, g, b)mn = min(r, g, b)df = mx-mnif mx == mn:h = 0elif mx == r:h = (60 * ((g-b)/df) + 360) % 360elif mx == g:h = (60 * ((b-r)/df) + 120) % 360elif mx == b:h = (60 * ((r-g)/df) + 240) % 360if mx == 0:s = 0else:s = df/mxv = mxreturn h, s, vdef find_piece_and_board(im):w, h = im.sizepiece_x_sum = 0piece_x_c = 0piece_y_max = 0board_x = 0board_y = 0left_value = 0left_count = 0right_value = 0right_count = 0from_left_find_board_y = 0from_right_find_board_y = 0scan_x_border = int(w / 8)  # 扫描棋子时的左右边界scan_start_y = 0  # 扫描的起始y坐标im_pixel=im.load()# 以50px步长,尝试探测scan_start_yfor i in range(int(h / 3), int( h*2 /3 ), 50):last_pixel = im_pixel[0,i]for j in range(1, w):pixel=im_pixel[j,i]# 不是纯色的线,则记录scan_start_y的值,准备跳出循环if pixel[0] != last_pixel[0] or pixel[1] != last_pixel[1] or pixel[2] != last_pixel[2]:scan_start_y = i - 50breakif scan_start_y:breakprint('scan_start_y: ', scan_start_y)# 从scan_start_y开始往下扫描,棋子应位于屏幕上半部分,这里暂定不超过2/3for i in range(scan_start_y, int(h * 2 / 3)):for j in range(scan_x_border, w - scan_x_border):  # 横坐标方面也减少了一部分扫描开销pixel = im_pixel[j,i]# 根据棋子的最低行的颜色判断,找最后一行那些点的平均值,这个颜色这样应该 OK,暂时不提出来if (50 < pixel[0] < 60) and (53 < pixel[1] < 63) and (95 < pixel[2] < 110):piece_x_sum += jpiece_x_c += 1piece_y_max = max(i, piece_y_max)if not all((piece_x_sum, piece_x_c)):return 0, 0, 0, 0piece_x = piece_x_sum / piece_x_cpiece_y = piece_y_max - piece_base_height_1_2  # 上移棋子底盘高度的一半for i in range(int(h / 3), int(h * 2 / 3)):last_pixel = im_pixel[0, i]# 计算阴影的RGB值,通过photoshop观察,阴影部分其实就是背景色的明度V 乘以0.7的样子h, s, v = rgb2hsv(last_pixel[0], last_pixel[1], last_pixel[2])r, g, b = hsv2rgb(h, s, v * 0.7)if from_left_find_board_y and from_right_find_board_y:breakif not board_x:board_x_sum = 0board_x_c = 0for j in range(w):pixel = im_pixel[j,i]# 修掉脑袋比下一个小格子还高的情况的 bugif abs(j - piece_x) < piece_body_width:continue# 修掉圆顶的时候一条线导致的小 bug,这个颜色判断应该 OK,暂时不提出来if abs(pixel[0] - last_pixel[0]) + abs(pixel[1] - last_pixel[1]) + abs(pixel[2] - last_pixel[2]) > 10:board_x_sum += jboard_x_c += 1if board_x_sum:board_x = board_x_sum / board_x_celse:# 继续往下查找,从左到右扫描,找到第一个与背景颜色不同的像素点,记录位置# 当有连续3个相同的记录时,表示发现了一条直线# 这条直线即为目标board的左边缘# 然后当前的 y 值减 3 获得左边缘的第一个像素# 就是顶部的左边顶点for j in range(w):pixel = im_pixel[j, i]# 修掉脑袋比下一个小格子还高的情况的 bugif abs(j - piece_x) < piece_body_width:continueif (abs(pixel[0] - last_pixel[0]) + abs(pixel[1] - last_pixel[1]) + abs(pixel[2] - last_pixel[2])> 10) and (abs(pixel[0] - r) + abs(pixel[1] - g) + abs(pixel[2] - b) > 10):if left_value == j:left_count = left_count+1else:left_value = jleft_count = 1if left_count > 3:from_left_find_board_y = i - 3break# 逻辑跟上面类似,但是方向从右向左# 当有遮挡时,只会有一边有遮挡# 算出来两个必然有一个是对的for j in range(w)[::-1]:pixel = im_pixel[j, i]# 修掉脑袋比下一个小格子还高的情况的 bugif abs(j - piece_x) < piece_body_width:continueif (abs(pixel[0] - last_pixel[0]) + abs(pixel[1] - last_pixel[1]) + abs(pixel[2] - last_pixel[2])> 10) and (abs(pixel[0] - r) + abs(pixel[1] - g) + abs(pixel[2] - b) > 10):if right_value == j:right_count = right_count + 1else:right_value = jright_count = 1if right_count > 3:from_right_find_board_y = i - 3break# 如果顶部像素比较多,说明图案近圆形,相应的求出来的值需要增大,这里暂定增大顶部宽的三分之一if board_x_c > 5:from_left_find_board_y = from_left_find_board_y + board_x_c / 3from_right_find_board_y = from_right_find_board_y + board_x_c / 3# 按实际的角度来算,找到接近下一个 board 中心的坐标 这里的角度应该是30°,值应该是tan 30°,math.sqrt(3) / 3board_y = piece_y - abs(board_x - piece_x) * math.sqrt(3) / 3# 从左从右取出两个数据进行对比,选出来更接近原来老算法的那个值if abs(board_y - from_left_find_board_y) > abs(from_right_find_board_y):new_board_y = from_right_find_board_yelse:new_board_y = from_left_find_board_yif not all((board_x, board_y)):return 0, 0, 0, 0return piece_x, piece_y, board_x, new_board_ydef dump_device_info():size_str = os.popen('adb shell wm size').read()device_str = os.popen('adb shell getprop ro.product.model').read()density_str = os.popen('adb shell wm density').read()print("如果你的脚本无法工作,上报issue时请copy如下信息:\n**********\\nScreen: {size}\nDensity: {dpi}\nDeviceType: {type}\nOS: {os}\nPython: {python}\n**********".format(size=size_str.strip(),type=device_str.strip(),dpi=density_str.strip(),os=sys.platform,python=sys.version))def check_screenshot():global screenshot_wayif os.path.isfile('autojump.png'):os.remove('autojump.png')if (screenshot_way < 0):print('暂不支持当前设备')sys.exit()pull_screenshot()try:Image.open('./autojump.png').load()print('采用方式{}获取截图'.format(screenshot_way))except:screenshot_way -= 1check_screenshot()def main():h, s, v = rgb2hsv(201, 204, 214)print(h, s, v)r, g, b = hsv2rgb(h, s, v*0.7)print(r, g, b)dump_device_info()check_screenshot()while True:pull_screenshot()im = Image.open('./autojump.png')# 获取棋子和 board 的位置piece_x, piece_y, board_x, board_y = find_piece_and_board(im)ts = int(time.time())print(ts, piece_x, piece_y, board_x, board_y)set_button_position(im)jump(math.sqrt((board_x - piece_x) ** 2 + (board_y - piece_y) ** 2))save_debug_creenshot(ts, im, piece_x, piece_y, board_x, board_y)backup_screenshot(ts)time.sleep(random.uniform(1.2, 1.4))   # 为了保证截图的时候应落稳了,多延迟一会儿if __name__ == '__main__':main()


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