







Sample Input

5a 10p 20a 30p 40a 50

Sample Output

The 1th fruit is created.The 1th apple is created.The 2th fruit is created.The 1th peach is created.The 3th fruit is created.The 2th apple is created.The 4th fruit is created.The 2th peach is created.The 5th fruit is created.The 3th apple is created.There are 5 fruits, including 3 apples and 2 peaches. Their total weights is 150.



Append Code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;class sellFruit
private:static int numOfFruits, numOfApples,numOfPeach,numOfAll;
public:sellFruit(){}void setFruit(char f,int h){if(f == 'a'){numOfApples++;numOfFruits++;cout << "The "<<numOfFruits<<"th fruit is created."<< endl;cout << "The "<<numOfApples<<"th apple is created." << endl;}else{numOfFruits++;numOfPeach++;cout << "The "<<numOfFruits<<"th fruit is created."<< endl;cout << "The "<<numOfPeach<<"th peach is created." << endl;}numOfAll += h;}static void getAll(){cout << "There are "<<numOfFruits<<" fruits, including "<<numOfApples<<" apples and "<<numOfPeach<<" peaches. Their total weights is "<<numOfAll<<".";}
int sellFruit::numOfAll = 0;
int sellFruit::numOfPeach = 0;
int sellFruit::numOfFruits = 0;
int sellFruit::numOfApples= 0;
int main()
{int num,h;char c;sellFruit *s;cin >> num;s = new sellFruit[num];for(int i = 0;i < num;i++){cin >> c >> h;s[i].setFruit(c,h);}sellFruit::getAll();return 0;

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