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Problem E: 农夫果园

Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB
Submit: 1338  Solved: 1085
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Sample Input

5Apple 4.2 100Banana 8.8 50Apple 4.5 200Banana 7.8 100Pear 3.7 100

Sample Output

Total Price : 77500


Append Code

append.c, append.cc,

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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Fruit
public:virtual void input() = 0;virtual double total()  const = 0;
public:Fruit( ) { }
protected:double uprice;int num;
class Apple : public Fruit
public:void input() {  cin >> uprice; cin >> num; }double total()  const { return uprice * num * 30; }
public:Apple( ) : Fruit() {  }
};class Banana : public Fruit
public:void input() {  cin >> uprice; cin >> num; }double total()  const { return uprice * num * 25; }
public:Banana( ) : Fruit() {  }
};class Pear : public Fruit
public:void input() {  cin >> uprice; cin >> num; }double total()  const { return uprice * num * 20; }
public:Pear( ) : Fruit() {  }
};int main()
{Fruit* fruit;string fruit_name;double sum = 0.0;int cases;cin >> cases;for(int i = 1; i <= cases; i++){cin >> fruit_name;if(fruit_name == "Apple")fruit = new Apple();if(fruit_name == "Banana")fruit = new Banana();if(fruit_name == "Pear")fruit = new Pear();fruit->input();sum += fruit->total();delete fruit;}cout << "Total Price : " << sum << endl;return 0;

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