ipad iphone开发

The camera on the iPhone is acknowledged as one of the best cameras you can get on a phone. In fact, it’s comparable to cameras on many higher-end point-and-shoots. It has several amazing features, including the ability to create time-lapse videos.

iPhone上的相机被认为是您可以在手机上获得的最好的相机之一。 实际上,在许多高端傻瓜相机上,它可与相机媲美。 它具有几个惊人的功能,包括创建延时视频的功能。

Among the options that the iOS camera will let you use are panorama, square, photo, video, and the featured time-lapse.


Scroll up through the options to access the time-lapse feature, here on our iPad, it should be the last one at the top.

The whole idea of taking time-lapse videos is that you have to set your iPhone or iPad in one place for an extended duration. This means the phone or tablet has to be perfectly still. We recommend you prop the device up or use a tripod.

拍摄延时视频的整个想法是,您必须将iPhone或iPad长时间放置在一个地方。 这意味着手机或平板电脑必须完全静止。 我们建议您支撑设备或使用三脚架。

In the following example, we’ve aimed our device at a tree blowing in the wind with puffy clouds passing by in the background. Pressing the red shutter button will begin taking pictures at set intervals.

在下面的示例中,我们将设备对准一棵大风吹过的树,背景中有浮云。 按下红色快门按钮将开始以设定的间隔拍照。

Each tick on the wheel takes a photo but the interval of each photo depends dynamically on how long the video is, which according to this website, can vary from two frames per second for videos under ten minutes, to one frame every eight seconds for videos longer than an hour.

方向盘上的每个刻度拍一张照片,但是每张照片的间隔动态地取决于视频的时长, 根据此网站 ,该时间可以从十分钟以下的视频每秒两帧到视频每八秒一帧的变化超过一个小时

What this means is that the longer you film something, the longer the duration between pictures. If you film something longer than ten minutes, the camera software will go back and delete every frame between so the entire video is consistent.

这意味着您拍摄内容的时间越长,图片之间的持续时间就越长。 如果您拍摄的时间超过十分钟,则相机软件将返回并删除之间的每一帧,从而使整个视频保持一致。

As a result, if you film something for about five minutes, you’ll end up with a video that is around 20 seconds long at 30 frames per second (fps).


On the other hand, if you film something for much longer, you would think that you would end up with a longer video, but because of the way the camera software works, those extra frames will be dropped and you will end up with a video that is more or less the same length.


This doesn’t mean however, that the video will be choppy, it will still play at 30 fps, but at a much faster rate.

但是,这并不意味着视频会断断续续,仍将以30 fps的速度播放,但速度要快得多。

When you’re done filming your video, you can go back and review it. Open Photos and it should be there. You can play it back, favorite it, delete it, or share it with family and friends.

拍摄完影片后,您可以返回并对其进行查看。 打开照片,它应该在那里。 您可以播放,收藏,删除它,或与家人和朋友分享。

Time-lapse videos are really easy but you have to keep a couple things in mind. First, you’re going to need to leave you iPhone or iPad in one place for an extended period of time. Like we said, that means you will need to prop it against something or more ideally, use a stand or tripod.

延时视频真的很容易,但是您必须牢记一些注意事项。 首先,您需要将iPhone或iPad长时间放置在一个地方。 就像我们说的那样,这意味着您需要将其支撑在某个物体上或更理想的情况下,使用支架或三脚架。

Also, the longer your video, the faster it will play. It will still be 30 fps, but the camera software will remove frames the longer you record.

另外,视频越长,播放速度越快。 仍然为30 fps,但是相机软件会在您记录的时间越长时删除帧。

Spend some time trying it out. Point your phone or camera at something interesting, ensure the device is still, and let it record. If you have any questions or comments you would like to contribute, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

花一些时间尝试一下。 将手机或相机对准有趣的地方,确保设备静止不动并进行记录。 如果您有任何疑问或意见要发表,请在我们的论坛中发表您的反馈意见。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/226487/how-to-take-time-lapse-videos-on-iphone-or-ipad/

ipad iphone开发

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