Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

There’s no way to leave email conversations if someone accidentally hits the “Reply All” button. What you can do is mute the conversation on your end to disable notifications. Here’s how to mute threads on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac using the Mail app.

如果有人不小心点击了“全部答复”按钮,则无法离开电子邮件对话。 您可以做的就是让您的通话静音,以禁用通知。 这是使用“邮件”应用程序使iPhone,iPad或Mac上的线程静音的方法。

如何在iPhone和iPad上使邮件线程静音 (How to Mute Mail Threads on iPhone and iPad)

To mute a thread on an iPhone or iPad, you need to be running iOS 13 or iPadOS 13 and higher.

要使iPhone或iPad上的线程静音,您需要运行iOS 13或iPadOS 13及更高版本。

There are two ways to do this. The first works without even opening the email. You can also mute a message from the reply menu.

有两种方法可以做到这一点。 第一种方法甚至无需打开电子邮件即可使用。 您也可以从回复菜单中使消息静音。

If you’re in the Inbox, swipe left on an email and select the “More” option.


From the popup, tap on the “Mute” button.


The email will now have a small “Bell” icon to tell you that the thread has been muted.


If the email is already open, tap on the “Reply” button from the bottom-right corner.


Then, scroll down a bit until you see the “Mute” option. Tap on the button to mute the thread.

然后,向下滚动一点,直到看到“静音”选项。 点击按钮以使线程静音。

If you want to unmute the thread later on, follow the same process, and tap on the “Unmute” option.


如何在Mac上使邮件线程静音 (How to Mute Mail Threads on Mac)

Open the Mail app on your Mac that’s running macOS Catalina. Next, select an email or multiple emails. From the top toolbar, locate the “Bell” icon and click on it.

在运行macOS Catalina的 Mac上打开Mail应用程序。 接下来,选择一个或多个电子邮件。 在顶部工具栏中,找到“响铃”图标,然后单击它。

The icon will change to a bell icon with a dash across it. This means that the conversation has been muted.

该图标将变为带有短划线的铃铛图标。 这意味着对话已被静音。

You can also mute a conversation by right-clicking on an email from the list view and selecting the “Mute” option.


To unmute a thread, click on the “mute” button from the toolbar again.


This is just one of the new features in iOS 13. Take a look at our best new features list for iOS 13, and once you update, make sure to try the new Dark mode.

这只是iOS 13中的新功能之一。 查看我们适用于iOS 13的最佳新功能列表,更新后,请确保尝试使用新的Dark模式 。



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