import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline


import tushare as ts
pingan = ts.get_k_data('601318',start='2011-01-01')
date open close high low volume code
0 2011-01-04 24.984 25.011 25.314 24.830 245626.0 601318
1 2011-01-05 24.870 24.110 24.962 24.083 427554.0 601318
2 2011-01-06 24.145 23.112 24.145 22.611 947078.0 601318
3 2011-01-07 23.279 23.297 23.842 22.765 659013.0 601318
4 2011-01-10 23.248 22.866 23.688 22.809 282919.0 601318
date open close high low volume code
1999 2019-04-03 78.48 79.86 80.15 78.37 760219.0 601318
2000 2019-04-04 80.08 80.20 80.96 79.25 795626.0 601318
2001 2019-04-08 80.70 80.59 82.25 80.02 916122.0 601318
2002 2019-04-09 80.40 81.10 82.00 80.37 601737.0 601318
2003 2019-04-10 80.80 82.03 82.11 79.66 783620.0 601318
pingan['date'] = pd.to_datetime(
pingan.set_index('date',inplace = True)
DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-04', '2011-01-05', '2011-01-06', '2011-01-07','2011-01-10', '2011-01-11', '2011-01-12', '2011-01-13','2011-01-14', '2011-01-17',...'2019-03-27', '2019-03-28', '2019-03-29', '2019-04-01','2019-04-02', '2019-04-03', '2019-04-04', '2019-04-08','2019-04-09', '2019-04-10'],dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='date', length=2004, freq=None)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x2360fa68e10>

g_yue = pingan['close'].resample('M').ohlc()
open high low close
2011-01-31 25.011 25.011 21.249 21.842
2011-02-28 21.952 22.980 21.477 21.868
2011-03-31 22.084 23.512 21.433 21.736
2011-04-30 22.514 24.123 22.514 22.954
2011-05-31 23.103 23.103 20.972 21.407
2011-06-30 21.310 21.310 19.495 21.213
2011-07-31 21.156 21.609 19.534 19.724
2011-08-31 19.906 19.906 17.867 18.053
2011-09-30 18.231 18.294 14.935 14.935
2011-10-31 15.082 17.226 15.082 17.208
2011-11-30 17.449 18.036 15.687 15.687
2011-12-31 16.541 16.901 14.935 15.322
2012-01-31 15.082 17.395 15.060 17.057
2012-02-29 16.643 18.556 16.643 18.160
2012-03-31 18.040 18.352 16.123 16.274
2012-04-30 16.799 18.405 16.750 18.111
2012-05-31 18.761 19.166 18.085 18.636
2012-06-30 18.761 20.518 18.094 20.349
2012-07-31 20.509 20.572 19.493 19.793
2012-08-31 20.227 20.227 17.193 17.381
2012-09-30 17.829 18.833 17.560 18.833
2012-10-31 18.613 19.018 17.091 17.423
2012-11-30 17.661 17.661 15.865 16.382
2012-12-31 16.449 20.338 16.449 20.338
2013-01-31 21.155 21.653 19.952 21.653
2013-02-28 22.799 23.701 20.194 21.137
2013-03-31 20.634 20.634 18.245 18.757
2013-04-30 18.407 19.265 17.877 17.877
2013-05-31 17.976 18.717 17.374 17.920
2013-06-30 17.929 17.929 15.558 15.726
... ... ... ... ...
2016-11-30 33.393 35.031 32.964 34.602
2016-12-31 34.688 35.269 33.012 33.745
2017-01-31 33.983 34.774 33.536 34.774
2017-02-28 33.926 35.069 33.926 34.507
2017-03-31 34.440 35.250 33.907 35.250
2017-04-30 35.336 36.155 33.821 36.155
2017-05-31 36.107 43.327 35.488 42.927
2017-06-30 43.784 47.584 42.546 47.251
2017-07-31 46.613 52.003 45.641 50.087
2017-08-31 52.812 54.940 47.738 53.948
2017-09-30 54.083 54.685 51.567 52.616
2017-10-31 53.199 62.525 53.199 62.525
2017-11-30 62.292 76.203 62.185 67.926
2017-12-31 66.158 72.774 66.158 67.985
2018-01-31 70.520 76.514 68.014 72.939
2018-02-28 73.328 73.843 62.593 65.828
2018-03-31 66.965 71.977 63.448 63.448
2018-04-30 62.816 66.304 59.154 59.154
2018-05-31 59.591 62.272 58.921 60.358
2018-06-30 59.882 63.990 56.267 58.000
2018-07-31 54.673 61.545 54.673 60.990
2018-08-31 59.109 62.842 56.020 62.357
2018-09-30 62.109 68.500 60.600 68.500
2018-10-31 64.780 67.930 61.850 63.630
2018-11-30 64.300 67.350 62.640 63.490
2018-12-31 64.990 64.990 56.100 56.100
2019-01-31 55.180 62.980 55.180 62.980
2019-02-28 63.210 73.000 63.210 70.010
2019-03-31 72.390 77.100 68.700 77.100
2019-04-30 78.600 82.030 78.600 82.030

100 rows × 4 columns

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x23612ba5e10>

shouyi = (pingan['close'][-1] - pingan['close'][0])/pingan['close'][0]
y_num = pingan.index[-1].year - pingan.index[0].year
2011    25.011
2011    24.110
2011    23.112
2011    23.297
2011    22.866
2011    22.905
2011    23.288
2011    23.283
2011    22.844
2011    21.908
2011    21.974
2011    22.273
2011    21.438
2011    21.714
2011    21.249
2011    21.315
2011    21.504
2011    21.943
2011    21.710
2011    21.842
2011    21.952
2011    21.930
2011    22.224
2011    21.961
2011    22.980
2011    22.695
2011    22.629
2011    22.528
2011    22.492
2011    22.659...
2019    69.980
2019    70.010
2019    72.390
2019    72.580
2019    72.070
2019    72.160
2019    70.290
2019    68.700
2019    68.790
2019    69.250
2019    71.540
2019    72.800
2019    73.850
2019    75.000
2019    75.350
2019    76.550
2019    75.800
2019    74.720
2019    72.290
2019    72.690
2019    74.220
2019    73.400
2019    77.100
2019    78.600
2019    78.960
2019    79.860
2019    80.200
2019    80.590
2019    81.100
2019    82.030
Freq: A-DEC, Name: close, Length: 2004, dtype: float64
pingan['close'].to_period('A').groupby(level = 0).first().plot()
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x23612bdc748>

pingan['42d'] = pingan['close'].rolling(window=42).mean()
pingan['250d'] = pingan['close'].rolling(window=250).mean()
pingan[['close','42d','250d']].plot(figsize=(12,8),color = ['y','b','r'])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x2360fa38550>

pingan['duishu'] = np.log(pingan['close']/pingan['close'].shift(1))   #shifting 指的是沿着时间轴将数据前移或后移。
pingan[['close','duishu']].plot(subplots = True,figsize=(12,12))
array([<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x0000023612FB0CF8>,<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x000002361301E978>],dtype=object)


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