
Chrome主题diy 效果截图

theme is a special kind of extension that changes the way the browser looks. Themes are packaged like regular extensions, but they don’t contain JavaScript or HTML code.




Here is an example manifest.json file for a theme:

{"version": "2.6","name": "camo theme","theme": {"images" : {"theme_frame" : "images/theme_frame_camo.png","theme_frame_overlay" : "images/theme_frame_stripe.png","theme_toolbar" : "images/theme_toolbar_camo.png","theme_ntp_background" : "images/theme_ntp_background_norepeat.png","theme_ntp_attribution" : "images/attribution.png"},"colors" : {"frame" : [71, 105, 91],"toolbar" : [207, 221, 192],"ntp_text" : [20, 40, 0],"ntp_link" : [36, 70, 0],"ntp_section" : [207, 221, 192],"button_background" : [255, 255, 255]},"tints" : {"buttons" : [0.33, 0.5, 0.47]},"properties" : {"ntp_background_alignment" : "bottom"}}

colors 颜色

Colors are in RGB format.

images 图片

Image resources use paths relative to the root of the extension.

properties 属性

This field lets you specify properties such as background alignment, background repeat, and an alternate logo.

tints 色彩

You can specify tints to be applied to parts of the UI such as buttons, the frame, and the background tab. Google Chrome supports tints, not images, because images don’t work across platforms and are brittle in the case of adding new buttons.


   "description": "devwang-theme【email:devwang.com@gmail.com】",
   "manifest_version": 2,
   "name": "devwang-theme",
   "short_name": "devwang",
   "theme": {
     "colors": {
       "bookmark_text": [0, 0, 0],
       "frame": [71, 105, 91],
       "ntp_background": [255, 255, 255],
       "ntp_link": [36, 70, 0],
       "ntp_section_link": [207, 221, 192],
       "ntp_section_text": [207, 221, 192],
       "ntp_text": [20, 40, 0],
       "tab_background_text": [ 102, 102, 102],
       "tab_text": [0, 0, 0],
       "toolbar": [207, 221, 192]
   "images": {
     "theme_ntp_background": "images/bg.jpg",
     "theme_toolbar": "images/tb.png"
   "properties": {
     "ntp_background_alignment": "center center",
     "ntp_background_repeat": "no-repeat"
   "tints": {
     "background_tab": [ 0, 0, 0 ],
     "buttons": [0.33, 0.5, 0.47 ]
   "version": "1.0.0"





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