
Finding min and max values is pretty much simple with the functions min() and max() in R.


You know that we have functions like mean, median, sd, and mode to calculate the average, middle, and dispersion of values respectively. But did you ever thought of a function which gives you min and max values in a vector or a data frame?

你知道,我们有这样的功能平均值 , 中位数 , SD和模式分别计算平均值,中间和值的波动。 但是您是否想到过一个可以在向量或数据帧中为您提供最小值和最大值的函数?

If so, congratulations, you have got functions named min() and max() which returns the minimum and maximum values respectively.


Sounds interesting right? Let’s see how it works!

听起来很有趣吧? 让我们看看它是如何工作的!

让我们从语法开始 (Let’s start with the syntax)

The syntax of the min() function is given below.


min(x, na.rm = FALSE)
  • x = vector or a data frame.x =向量或数据帧。
  • na.rm = remove NA values, if it mentioned False it considers NA or if it mentioned True it removes NA from the vector or a data frame.na.rm =删除NA值,如果提到False,则认为NA;如果提到True,则从向量或数据帧中删除NA。

The syntax of the max() function is given below.


max(x, na.rm = FALSE)
  • x = vector or a data frame.x =向量或数据帧。
  • na.rm = remove NA values, if it mentioned False it considers NA or if it mentioned True it removes NA from the vector or a data frame.na.rm =删除NA值,如果提到False,则认为NA;如果提到True,则从向量或数据帧中删除NA。

R中的Max()函数 (Max() function in R)

In this section, we are going to find the max values present in the vector. For this, we first create a vector and then apply the max() function, which returns the max value in the vector.

在本节中,我们将找到向量中存在的最大值。 为此,我们首先创建一个向量,然后应用max()函数,该函数返回向量中的最大值。

#creates a vector
vector<-c(45.6,78.8,65.0,78.9,456.7,345.89,87.6,988.3)#returns the max values present in the vector

Output= 988.3

输出= 988.3

R中的Min()函数 (Min() function in R)

Here, we are going to find the minimum value in a vector using function min(). You can create a vector and then apply min() to the vector which returns the minimum value as shown below.

在这里,我们将使用min()函数在向量中找到最小值。 您可以创建一个向量,然后将min()应用于该向量,该向量将返回最小值,如下所示。

#creates a vector
vector<-c(45.6,78.8,65.0,78.9,456.7,345.89,87.6,988.3)#returns the minimum value present in the vector

Output = 45.6

输出= 45.6

R中具有NA值的Max()函数 (Max() function in R with NA values)

Sometimes in the data analysis, you may encounter the NA values in a data frame as well as a vector. Then you need to bypass the NA values in order to get the desired result.

有时在数据分析中,您可能会在数据帧和向量中遇到NA值。 然后,您需要绕过NA值以获得所需的结果。

The max function won’t return any values if it encounters the NA values in the process. Hence you have to remove NA values from the vector or a data frame to get the max value.

如果max函数在过程中遇到NA值,则不会返回任何值。 因此,您必须从向量或数据帧中删除NA值才能获得最大值

#creates a vector having NA values
df<- c(134,555,NA,567,876,543,NA,456)#max function won't return any value because of the presence of NA.
max(df)#results in NA instead of max value
Output = NA

So to avoid this and get the max value we are using na.rm function to remove NA values from the vector. Now you can see that the max() function is returning the maximum value.

因此,为了避免这种情况并获得最大值,我们使用na.rm函数从向量中删除NA值。 现在您可以看到max()函数正在返回最大值。

#max function with remove NA values is set as TRUE.
max(df, na.rm = T)

Output = 876

输出= 876

R中具有NA值的Min()函数 (Min() function in R with NA values)

Just like we applied the max function in the above section, here we are going to find the minimum value in a vector having NA values.


#creates a vector having NA values
df<- c(134,555,NA,567,876,543,NA,456)#returns NA instead of minimum value

Output = NA

输出= NA

To overcome this, we are using na.rm function to remove NA values from the vector. Now you can that the min() function is returning the min value.

为了克服这个问题,我们使用na.rm函数从向量中删除NA值。 现在您可以使min()函数返回最小值。

#creates a vector having NA values
df<- c(134,555,NA,567,876,543,NA,456)#removes NA values and returns the minimum value in the vector
min(df, na.rm = T)

Output = 134

输出= 134

字符向量中的Min()和Max()函数 (Min() and Max() functions in a character vector)

Till now we have dealt with numerical minimum and maximum values. If I have to tell you something, I wish to say that you can also find the min and max values for a character vector as well. Yes, you heard it right!

到现在为止,我们已经处理了数值的最小值和最大值。 如果需要告诉您一些信息,我想说的是,您也可以找到字符向量的最小值和最大值。 是的,您没听错!

Let’s see how it works!


In the case of character vectors, the min and max functions will consider alphabetical order and returns min and max values accordingly as shown below.


#creates a character vector with some names
character_vector<- c('John','Angelina','Smuts','Garena','Lucifer')#returns the max value

Output = “Smuts”


Similarly, we can find the minimum values in the character vector as well using min() function which is shown below.


#creates a character vector with some names
character_vector<- c('John','Angelina','Smuts','Garena','Lucifer')#returns the minimum values in the vector

Output = “Angelina”


数据帧中的Min()和Max()函数 (Min() and Max() functions in a data frame )

Let’s find the minimum and maximum values of a data frame by importing it. The min and max values in a dataset will give a fair idea about the data distribution.

通过导入来查找数据帧的最小值和最大值。 数据集中的最小值和最大值将为数据分配提供一个合理的思路。

This is the air quality dataset that is available in R studio. Note that the dataset includes NA values. With the knowledge of removing NA values using na.rm function, let’s find the min and max values in the Ozone values.

这是R studio中可用的空气质量数据集。 请注意,数据集包含NA值。 了解使用na.rm函数删除NA值后,让我们在Ozone值中找到最小值和最大值。

min(airquality$Ozone, na.rm=T)

Output = 1

输出= 1

max(airquality$Ozone, na.rm = T)

Output = 168

输出= 168

Let’s find the min and max values of the Temperature values in the airquality dataset.


min(airquality$Temp, na.rm = T)

Output = 56

输出= 56

max(airquality$Temp, na.rm = T)

Output = 97

输出= 97

结语 (Wrapping up)

Well, in this tutorial we have focussed on finding the minimum and maximum values in a vector, data frame, and a character vector as well.


The min and max functions can be used in both numerical as well as character vectors. You can also remove the NA values using na.rm function to get better accuracy and desired results.

最小值和最大值函数可用于数值向量和字符向量。 您也可以使用na.rm函数删除NA值,以获得更好的准确性和所需的结果。

That’s all for now. I hope you will find more min and max values as shown in the above sections. Don’t forget to hit the comments section for any queries.

目前为止就这样了。 我希望您会发现更多的最小值和最大值,如以上各节所示。 不要忘记点击注释部分进行任何查询。

Happy learning!!!


More study: R documentation

更多研究: R文档

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/40266/min-max-in-r



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