
You’re probably reading this article because you’re frustrated with that CCC.exe process running in Task Manager, and you’d like to know how to get rid of it, or at least understand what it’s there for.


This article explains what the process actually is, but we’ve also got you covered if you want to remove the ATI Catalyst Control center from the desktop right-click menu.

本文介绍了实际的过程,但是如果您要从桌面右键单击菜单中删除ATI Catalyst Control中心 ,我们也会为您提供帮助。

For example, you’ll see the process here wasting memory in Task Manager…


So What Is It?


CCC stands for Catalyst Control Center, and it’s part of your ATI video card driver package—or to be more specific, it’s part of the utilities bundled along with the drivers, and adds features like customizing your display, or setting hotkeys for different display profiles. As long as the ccc.exe utility is installed into your Program Files\ATI Technology directory, it’s a legit process that can be left alone.

CCC代表Catalyst Control Center,它是ATI视频卡驱动程序软件包的一部分-更具体地说,它是与驱动程序捆绑在一起的实用程序的一部分,并添加了自定义显示或为不同的显示配置文件设置热键的功能。 只要将ccc.exe实用程序安装到Program Files \ ATI Technology目录中,这就是一个合法的过程,可以单独使用。

It’s also responsible for that icon cluttering up your system tray:


Once you’ve launched the full Control Center, you’ll see a screen similar to this one (depending on your driver version).


On my test system, there was no startup item anywhere for this process. Depending on your driver version, it’s possible that it would be included in startup and could be removed.

在我的测试系统上,此过程的任何地方都没有启动项。 根据您的驱动程序版本,它可能会包含在启动中并可能被删除。

Get Rid of the Tray Icon


You can remove the icon easily by clicking Options –> Preferences –> Enable System Tray Menu to turn it off. Sadly, this won’t usually get rid of the process that’s running, but at least it’ll save a few resources and keep your system tray cleaner.

通过单击选项–>首选项–>启用系统任务栏菜单将其关闭,可以轻松删除该图标。 可悲的是,这通常不会摆脱正在运行的进程,但是至少它将节省一些资源并保持系统托盘更清洁。

Note that depending on your driver version, this setting might be in a different place, but it should definitely be in there.


Depending on your driver version, it’s possible this might remove the process—it didn’t on my laptop, however.


Totally Uninstall CCC.exe (and the ATI Control Panel)


You can completely get rid of the whole thing by simply going to Uninstall programs in Control Panel, and just removing it from there using the wizard—you’ll want to make sure to keep the display driver installed, and just remove the ATI Catalyst Control Panel.

您只需要将控制面板中的程序卸载,然后使用向导将其从那里删除,就可以完全摆脱整个问题。您需要确保保持显示驱动程序的安装,并仅删除ATI Catalyst Control面板。

You can also totally uninstall the entire package, and then reinstall without selecting the control panel. It’s up to you.

您也可以完全卸载整个程序包,然后在不选择控制面板的情况下重新安装。 由你决定。

Install ATI Drivers Manually


Depending on how you removed the ATI components, you might need to re-install your drivers (without installing Catalyst). You can do so in Device Manager by right-clicking on the display driver and choosing Update Driver Software.

根据卸下ATI组件的方式,可能需要重新安装驱动程序(而不安装Catalyst)。 您可以在设备管理器中通过右键单击显示驱动程序并选择更新驱动程序软件来执行此操作。

Once the wizard has opened, you can allow Windows to search automatically (if you aren’t a gamer this usually works pretty well). Otherwise, you can download the drivers manually, extract them to a folder, and then click the ‘Browse my computer for driver software”.

向导打开后,您可以允许Windows自动搜索(如果您不是游戏玩家,则通常效果很好)。 否则,您可以手动下载驱动程序,将其解压缩到文件夹中,然后单击“浏览我的计算机以获取驱动程序软件”。

Then choose the location you uninstalled the software to, and make sure to click “Include subfolders” when checking for the driver.


Temporarily Kill CCC.exe the Easy Way


If you’d rather keep the ATI utilities installed because you use them, you can setup a shortcut to automatically kill CCC.exe whenever you want… just create a new shortcut to the following:


taskkill /f /im ccc.exe

taskkill / f / im ccc.exe

You could even try putting this into your startup folder… or create a scheduled task instead. This is the safest and easiest method to get rid of the process without breaking anything else.

您甚至可以尝试将其放入启动文件夹中…或创建计划任务。 这是摆脱该过程而不破坏其他任何东西的最安全,最简单的方法。

Drastic Steps You Shouldn’t Take


If you want to keep all the ATI stuff installed, but want to get rid of CCC.exe, you could simply rename the file to CCC.bak instead. This will keep the process from running, but obviously is going to break anything that would be trying to use it. Keep this as the last resort, and you should probably disable the tray item before you do this.

如果要保留所有ATI东西,但要摆脱CCC.exe,则可以简单地将文件重命名为CCC.bak。 这将使该进程无法运行,但是很显然,它将破坏任何试图使用它的东西。 保留它作为最后的手段,并且在执行此操作之前,您可能应该禁用纸盘项目。




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