1. Employers have found that many young competitors have the basic and best qualifications(资格证书) for success and they are intelligent, creative, and hard-working.
  2. Since parents are usually the major source of social support in early life, a child’s perception of parental love may have important effects on their life.
  3. The storm was the most powerful to hit Hawaii this century. It greatly destroyed sugar and coffee plantations.
  4. Scientists have developed through hard work a new material that cannot be compressed even under extremely high pressure.
  5. Law students tend to become highly concerned with matters of proper procedure and exhibit an increased tendency to reason.
  6. He was a greedy person and never felt contented with what he had, so he could hardly make any close friends.
  7. Your fashion choices make a statement about your interests or interntions, and these statements are subject to cultural interpretation.
  8. Both sides of the negotiation should create conditions for the peaceful resolution of the iisue and avoid taking actions that would complicate the situation further.
  9. The architecture students could not understand their professor’s illustration of the new library structure until he showed them the plans.
  10. After an analysis of his personality, I realized that his stories were a(n) extension of his desires to rise to higher and higher positions.
  11. Car manufacturers stamp vehicle identification numbers at several locations on new cars to help track down the vehicles in case they are stolen.
  12. The defense lawyer gave many excellent examples to show that the police officer had acted in self-defense and short the man with justification.

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