unit 1 :

1.Careful and detailed planning, plus a firm editorial hand, was an essential ingredient in the success of the book.


2.In terms of health condition, we must not forget that health recovery is brought about not by doctors but by patients themselves.


3.With the help of the textbook, you’ll possibly speak, read and write English with fluency and accuracy(精准).

4.While he was trying to get through the crowed, the passenger was taken away because security members found an explosive substance(爆炸性物质) in his bag.

5.Dave was newly hired by our company, and he is a good choice for the position since he gained rich tradition experience when I was working for another company.(Dave是我们公司新聘的员工,他在我在另一家公司工作的时候积累了丰富的传统经验,是这个职位很好的选择)

6.Students especially like the design of the textbook that provides a(n) margin on the each page to let them conveniently take notes.

7.It was Henry Ford who introduced the moving assembly belts(移动装配带) into his plants, which enable an enormous increase in production.

8.When the People’s Republic of China was founded ,the school was run by the ministry of Education.

9.The climate has changed too much and too quickly: This is why wild animal survival is becoming more and more difficult every year.

10.If you live in India or West Africa, where there is a long tradition of speaking English(很长说英语的传统), you would tend to acquire a variety of pronunciation.

11.In regard to(关于) the development of moral standards in the growing child, consistency is very important when parents teach their children.(就成长中的孩子的道德标准的发展而言,父母教育孩子时的一致性是非常重要的!)

12.Just as most people have realized, jogging is a cheap,quick and efficient way to maintain physical fitness.

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