What is China?

The People’sRepublic of China, commonly knows as China, is located in east Asia, andborders 14 nations or any other county in the world, it is the most populationstate in the world, with a 1.3 billion citizens, while the world’s populationis 6.8 billion. that means other every 5 people in the world, one is Chinese.China’s made of 56 distictive ethnic(种族的) groups. With HanChinese making the 92% of its whole population, China is a single partygoverned by the Communist(共产党) Party of China, whose power is enshrined in(庄严载入) Chinese constitution(宪法). ThoughChina is officially(官方地) an atheist(无神论的) county, its religious(宗教的) roots lie withinConfucianism(儒教), Buddhism(佛教) and Taoism(道教), and from these most social and moral values are derived, thereare also a significant number of Chinese Muslims. Who arrived via the silk roadtrade route and still retain their distinct culture.

History: China’sone of the world oldest civilizations, *ing back more than 5 million year andwas ruled by successive dynasties until 1912, during these time, many greatdiscoveries in fields of science and technology were made, including theinventions of printing, paper, gun powder and compass, this period also saw theconstruction of many landmarks(地标,建筑), such as the great wall which stretches over 4000 miles. Equals to30 return travels from London to Paris, after a period of foreign occupationand civil war(内战), Communist Party of China led by Mao gained control of mainlandChina in 1949, and established People’s Republic of China, The modern China oftoday is as much shaped by its past as its rapidly(急速) lookingto the future. While many of its big cities are comparable to any in the west,the underlying culture is still vastly different, traveling outside large urbanareas also highlights the growing disparity(不平等) between rich andpoor.

Language: Chinesewhich is the most widely spoken language in the world as well as one of themost impenetrable(不能通过的) for foreigners.

Hey, I'm Anderson Cooper, welcome to podcast(播客). A Newtown father talks about the last moment with his son and whatneeds to be done prevent another tragedy(惨剧). Also theridiculous(荒谬的,可笑的), let's get started.

We begin, though, tonight with a father's tearful plea(请求,托词), Do something so that no dad, no parent ever has to feel inside theway he is feeling tonight. Do something so that no parent ever has to walk passa son or daughter's empty room. Do something. Neil Heslin's son Jesse was takenfrom him at Sandy Hook Elementary(基础的) school inNewtown, Connecticut, on the 14th of December, Jesse and 19 other childrenkilled.

Today, the Senate(参议院) Judiciary(司法的,司法部门) Committee heard testimony(证词) on stoppingthe next Newtown. It heard from Neil Heslin himself, it's not just about theenormity(巨大的) of the tragedy but the heartbreakingsimplicity of the moments leading up to it. Ordinary moments between a fatherand son, the kind, you take for granted, because you asume there'll be manymany more.

"Morning of December 14th, Jesse stopped at a deli,Mr.Vildeli, you got his favourite sandwich, sausage(香肠),egg and cheese on a hard roll(硬质面包). And he ordered tome one. He always want, would always do that, I'd get a coffee, Jesse would getwhat he called a coffee, but it was a hot chocolate. We proceeded to theschool, it was 9:04 when I dropped Jesse off. The school clocked. Jesse gave ahug and kiss at that time and said goodbye and I love you, he stopped and saidI love mom, too. That was the last I saw our Jesse as he ducked around thecorner. Prior to that when he was getting out of the truck he hugged and heldme(抱住我), that I can still feel that hug and pat on theback, he said everything'll be ok, dad. It'll all be ok, and it wasn'tok."

It certainly was not ok, lawmakers now seemed at odds(争执) about how to prevent the next gun massacre(大屠杀), they're fighting over an assault weapons ban, as you know,limiting magazines, capacity, even expanding background checks something theNational Rifle Association(美国步枪协会) once favored and nowopposes. There was a fierce(凶猛的) argument over thatstate between Milwaukee police chief Edward Flynn and South Carolina Republicansenator Lindsey Graham.

"Almost 80,000 people fail a background check, and 44people are prosecuted, what kind of deterrent is that, I mean, the lawobviously isn't seeing that as important if it's such an important issue, whyaren't we prosecuting people who fail a background check and there are 15questions there, they are not hard to understand if you're filling out of theform, so I'm a bit frustrated, that we say one thing, how important it is, butin the real world, we absolutely do nothing to enforce the laws on the books.Now, let's talk."

"I mean, Just for the record, from my point of view,senator, the purpose of background check,"

"How many cases have you made? How many cases..."

"You know what ya, it doesn't matter, it's a paperthing,(well) I want to stop the 76,(Can I ask a question?,enough is enough~~~)I want to finish the answer.(Well, no, I'm asking,,) I want to stop 76,000people from buying guns illegally, that's what background check does.(How manyAR-15s you legally own?) You think we're going to do paperwork prosecutions,(applause)you're, you're wrong."

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