
  上述情况出现在某些早期IOS版本里(12.0以前版本),这些早期版本默认没有打开ip classless.

  打开ip classless以后将改变路由器的路由行为,此时路由器将进行最长最精确匹配或使用默认路由进行匹配


  ip classless命令的作用主要是改变有类路由协议的查找路由表的行为。


  R via

  R via

  R* via







  上面的结果是有类路由协议查找路由的行为,而配置ip classless的目的就是改变它的这种行为,配置完该命令后查找路由的行为是根据最长匹配的原则,那上例中的报文B就可以通过缺省路由进行转发了。




1) what will be in the Route Table?

To understand the kind of information that exists in the route table, it is useful to begin with an examination of what happens when a framed packet arrives at one of a router's interfaces. The data-link identifier in the frame's destination address field is examined. If it contains either the identifier of the router's interface or a broadcast identifier, the router strips off the frame and passes the enclosed packet to the network layer. At the network layer, the destination address of the packet is examined. If the destination address is either the IP address of the router's interface or an all-hosts broadcast address, the protocol field of the packet is examined and the enclosed data is sent to the appropriate internal process. [1]

[1] There is also the special case of a multicast address, which is destined for a group of devices, but not for all devices. An example of a multicast address is the class D address, reserved for all OSPF-speaking routers.

Any other destination address calls for routing. The address may be for a host on another network to which the router is attached (including the router interface attached to that network) or for a host on a network not directly connected to the router. The address may also be a directed broadcast, in which there is a distinct network or subnet address, and the remaining host bits are all ones. These addresses are also routable.

If the packet is to be routed, the router will do a route table lookup to acquire the correct route. At a minimum, each route entry in the database must contain two items:

  • A destination address. This is the address of the network the router can reach. As this chapter explains, the router may have more than one route to the same address and/or a group of subnets of the same or of varying lengths grouped under the same major IP network address.

  • A pointer to the destination. This pointer either will indicate that the destination network is directly connected to the router or it will indicate the address of another router on a directly connected network. That router, which will be one router hop closer to the destination, is a next-hop router.

The router will match the most specific address it can.[2] In descending order of specificity, the address may be one of the following:

[2] There are two basic procedures for finding the best match, depending upon whether the router is behaving classfully or classlessly. Classful table lookups are explained in more detail in Chapter 5, "Routing Information Protocol (RIP),"and classless table lookups are explained in Chapter 7, "Routing Information Protocol Version 2."

  • A host address (a host route)

  • A subnet

  • A group of subnets (a summary route)

  • A major network number

  • A group of major network numbers (a supernet)

  • A default address

This chapter provides examples of the first four types. Supernets are covered in Chapter 7, "Routing Information Protocol Version 2." A default address is considered a least-specific address and is matched only if no other match can be found. Default addressing is the topic ofChapter 12, "Default Routes and On-Demand Routing."

If the destination address of the packet cannot be matched to any route table entry, the packet is dropped and a Destination Unreachable ICMP message is sent to the source address.

2)Extracted from "Operation of RIP" in the Chapter 5 of Routing TCP/IP

There is no provision for RIP to advertise a subnet mask along with each route entry. (i.e. RIP message format has no subnet mask)

First, the network portion of the destination address is read and the routing table is consulted for a match. It is this first step of reading the major class A, B, or C network number that defines a classful routing table lookup. If there is no match for the major network, the packet is dropped and an ICMP Destination Unreachable message is sent to the packet's source. If there is a match for the network portion, the subnets listed for that network are examined. If a match can be found, the packet is routed. If a match cannot be made, the packet is dropped and a Destination Unreachable message is sent.

The router's only recourse is to assume that the mask configured on one of its interfaces attached to is used consistently throughout the internetwork. It will use its own mask for to derive the subnet of the destination address. As the routing tables throughout this chapter illustrate, a router that is directly connected to a network will list the network in a heading along with the subnet mask of the connecting interface and will then list all the known subnets of the network. If the network is not directly connected, there is a listing only for the major-class network and no associated mask.

Because the destination addresses of packets being routed by a classful routing protocol are interpreted according to the subnet masks locally configured on the router's interfaces, all subnet masks within a major, class-level network must be consistent

Classful Routing: Summary

The defining characteristic of a classful routing protocol is that it does not advertise an address mask along with the advertised destination address. Therefore, a classful routing protocol must first match the major class A, B, or C network portion of a destination address. For every packet passing through the router:

  1. If the destination address is a member of a directly connected major network, the subnet mask configured on the interface attached to that network will be used to determine the subnet of the destination address. Therefore, the same subnet mask must be used consistently throughout that major network.

  2. If the destination address is not a member of a directly connected major network, the router will try to match only the major class A, B, or C portion of the destination address.


有类路由 汇总以后 地址是标准的A B C类地址掩码 即
无类路由 汇总以后 地址是无类的 比如 - 汇总以后的地址是172.16.12.0/20 子码 不属于 A B C 3个类别



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