
本文档详细说明Bumo IOS SDK常用接口文档, 使开发者更方便地操作和查询BU区块链。


环境依赖ios 8.0或更高系统版本。

  1. 下载Bumo ios sdk包。
  2. 解压缩bumo-ios-sdk-{版本号}.zip包。
  3. 将libs目录下的sdk_ios.framework拖到项目中,并选择"Copy items if needed"。
  4. 在"Build Phases"的"Link Binary With Libraries"中添加"libc++.tbd"。
  5. 在""Build Setting"的"Other Linker Flags"添加"-ObjC"。
  6. 在项目中添加头文件,命令是"#import <sdk_ios/sdk_ios.h>"。



接口的请求参数的类名,是服务名 + 方法名 + Request,比如: 账户服务下的getInfo接口的请求参数格式是AccountGetInfoRequest。


@interface AccountGetInfoRequest : NSObject {
@privateNSString *_address;
-(void)setAddress:(NSString *)address;
-(NSString *)getAddress;


接口的响应数据的类名,是服务名 + 方法名 + Response,比如:账户服务下的getNonce接口的响应数据格式是AccountGetNonceResponse。


@interface AccountGetNonceResponse : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, assign) int32_t errorCode;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *errorDesc;
@property (nonatomic, strong) AccountGetNonceResult *result;


  1. errorCode: 错误码。0表示无错误,大于0表示有错误
  2. errorDesc: 错误描述。
  3. result: 返回结果。一个结构体,其类名是[服务名][方法名]Result,其成员是各个接口返回值的成员,例如:账户服务下的getNonce接口的结果类名是AccountGetNonceResult,成员有nonce, 完整结构如下:
@interface AccountGetNonceResult : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, assign) int64_t nonce;







NSString *url = @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002";
SDK *sdk = [[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: url];



NSString *url = @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002";
SDKConfigure *sdkConfigure = [SDKConfigure new];
[sdkConfigure setTimeOut: 60];SDK *sdk = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: url] setConfigure: sdkConfigure];



AccountService *accountService = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl:@"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getAccountService];
AccountCreateResponse *response = [accountService create];
if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
} else {NSLog(@"%@", response.errorDesc);



// 初始化请求参数
AccountService *accountService = [sdk getAccountService];
AccountCheckValidRequest *request = [AccountCheckValidRequest new];
[request setAddress:@""];// 调用checkValid接口
AccountCheckValidResponse *response = [accountService checkValid: nil];
if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
} else {NSLog(@"%@", response.errorDesc);



// 初始化请求参数
NSString *address = @"buQnnUEBREw2hB6pWHGPzwanX7d28xk6KVcp";
AccountService *accountService = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl:@"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getAccountService];
AccountGetInfoRequest *request = [AccountGetInfoRequest new];
[request setAddress : address];// 调用getInfo接口
AccountGetInfoResponse *response = [accountService getInfo : request];
if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
} else {NSLog(@"%@", response.errorDesc);



  1. 获取账户nonce值
  2. 构建操作
  3. 序列化交易
  4. 签名交易
  5. 提交交易



// 初始化请求参数
NSString *address = @"buQnnUEBREw2hB6pWHGPzwanX7d28xk6KVcp";
AccountService *accountService = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl:@"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getAccountService];
AccountGetNonceRequest * request = [AccountGetNonceRequest new];
[request setAddress : address];// 调用getNonce接口
AccountGetNonceResponse *response = [accountService getNonce : request];
if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
} else {NSLog(@"%@", response.errorDesc);



// 初始化变量
NSString *sourceAddress = @"buQnnUEBREw2hB6pWHGPzwanX7d28xk6KVcp";
NSString *destAddress = @"buQhapCK83xPPdjQeDuBLJtFNvXYZEKb6tKB";
int64_t amount = 1000000;// 构建BUSendOperation
BUSendOperation *operation = [BUSendOperation new];
[operation setSourceAddress: sourceAddress];
[operation setDestAddress: destAddress];
[operation setAmount: amount];



// 初始化变量
int64_t gasPrice = 1000;
int64_t feeLimit = 1000000;// 初始化请求参数
TransactionBuildBlobRequest *buildBlobRequest = [TransactionBuildBlobRequest new];
[buildBlobRequest setSourceAddress : sourceAddress];
[buildBlobRequest setNonce : nonce];
[buildBlobRequest setGasPrice : gasPrice];
[buildBlobRequest setFeeLimit : feeLimit];
[buildBlobRequest addOperation : operation];// 调用buildBlob接口
TransactionService *transactionServer = [sdk getTransactionService];
TransactionBuildBlobResponse *buildBlobResponse = [transactionServer buildBlob : buildBlobRequest];
if (buildBlobResponse.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"blob: %@, hash: %@", buildBlobResponse.result.transactionBlob, buildBlobResponse.result.transactionHash);
} else {NSLog(@"error: %@", buildBlobResponse.errorDesc);return;



// 初始化请求参数
NSString *privateKey = @"privbyQCRp7DLqKtRFCqKQJr81TurTqG6UKXMMtGAmPG3abcM9XHjWvq";
TransactionSignRequest *signRequest = [TransactionSignRequest new];
[signRequest setBlob : buildBlobResponse.result.transactionBlob];
[signRequest addPrivateKey : privateKey];// 调用sign接口
TransactionSignResponse * signResponse = [transactionServer sign : signRequest];
if (signResponse.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"sign response: %@", [signResponse yy_modelToJSONString]);
} else {NSLog(@"error: %@", signResponse.errorDesc);return;



// 初始化请求参数
TransactionSubmitRequest *submitRequest = [TransactionSubmitRequest new];
[submitRequest setTransactionBlob : buildBlobResponse.result.transactionBlob];
[submitRequest setSignatures : [signResponse.result.signatures copy]];// 调用submit接口
TransactionSubmitResponse *submitResponse = [transactionServer submit : submitRequest];
if (submitResponse.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"submit response: %@", [submitResponse yy_modelToJSONString]);
} else {NSLog(@"error: %@", submitResponse.errorDesc);




注意: 调用buildBlob之前需要构建一些操作,详情见操作。

  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    TransactionBuildBlobResponse *) buildBlob : (TransactionBuildBlobRequest *) transactionBuildBlobRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    sourceAddress NSString* 必填,发起该操作的源账户地址
    nonce int64_t 必填,待发起的交易序列号,函数里+1,大小限制[1, max(int64)]
    gasPrice int64_t 必填,交易燃料单价,单位MO,1 BU = 10^8 MO,大小限制[1000, max(int64)]
    feeLimit int64_t 必填,交易要求的最低的手续费,单位MO,1 BU = 10^8 MO,大小限制[1, max(int64)]
    operation NSArray<BaseOperation *> * 必填,待提交的操作列表,不能为空
    ceilLedgerSeq int64_t 选填,距离当前区块高度指定差值的区块内执行的限制,当区块超出当时区块高度与所设差值的和后,交易执行失败。必须大于等于0,是0时不限制
    metadata NSString* 选填,备注
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    transactionBlob NSString* Transaction序列化后的16进制字符串
    hash NSString* 交易hash
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_SOURCEADDRESS_ERROR 11002 Invalid sourceAddress
    INVALID_NONCE_ERROR 11048 Nonce must be between 1 and max(int64)
    INVALID_DESTADDRESS_ERROR 11003 Invalid destAddress
    INVALID_INITBALANCE_ERROR 11004 InitBalance must be between 1 and max(int64)
    SOURCEADDRESS_EQUAL_DESTADDRESS_ERROR 11005 SourceAddress cannot be equal to destAddress
    INVALID_ISSUE_AMMOUNT_ERROR 11008 AssetAmount this will be issued must be between 1 and max(int64)
    INVALID_DATAKEY_ERROR 11011 The length of key must be between 1 and 1024
    INVALID_DATAVALUE_ERROR 11012 The length of value must be between 0 and 256000
    INVALID_DATAVERSION_ERROR 11013 The version must be equal to or greater than 0
    INVALID_MASTERWEIGHT _ERROR 11015 MasterWeight must be between 0 and max(uint32)
    INVALID_SIGNER_ADDRESS_ERROR 11016 Invalid signer address
    INVALID_SIGNER_WEIGHT _ERROR 11017 Signer weight must be between 0 and max(uint32)
    INVALID_TX_THRESHOLD_ERROR 11018 TxThreshold must be between 0 and max(int64)
    INVALID_OPERATION_TYPE_ERROR 11019 Operation type must be between 1 and 100
    INVALID_TYPE_THRESHOLD_ERROR 11020 TypeThreshold must be between 0 and max(int64)
    INVALID_ASSET_CODE _ERROR 11023 The length of asset code must be between 1 and 64
    INVALID_ASSET_AMOUNT_ERROR 11024 AssetAmount must be between 0 and max(int64)
    INVALID_BU_AMOUNT_ERROR 11026 BuAmount must be between 0 and max(int64)
    INVALID_ISSUER_ADDRESS_ERROR 11027 Invalid issuer address
    NO_SUCH_TOKEN_ERROR 11030 No such token
    INVALID_TOKEN_NAME_ERROR 11031 The length of token name must be between 1 and 1024
    INVALID_TOKEN_SYMBOL_ERROR 11032 The length of symbol must be between 1 and 1024
    INVALID_TOKEN_DECIMALS_ERROR 11033 Decimals must be between 0 and 8
    INVALID_TOKEN_TOTALSUPPLY_ERROR 11034 TotalSupply must be between 1 and max(int64)
    INVALID_TOKENOWNER_ERRPR 11035 Invalid token owner
    INVALID_CONTRACTADDRESS_ERROR 11037 Invalid contract address
    CONTRACTADDRESS_NOT_CONTRACTACCOUNT_ERROR 11038 ContractAddress is not a contract account
    INVALID_TOKEN_AMOUNT_ERROR 11039 Token amount must be between 1 and max(int64)
    SOURCEADDRESS_EQUAL_CONTRACTADDRESS_ERROR 11040 SourceAddress cannot be equal to contractAddress
    INVALID_FROMADDRESS_ERROR 11041 Invalid fromAddress
    FROMADDRESS_EQUAL_DESTADDRESS_ERROR 11042 FromAddress cannot be equal to destAddress
    INVALID_SPENDER_ERROR 11043 Invalid spender
    PAYLOAD_EMPTY_ERROR 11044 Payload cannot be empty
    INVALID_LOG_TOPIC_ERROR 11045 The length of a log topic must be between 1 and 128
    INVALID_LOG_DATA_ERROR 11046 The length of one piece of log data must be between 1 and1024
    INVALID_CONTRACT_TYPE_ERROR 11047 Type must be equal or bigger than 0
    INVALID_NONCE_ERROR 11048 Nonce must be between 1 and max(int64)
    INVALID_ GASPRICE_ERROR 11049 GasPrice must be between 1000 and max(int64)
    INVALID_FEELIMIT_ERROR 11050 FeeLimit must be between 1 and max(int64)
    OPERATIONS_EMPTY_ERROR 11051 Operations cannot be empty
    INVALID_CEILLEDGERSEQ_ERROR 11052 CeilLedgerSeq must be equal to or greater than 0
    OPERATIONS_ONE_ERROR 11053 One of the operations cannot be resolved
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化变量
    NSString* senderAddresss = @"buQfnVYgXuMo3rvCEpKA6SfRrDpaz8D8A9Ea";
    NSString* destAddress = @"buQsurH1M4rjLkfjzkxR9KXJ6jSu2r9xBNEw";
    int64_t buAmount = [Tools BU2MO : 10.9];
    int64_t gasPrice = 1000;
    int64_t feeLimit = [Tools BU2MO : 0.01];
    int64_t nonce = 1;// 构建sendBU操作
    BUSendOperation *operation = [BUSendOperation new];
    [operation setSourceAddress: senderAddresss];
    [operation setDestAddress: destAddress];
    [operation setAmount: buAmount];// 初始化请求参数
    TransactionBuildBlobRequest *buildBlobRequest = [TransactionBuildBlobRequest new];
    [buildBlobRequest setSourceAddress : senderAddresss];
    [buildBlobRequest setNonce : nonce];
    [buildBlobRequest setGasPrice : gasPrice];
    [buildBlobRequest setFeeLimit : feeLimit];
    [buildBlobRequest addOperation : operation];// 调用buildBlob接口
    TransactionService *transactionServer = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl:@"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getTransactionService];
    TransactionBuildBlobResponse *buildBlobResponse = [transactionServer buildBlob : buildBlobRequest];
    if (buildBlobResponse.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"blob: %@, hash: %@", buildBlobResponse.result.transactionBlob, buildBlobResponse.result.transactionHash);
    } else {NSLog(@"error: %@", buildBlobResponse.errorDesc);return;


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    TransactionEvaluateFeeResponse *) evaluateFee : (TransactionEvaluateFeeRequest *) transactionEvaluateFeeRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    sourceAddress NSString* 必填,发起该操作的源账户地址
    nonce int64_t 必填,待发起的交易序列号,大小限制[1, max(int64)]
    operation NSArray<BaseOperation *> * 必填,待提交的操作列表,不能为空
    signtureNumber int32_t 选填,待签名者的数量,默认是1,大小限制[1, max(int32)]
    ceilLedgerSeq int64_t 选填,距离当前区块高度指定差值的区块内执行的限制,当区块超出当时区块高度与所设差值的和后,交易执行失败。必须大于等于0,是0时不限制
    metadata NSString* 选填,备注
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    txs NSArray<TestTx *> * 评估交易集
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_SOURCEADDRESS_ERROR 11002 Invalid sourceAddress
    INVALID_NONCE_ERROR 11045 Nonce must be between 1 and max(int64)
    OPERATIONS_EMPTY_ERROR 11051 Operations cannot be empty
    OPERATIONS_ONE_ERROR 11053 One of the operations cannot be resolved
    INVALID_SIGNATURENUMBER_ERROR 11054 SignagureNumber must be between 1 and max(int32)
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化变量
    NSString* senderAddresss = @"buQfnVYgXuMo3rvCEpKA6SfRrDpaz8D8A9Ea";
    NSString* destAddress = @"buQsurH1M4rjLkfjzkxR9KXJ6jSu2r9xBNEw";
    int64_t buAmount = [Tools BU2MO : 10.9];
    int64_t gasPrice = 1000;
    int64_t feeLimit = [Tools BU2MO : 0.01];
    int64_t nonce = 1;// 构建sendBU操作
    BUSendOperation *operation = [BUSendOperation new];
    [operation setSourceAddress: senderAddresss];
    [operation setDestAddress: destAddress];
    [operation setAmount: buAmount];// 初始化评估交易请求参数
    TransactionEvaluateFeeRequest *request = [TransactionEvaluateFeeRequest new];
    [request addOperation : buSendOperation];
    [request setSourceAddress : senderAddresss];
    [request setNonce : nonce];
    [request setSignatureNumber : 1];
    [request setMetadata : @"evaluate fees"];// 调用evaluateFee接口
    TransactionService *transactionServer = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl:@"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getTransactionService];
    TransactionEvaluateFeeResponse* response = [transactionServer evaluateFee : request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    TransactionSignResponse *) sign : (TransactionSignRequest *) transactionSignRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    blob NSString* 必填,待签名的交易Blob
    privateKeys NSArray<NSString *> * 必填,私钥列表
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    signatures SignatureInfo* 签名后的数据列表
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_BLOB_ERROR 11056 Invalid blob
    PRIVATEKEY_NULL_ERROR 11057 PrivateKeys cannot be empty
    PRIVATEKEY_ONE_ERROR 11058 One of privateKeys is invalid
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    NSString* issuePrivateKey = @"privbyQCRp7DLqKtRFCqKQJr81TurTqG6UKXMMtGAmPG3abcM9XHjWvq";
    NSString* transactionBlob = @"0A246275516E6E5545425245773268423670574847507A77616E5837643238786B364B566370102118C0843D20E8073A56080712246275516E6E5545425245773268423670574847507A77616E5837643238786B364B566370522C0A24627551426A4A443142534A376E7A41627A6454656E416870466A6D7852564545746D78481080A9E08704";
    TransactionSignRequest *signRequest = [TransactionSignRequest new];
    [signRequest setBlob : transactionBlob];
    [signRequest addPrivateKey : issuePrivateKey];// 调用sign接口
    TransactionService *transactionServer = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl:@"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getTransactionService];
    TransactionSignResponse * signResponse = [transactionServer sign : signRequest];
    if (signResponse.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"sign response: %@", [signResponse yy_modelToJSONString]);
    } else {NSLog(@"error: %@", signResponse.errorDesc);return;


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    TransactionSubmitResponse *) submit : (TransactionSubmitRequest *) transactionSubmitRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    blob NSString* 必填,交易blob
    signature SignatureInfo 必填,签名列表
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    hash NSString* 交易hash
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_BLOB_ERROR 11056 Invalid blob
    SIGNATURE_EMPTY_ERROR 11067 The signatures cannot be empty
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    NSString* transactionBlob = @"0A246275516E6E5545425245773268423670574847507A77616E5837643238786B364B566370102118C0843D20E8073A56080712246275516E6E5545425245773268423670574847507A77616E5837643238786B364B566370522C0A24627551426A4A443142534A376E7A41627A6454656E416870466A6D7852564545746D78481080A9E08704";
    SignatureInfo *signature = [SignatureInfo new];
    signature.signData = @"D2B5E3045F2C1B7D363D4F58C1858C30ABBBB0F41E4B2E18AF680553CA9C3689078E215C097086E47A4393BCA715C7A5D2C180D8750F35C6798944F79CC5000A";
    signature.publicKey = @"b0011765082a9352e04678ef38d38046dc01306edef676547456c0c23e270aaed7ffe9e31477";
    TransactionSubmitRequest *submitRequest = [TransactionSubmitRequest new];
    [submitRequest setTransactionBlob : transactionBlob];
    [submitRequest addSignature : signature];// 调用submit接口
    TransactionSubmitResponse *submitResponse = [transactionServer submit : submitRequest];
    if (submitResponse.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"submit response: %@", [submitResponse yy_modelToJSONString]);
    } else {NSLog(@"error: %@", submitResponse.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    TransactionGetInfoResponse *) getInfo : (TransactionGetInfoRequest *) transactionGetInfoRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    hash NSString* 交易hash
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    totalCount int64_t 返回的总交易数
    transactions NSArray<TransactionHistory *> * 交易内容
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_HASH_ERROR 11055 Invalid transaction hash
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    TransactionGetInfoRequest *request = [TransactionGetInfoRequest new];
    [request setHash: @"389d53e55929c997d22f25d3757b088e2e869403ac0f2d13712ba877762b3d45"];// 调用getInfo接口
    TransactionService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getTransactionService];
    TransactionGetInfoResponse *response = [service getInfo: request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


操作是指在交易在要做的事情,在构建操作之前,需要构建操作。目前操作有10种,分别是 AccountActivateOperation、AccountSetMetadataOperation、 AccountSetPrivilegeOperation、 AssetIssueOperation、 AssetSendOperation、 BUSendOperation、 ContractCreateOperation、 ContractInvokeByAssetOperation、 ContractInvokeByBUOperation、 LogCreateOperation。



成员变量 类型 描述
sourceAddress NSString* 选填,操作源账户地址
metadata NSString* 选填,备注


  • 功能


  • 费用

    FeeLimit目前(2018.07.26)固定是0.01 BU。

  • 成员

    成员变量 类型 描述
    sourceAddress NSString* 选填,操作源账户地址
    destAddress NSString* 必填,目标账户地址
    initBalance int64 必填,初始化资产,单位MO,1 BU = 10^8 MO, 大小(0, max(int64)]
    metadata NSString* 选填,备注


  • 功能


  • 费用

    FeeLimit目前(2018.07.26)固定是0.01 BU。

  • 成员

    成员变量 类型 描述
    sourceAddress NSString* 选填,操作源账户地址
    key NSString* 必填,metadata的关键词,长度限制[1, 1024]
    value NSString* 必填,metadata的内容,长度限制[0, 256000]
    version int64 选填,metadata的版本
    deleteFlag Boolean 选填,是否删除metadata
    metadata NSString* 选填,备注


  • 功能


  • 费用

    feeLimit目前(2018.07.26)固定是0.01 BU。

  • 成员

    成员变量 类型 描述
    sourceAddress NSString* 选填,操作源账户地址
    masterWeight NSString* 选填,账户自身权重,大小限制[0, max(UINT32)]
    signers SignerInfo[] 选填,签名者权重列表
    txThreshold NSString* 选填,交易门限,大小限制[0, max(int64)]
    typeThreshold TypeThreshold[] 选填,指定类型交易门限
    metadata NSString* 选填,备注


  • 功能


  • 费用

    FeeLimit目前(2018.07.26)固定是50.01 BU。

  • 成员

    成员变量 类型 描述
    sourceAddress NSString* 选填,操作源账户地址
    code NSString* 必填,资产编码,长度限制[1, 64]
    assetAmount int64 必填,资产发行数量,大小限制[0, max(int64)]
    metadata NSString* 选填,备注



  • 功能


  • 费用

    FeeLimit目前(2018.07.26)固定是0.01 BU。

  • 成员

    成员变量 类型 描述
    sourceAddress NSString* 选填,操作源账户地址
    destAddress NSString* 必填,目标账户地址
    code NSString* 必填,资产编码,长度限制[1, 64]
    issuer NSString* 必填,资产发行账户地址
    assetAmount int64 必填,资产数量,大小限制[0, max(int64)]
    metadata NSString* 选填,备注



  • 功能


  • 费用

    FeeLimit目前(2018.07.26)固定是0.01 BU。

  • 成员

    成员变量 类型 描述
    sourceAddress NSString* 选填,操作源账户地址
    destAddress NSString* 必填,目标账户地址
    buAmount int64 必填,资产发行数量,大小限制[0, max(int64)]
    metadata NSString* 选填,备注


  • 功能


  • 费用

    FeeLimit目前(2018.07.26)固定是10.01 BU。

  • 成员

    成员变量 类型 描述
    sourceAddress NSString* 选填,操作源账户地址
    initBalance int64 必填,给合约账户的初始化资产,单位MO,1 BU = 10^8 MO, 大小限制[1, max(int64)]
    type Integer 选填,合约的语种,默认是0
    payload NSString* 必填,对应语种的合约代码
    initInput NSString* 选填,合约代码中init方法的入参
    metadata NSString* 选填,备注



  • 功能


  • 费用


  • 成员

    成员变量 类型 描述
    sourceAddress NSString* 选填,操作源账户地址
    contractAddress NSString* 必填,合约账户地址
    code NSString* 选填,资产编码,长度限制[0, 64];当为空时,仅触发合约;
    issuer NSString* 选填,资产发行账户地址,当null时,仅触发合约
    assetAmount int64 选填,资产数量,大小限制[0, max(int64)],当是0时,仅触发合约
    input NSString* 选填,待触发的合约的main()入参
    metadata NSString* 选填,备注



  • 功能


  • 费用


  • 成员

    成员变量 类型 描述
    sourceAddress NSString* 选填,操作源账户地址
    contractAddress NSString* 必填,合约账户地址
    buAmount int64 选填,资产发行数量,大小限制[0, max(int64)],当0时仅触发合约
    input NSString* 选填,待触发的合约的main()入参
    metadata NSString* 选填,备注


  • 功能


  • 费用

    FeeLimit目前(2018.07.26)固定是0.01 BU。

  • 成员

    成员变量 类型 描述
    sourceAddress NSString* 选填,操作源账户地址
    topic NSString* 必填,日志主题,长度限制[1, 128]
    datas List 必填,日志内容,每个字符串长度限制[1, 1024]
    metadata NSString* 选填,备注




  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    (AccountCheckValidResponse *) checkValid : (AccountCheckValidRequest *) accountCheckValidRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    address NSString* 必填,待检查的区块链账户地址
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    isValid BOOL 是否有效
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    AccountService *accountService = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl:@"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getAccountService];
    AccountCheckValidRequest *request = [AccountCheckValidRequest new];
    [request setAddress:@"buQnnUEBREw2hB6pWHGPzwanX7d28xk6KVcp"];// 调用checkValid接口
    AccountCheckValidResponse *response = [accountService checkValid: nil];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    } else {NSLog(@"%@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    (AccountCreateResponse *) create;

  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    privateKey NSString * 私钥
    publicKey NSString * 公钥
    address NSString * 地址
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    AccountService *accountService = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl:@"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getAccountService];
    AccountCreateResponse *response = [accountService create];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    } else {NSLog(@"%@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    (AccountGetInfoResponse *) getInfo : (AccountGetInfoRequest *) accountGetInfoRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    address NSString* 必填,待查询的区块链账户地址
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    address NSString* 账户地址
    balance int64_t 账户余额,单位MO,1 BU = 10^8 MO, 必须大于0
    nonce int64_t 账户交易序列号,必须大于0
    priv Priv* 账户权限
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR 11006 Invalid address
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    NSString *address = @"buQnnUEBREw2hB6pWHGPzwanX7d28xk6KVcp";
    AccountService *accountService = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl:@"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getAccountService];
    AccountGetInfoRequest *request = [AccountGetInfoRequest new];
    [request setAddress : address];// 调用getInfo接口
    AccountGetInfoResponse *response = [accountService getInfo : request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    } else {NSLog(@"%@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    (AccountGetNonceResponse *) getNonce : (AccountGetNonceRequest *) accountGetNonceRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    address NSString* 必填,待查询的区块链账户地址
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    nonce int64_t 账户交易序列号
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR 11006 Invalid address
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    NSString *address = @"buQnnUEBREw2hB6pWHGPzwanX7d28xk6KVcp";
    AccountService *accountService = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl:@"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getAccountService];
    AccountGetNonceRequest * request = [AccountGetNonceRequest new];
    [request setAddress : address];// 调用getNonce接口
    AccountGetNonceResponse *response = [accountService getNonce : request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    } else {NSLog(@"%@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    (AccountGetBalanceResponse *) getBalance : (AccountGetBalanceRequest *) accountGetBalanceRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    address NSString* 必填,待查询的区块链账户地址
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    balance int64_t BU的余额, 单位MO,1 BU = 10^8 MO,
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR 11006 Invalid address
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    NSString *address = @"buQnnUEBREw2hB6pWHGPzwanX7d28xk6KVcp";
    AccountService *accountService = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl:@"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getAccountService];
    AccountGetBalanceRequest * request = [AccountGetBalanceRequest new];
    [request setAddress : address];// 调用getBalance接口
    AccountGetBalanceResponse *response = [accountService getBalance : request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    } else {NSLog(@"%@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    (AccountGetAssetsResponse *) getAssets : (AccountGetAssetsRequest *) accountGetAssetsRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    address NSString* 必填,待查询的账户地址
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    asset NSArray<AssetInfo *> * 账户资产
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR 11006 Invalid address
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    NO_ASSET_ERROR 11009 The account does not have the asset
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    NSString *address = @"buQhP94E8FjWDF3zfsxjqVQDeBypvzMrB3y3";
    AccountService *accountService = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl:@"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getAccountService];
    AccountGetAssetsRequest * request = [AccountGetAssetsRequest new];
    [request setAddress : address];// 调用getAssets接口
    AccountGetAssetsResponse *response = [accountService getAssets : request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {//AssetInfo *assetInfo = [response.result.assets objectAtIndex : 0];//NSLog(@"%@, %@", assetInfo.key.code, assetInfo.key.issuer);NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    } else {NSLog(@"%@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    AccountGetMetadataResponse *) getMetadata : (AccountGetMetadataRequest *) accountGetMetadataRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    address NSString* 必填,待查询的账户地址
    key NSString* 选填,metadata关键字,长度限制[1, 1024]
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    metadata MetadataInfo* 账户
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR 11006 Invalid address
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    NO_METADATA_ERROR 11010 The account does not have the metadata
    INVALID_DATAKEY_ERROR 11011 The length of key must be between 1 and 1024
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    NSString *address = @"buQhP94E8FjWDF3zfsxjqVQDeBypvzMrB3y3";
    AccountService *accountService = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl:@"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getAccountService];
    AccountGetMetadataRequest * request = [AccountGetMetadataRequest new];
    [request setAddress : address];// 调用getMetadata接口
    AccountGetMetadataResponse *response = [accountService getMetadata : request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {//MetadataInfo *metadataInfo = [response.result.metadatas objectAtIndex:0];//NSLog(@"%@, %@. %lld", metadataInfo.key, metadataInfo.value, metadataInfo.version);NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    } else {NSLog(@"%@", response.errorDesc);




  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    AssetGetInfoResponse *) getInfo : (AssetGetInfoRequest *) assetGetRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    address NSString* 必填,待查询的账户地址
    code NSString* 必填,资产编码,长度限制[1, 64]
    issuer NSString* 必填,资产发行账户地址
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    asset NSArray<AssetInfo *> * 账户资产
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR 11006 Invalid address
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    INVALID_ASSET_CODE_ERROR 11023 The length of asset code must be between 1 and 64
    INVALID_ISSUER_ADDRESS_ERROR 11027 Invalid issuer address
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    NSString *address = @"buQhP94E8FjWDF3zfsxjqVQDeBypvzMrB3y3";
    NSString *code = @"TST";
    NSString *issuer = @"buQhP94E8FjWDF3zfsxjqVQDeBypvzMrB3y3";
    AssetGetInfoRequest *request = [AssetGetInfoRequest new];
    [request setAddress : address];
    [request setCode : code];
    [request setIssuer : issuer];// 调用getInfo消息
    AssetService *assetService = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl:@"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getAssetService];
    AssetGetInfoResponse *response = [assetService getInfo : request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    } else {NSLog(@"%@", response.errorDesc);


合约服务主要是合约相关的接口,目前有4个接口:checkValid、 getInfo、 getAddresscall


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    ContractCheckValidResponse *) checkValid : (ContractCheckValidRequest *) contractCheckValidRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    contractAddress NSString* 待检测的合约账户地址
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    isValid BOOL 是否有效
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_CONTRACTADDRESS_ERROR 11037 Invalid contract address
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    ContractCheckValidRequest *request = [ContractCheckValidRequest new];
    [request setContractAddress: @"buQfnVYgXuMo3rvCEpKA6SfRrDpaz8D8A9Ea"];// 调用checkValid接口
    ContractService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getContractService];
    ContractCheckValidResponse *response = [service checkValid: request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    ContractGetInfoResponse *) getInfo : (ContractGetInfoRequest *) contractGetInfoRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    contractAddress NSString* 待查询的合约账户地址
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    contract ContractInfo* 合约信息
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_CONTRACTADDRESS_ERROR 11037 Invalid contract address
    CONTRACTADDRESS_NOT_CONTRACTACCOUNT_ERROR 11038 contractAddress is not a contract account
    NO_SUCH_TOKEN_ERROR 11030 No such token
    GET_TOKEN_INFO_ERROR 11066 Failed to get token info
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    ContractGetInfoRequest *request = [ContractGetInfoRequest new];
    [request setContractAddress: @"buQfnVYgXuMo3rvCEpKA6SfRrDpaz8D8A9Ea"];// 调用getInfo接口
    ContractService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getContractService];
    ContractGetInfoResponse *response = [service getInfo: request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    ContractGetAddressResponse *) getAddress : (ContractGetAddressRequest *) contractGetAddressRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    hash NSString* 创建合约交易的hash
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    contractAddressList NSArray<ContractAddressInfo *> * 合约地址列表
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_HASH_ERROR 11055 Invalid transaction hash
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    ContractGetAddressRequest *request = [ContractGetAddressRequest new];
    [request setHash: @"44246c5ba1b8b835a5cbc29bdc9454cdb9a9d049870e41227f2dcfbcf7a07689"];// 调用getAddress接口
    ContractService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getContractService];
    ContractGetAddressResponse *response = [service getAddress: request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    ContractCallResponse *) call : (ContractCallRequest *) contractCallRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    sourceAddress NSString* 选填,合约触发账户地址
    contractAddress NSString* 选填,合约账户地址,与code不能同时为空
    code NSString* 选填,合约代码,与contractAddress不能同时为空,长度限制[1, 64]
    input NSString* 选填,合约入参
    contractBalance int64_t 选填,赋予合约的初始 BU 余额, 单位MO,1 BU = 10^8 MO, 大小限制[1, max(int64)]
    optType int32_t 必填,0: 调用合约的读写接口 init, 1: 调用合约的读写接口 main, 2 :调用只读接口 query
    feeLimit int64_t 交易要求的最低手续费, 大小限制[1, max(int64)]
    gasPrice int64_t 交易燃料单价,大小限制[1000, max(int64)]
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    logs JSONObject 日志信息
    queryRets JSONArray 查询结果集
    stat ContractStat* 合约资源占用信息
    txs NSArray<TransactionEnvs *> * 交易集
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_SOURCEADDRESS_ERROR 11002 Invalid sourceAddress
    INVALID_CONTRACTADDRESS_ERROR 11037 Invalid contract address
    CONTRACTADDRESS_CODE_BOTH_NULL_ERROR 11063 ContractAddress and code cannot be empty at the same time
    INVALID_OPTTYPE_ERROR 11064 OptType must be between 0 and 2
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    ContractCallRequest *request = [ContractCallRequest new];
    [request setCode : @"\"use strict\";log(undefined);function query() { getBalance(thisAddress); }"];
    [request setFeeLimit : 1000000000];
    [request setOptType : 2];// 调用call接口
    ContractService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getContractService];
    ContractCallResponse *response = [service call : request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);




  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    BlockGetNumberResponse *) getNumber;

  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    blockNumber int64_t 最新的区块高度,对应底层字段seq
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    BlockService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getBlockService];
    BlockGetNumberResponse *response = [service getNumber];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    BlockCheckStatusResponse *) checkStatus;

  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    isSynchronous BOOL 区块是否同步
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 调用checkStatus
    BlockService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getBlockService];
    BlockCheckStatusResponse *response = [service checkStatus];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    BlockGetTransactionsResponse getTransactions(BlockGetTransactionsRequest);

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    blockNumber int64_t 必填,待查询的区块高度,必须大于0
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    totalCount int64_t 返回的总交易数
    transactions NSArray<TransactionHistory *> * 交易内容
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_BLOCKNUMBER_ERROR 11060 BlockNumber must bigger than 0
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    BlockGetTransactionsRequest *request = [BlockGetTransactionsRequest new];
    [request setBlockNumber: 617247];// 调用getTransactions接口
    BlockService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getBlockService];
    BlockGetTransactionsResponse *response = [service getTransactions: request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    BlockGetInfoResponse *) getInfo : (BlockGetInfoRequest *) blockGetInfoRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    blockNumber int64_t 必填,待查询的区块高度
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    closeTime int64_t 区块关闭时间
    number int64_t 区块高度
    txCount int64_t 交易总量
    version NSString* 区块版本
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_BLOCKNUMBER_ERROR 11060 BlockNumber must bigger than 0
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    BlockGetInfoRequest *request = [BlockGetInfoRequest new];
    [request setBlockNumber: 617247];// 调用getInfo接口
    BlockService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getBlockService];
    BlockGetInfoResponse *response = [service getInfo: request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    BlockGetLatestInfoResponse *) getLatestInfo;

  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    closeTime int64_t 区块关闭时间
    number int64_t 区块高度,对应底层字段seq
    txCount int64_t 交易总量
    version NSString* 区块版本
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    BlockService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getBlockService];
    BlockGetLatestInfoResponse *response = [service getLatestInfo];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    BlockGetValidatorsResponse *) getValidators : (BlockGetValidatorsRequest *) blockGetValidatorsRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    blockNumber int64_t 必填,待查询的区块高度,必须大于0
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    validators NSArray<ValidatorInfo *> * 验证节点列表
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_BLOCKNUMBER_ERROR 11060 BlockNumber must bigger than 0
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    BlockGetValidatorsRequest *request = [BlockGetValidatorsRequest new];
    [request setBlockNumber: 617247];// 调用getValidators接口
    BlockService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getBlockService];
    BlockGetValidatorsResponse *response = [service getValidators: request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    BlockGetLatestValidatorsResponse *) getLatestValidators;

  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    validators NSArray<ValidatorInfo *> * 验证节点列表
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    BlockService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getBlockService];
    BlockGetLatestValidatorsResponse *response = [service getLatestValidators];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    BlockGetRewardResponse *) getReward : (BlockGetRewardRequest *) blockGetRewardRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    blockNumber int64_t 必填,待查询的区块高度,必须大于0
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    blockReward int64_t 区块奖励数
    validatorsReward NSArray<ValidatorReward *> * 验证节点奖励情况
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_BLOCKNUMBER_ERROR 11060 BlockNumber must bigger than 0
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    BlockGetRewardRequest *request = [BlockGetRewardRequest new];
    [request setBlockNumber: 617247];// 调用getReward接口
    BlockService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getBlockService];
    BlockGetRewardResponse *response = [service getReward: request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    BlockGetLatestRewardResponse *) getLatestReward;

  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    blockReward int64_t 区块奖励数
    validatorsReward NSArray<ValidatorReward *> * 验证节点奖励情况
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    BlockService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getBlockService];
    BlockGetLatestRewardResponse *response = [service getLatestReward];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    BlockGetFeesResponse *) getFees : (BlockGetFeesRequest *) blockGetFeesRequest;

  • 请求参数

    参数 类型 描述
    blockNumber int64_t 必填,待查询的区块高度,必须大于0
  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    fees Fees* 费用
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    INVALID_BLOCKNUMBER_ERROR 11060 BlockNumber must bigger than 0
    REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    // 初始化请求参数
    BlockGetFeesRequest *request = [BlockGetFeesRequest new];
    [request setBlockNumber: 617247];// 调用getFees接口
    BlockService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getBlockService];
    BlockGetFeesResponse *response = [service getFees: request];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);


  • 接口说明


  • 调用方法

    BlockGetLatestFeesResponse *) getLatestFees;

  • 响应数据

    参数 类型 描述
    fees Fees* 费用
  • 错误码

    异常 错误码 描述
    CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
    SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error
  • 示例

    BlockService *service = [[[SDK sharedInstance] setUrl: @"http://seed1.bumotest.io:26002"] getBlockService];
    BlockGetLatestFeesResponse *response = [service getLatestFees];
    if (response.errorCode == 0) {NSLog(@"%@", [response.result yy_modelToJSONString]);
    else {NSLog(@"error: %@", response.errorDesc);



成员 类型 描述
masterWeight int64_t 账户自身权重,大小限制[0, max(uint32)]
signers NSArray<SignerInfo *> * 签名者权重列表
threshold Threshold* 门限


成员 类型 描述
address NSString* 签名者区块链账户地址
weight int64_t 签名者权重,大小限制[0, max(uint32)]


成员 类型 描述
txThreshold int64_t 交易默认门限,大小限制[0, max(int64)]
typeThresholds NSArray<TypeThreshold *> * 不同类型交易的门限


成员 类型 描述
type int64_t 操作类型,必须大于0
threshold int64_t 门限值,大小限制[0, max(int64)]


成员 类型 描述
key AssetKeyInfo* 资产惟一标识
assetAmount int64_t 资产数量


成员 类型 描述
code NSString* 资产编码
issuer NSString* 资产发行账户地址


成员 类型 描述
key NSString* metadata的关键词
value NSString* metadata的内容
version int64_t metadata的版本


成员 类型 描述
type int32_t 合约类型,默认0
payload NSString* 合约代码


成员 类型 描述
contractAddress NSString* 合约地址
operationIndex int32_t 所在操作的下标


成员 类型 描述
applyTime int64_t 接收时间
memoryUsage int64_t 内存占用量
stackUsage int64_t 堆栈占用量
step int64_t 几步完成


成员 类型 描述
transactionEnv TransactionEnv* 交易


成员 类型 描述
transaction TransactionInfo* 交易内容
trigger ContractTrigger* 合约触发者


成员 类型 描述
sourceAddress NSString* 交易发起的源账户地址
feeLimit int64_t 交易要求的最低费用
gasPrice int64_t 交易燃料单价
nonce int64_t 交易序列号
operations NSArray<OperationInfo *> * 操作列表


成员 类型 描述
transaction TriggerTransaction* 触发交易


成员 类型 描述
type int32_t 操作类型
sourceAddress NSString* 操作发起源账户地址
metadata NSString* 备注
createAccount OperationCreateAccount* 创建账户操作
issueAsset OperationIssueAsset* 发行资产操作
payAsset OperationPayAsset* 转移资产操作
payCoin OperationPayCoin* 发送BU操作
setMetadata OperationSetMetadata* 设置metadata操作
setPrivilege OperationSetPrivilege* 设置账户权限操作
log OperationLog* 记录日志


成员 类型 描述
hash NSString* 交易hash


成员 类型 描述
destAddress NSString* 目标账户地址
contract Contract* 合约信息
priv Priv* 账户权限
metadata NSArray<MetadataInfo *> * 账户
initBalance int64_t 账户资产, 单位MO,1 BU = 10^8 MO,
initInput NSString* 合约init函数的入参


成员 类型 描述
type int32_t 约的语种,默认不赋值
payload NSString* 对应语种的合约代码


成员 类型 描述
key NSString* metadata的关键词
value NSString* metadata的内容
version int64_t metadata的版本


成员 类型 描述
code NSString* 资产编码
assetAmount int64_t 资产数量


成员 类型 描述
destAddress NSString* 待转移的目标账户地址
asset AssetInfo* 账户资产
input NSString* 合约main函数入参


成员 类型 描述
destAddress NSString* 待转移的目标账户地址
buAmount int64_t 待转移的BU数量
input NSString* 合约main函数入参


成员 类型 描述
key NSString* metadata的关键词
value NSString* metadata的内容
version int64_t metadata的版本
deleteFlag boolean 是否删除metadata


成员 类型 描述
masterWeight NSString* 账户自身权重,大小限制[0, max(uint32)]
signers NSArray<SignerInfo *> * 签名者权重列表
txThreshold NSString* 交易门限,大小限制[0, max(int64)]
typeThreshold TypeThreshold* 指定类型交易门限


成员 类型 描述
topic NSString* 日志主题
data NSArray<NSString *> * 日志内容


成员 类型 描述
transactionEnv TestTransactionFees* 评估交易费用


成员 类型 描述
transactionFees TransactionFees* 交易费用


成员 类型 描述
feeLimit int64_t 交易要求的最低费用
gasPrice int64_t 交易燃料单价


成员 类型 描述
signData int64_t 签名后数据
publicKey int64_t 公钥


成员 类型 描述
actualFee NSString* 交易实际费用
closeTime int64_t 交易关闭时间
errorCode int64_t 交易错误码
errorDesc NSString* 交易描述
hash NSString* 交易hash
ledgerSeq int64_t 区块序列号
transaction TransactionInfo* 交易内容列表
signatures NSArray<SignatureInfo *> * 签名列表
txSize int64_t 交易大小


成员 类型 描述
address NSString* 共识节点地址
plegeCoinAmount int64_t 验证节点押金


成员 类型 描述
validator NSString* 验证节点地址
reward int64_t 验证节点奖励


成员 类型 描述
baseReserve int64_t 账户最低资产限制
gasPrice int64_t 交易燃料单价,单位MO,1 BU = 10^8 MO


异常 错误码 描述
ACCOUNT_CREATE_ERROR 11001 Failed to create the account
INVALID_SOURCEADDRESS_ERROR 11002 Invalid sourceAddress
INVALID_DESTADDRESS_ERROR 11003 Invalid destAddress
INVALID_INITBALANCE_ERROR 11004 InitBalance must be between 1 and max(int64)
SOURCEADDRESS_EQUAL_DESTADDRESS_ERROR 11005 SourceAddress cannot be equal to destAddress
INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR 11006 Invalid address
CONNECTNETWORK_ERROR 11007 Failed to connect to the network
INVALID_ISSUE_AMOUNT_ERROR 11008 Amount of the token to be issued must be between 1 and max(int64)
NO_ASSET_ERROR 11009 The account does not have the asset
NO_METADATA_ERROR 11010 The account does not have the metadata
INVALID_DATAKEY_ERROR 11011 The length of key must be between 1 and 1024
INVALID_DATAVALUE_ERROR 11012 The length of value must be between 0 and 256000
INVALID_DATAVERSION_ERROR 11013 The version must be equal to or greater than 0
INVALID_MASTERWEIGHT_ERROR 11015 MasterWeight must be between 0 and max(uint32)
INVALID_SIGNER_ADDRESS_ERROR 11016 Invalid signer address
INVALID_SIGNER_WEIGHT_ERROR 11017 Signer weight must be between 0 and max(uint32)
INVALID_TX_THRESHOLD_ERROR 11018 TxThreshold must be between 0 and max(int64)
INVALID_OPERATION_TYPE_ERROR 11019 Operation type must be between 1 and 100
INVALID_TYPE_THRESHOLD_ERROR 11020 TypeThreshold must be between 0 and max(int64)
INVALID_ASSET_CODE_ERROR 11023 The length of asset code must be between 1 and 64
INVALID_ASSET_AMOUNT_ERROR 11024 AssetAmount must be between 0 and max(int64)
INVALID_BU_AMOUNT_ERROR 11026 BuAmount must be between 0 and max(int64)
INVALID_ISSUER_ADDRESS_ERROR 11027 Invalid issuer address
NO_SUCH_TOKEN_ERROR 11030 No such token
INVALID_TOKEN_NAME_ERROR 11031 The length of token name must be between 1 and 1024
INVALID_TOKEN_SIMBOL_ERROR 11032 The length of symbol must be between 1 and 1024
INVALID_TOKEN_DECIMALS_ERROR 11033 Decimals must be between 0 and 8
INVALID_TOKEN_TOTALSUPPLY_ERROR 11034 TotalSupply must be between 1 and max(int64)
INVALID_TOKENOWNER_ERRPR 11035 Invalid token owner
INVALID_CONTRACTADDRESS_ERROR 11037 Invalid contract address
CONTRACTADDRESS_NOT_CONTRACTACCOUNT_ERROR 11038 contractAddress is not a contract account
INVALID_TOKEN_AMOUNT_ERROR 11039 TokenAmount must be between 1 and max(int64)
SOURCEADDRESS_EQUAL_CONTRACTADDRESS_ERROR 11040 SourceAddress cannot be equal to contractAddress
INVALID_FROMADDRESS_ERROR 11041 Invalid fromAddress
FROMADDRESS_EQUAL_DESTADDRESS_ERROR 11042 FromAddress cannot be equal to destAddress
INVALID_SPENDER_ERROR 11043 Invalid spender
PAYLOAD_EMPTY_ERROR 11044 Payload cannot be empty
INVALID_LOG_TOPIC_ERROR 11045 The length of a log topic must be between 1 and 128
INVALID_LOG_DATA_ERROR 11046 The length of one piece of log data must be between 1 and 1024
INVALID_CONTRACT_TYPE_ERROR 11047 Invalid contract type
INVALID_NONCE_ERROR 11048 Nonce must be between 1 and max(int64)
INVALID_GASPRICE_ERROR 11049 GasPrice must be between 1000 and max(int64)
INVALID_FEELIMIT_ERROR 11050 FeeLimit must be between 1 and max(int64)
OPERATIONS_EMPTY_ERROR 11051 Operations cannot be empty
INVALID_CEILLEDGERSEQ_ERROR 11052 CeilLedgerSeq must be equal to or greater than 0
OPERATIONS_ONE_ERROR 11053 One of the operations cannot be resolved
INVALID_SIGNATURENUMBER_ERROR 11054 SignagureNumber must be between 1 and max(int32)
INVALID_HASH_ERROR 11055 Invalid transaction hash
INVALID_BLOB_ERROR 11056 Invalid blob
PRIVATEKEY_NULL_ERROR 11057 PrivateKeys cannot be empty
PRIVATEKEY_ONE_ERROR 11058 One of privateKeys is invalid
SIGNDATA_NULL_ERROR 11059 SignData cannot be empty
INVALID_BLOCKNUMBER_ERROR 11060 BlockNumber must be bigger than 0
PUBLICKEY_NULL_ERROR 11061 PublicKey cannot be empty
URL_EMPTY_ERROR 11062 Url cannot be empty
CONTRACTADDRESS_CODE_BOTH_NULL_ERROR 11063 ContractAddress and code cannot be empty at the same time
INVALID_OPTTYPE_ERROR 11064 OptType must be between 0 and 2
GET_ALLOWANCE_ERROR 11065 Failed to get allowance
GET_TOKEN_INFO_ERROR 11066 Failed to get token info
SIGNATURE_EMPTY_ERROR 11067 The signatures cannot be empty
REQUEST_NULL_ERROR 12001 Request parameter cannot be null
CONNECTN_BLOCKCHAIN_ERROR 19999 Failed to connect to the blockchain
SYSTEM_ERROR 20000 System error



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