
ACC:关联水泥公司 (ACC: Associated Cement Companies)

ACC is an abbreviation Associated Cement Companies. Previously, ACC limited was called the Associated Cement Companies (ACC). In India, ACC is the leading manufacturer of cement and ready-mixed concrete and its head office is situated on the Maharishi Karve Road, Mumbai which is also known as Cement House.

ACC是联合水泥公司的缩写 。 以前, ACC有限公司被称为联合水泥公司(ACC) 。 在印度, ACC是水泥和预拌混凝土的领先制造商,其总部位于孟买的Maharishi Karve路,也被称为水泥屋。

The ACC contains 17 state-of-the-art cement factories, in the region of 60 ready-mixed concrete plants, and an enormous network of distribution and sales offices across the country. It has been a leading light and prominent benchmark in cement and concrete technology from its establishment time.

ACC拥有17个最先进的水泥厂,在60个预拌混凝土厂的区域中,并在全国范围内设有庞大的分销和销售办事处网络。 从成立之日起,它就一直是水泥和混凝土技术的领先和杰出基准。

The MD & CEO of ACC limited is Mr. Neeraj Akhoury from October 2017.

自2017年10月起,ACC有限公司的总经理兼首席执行官是Neeraj Akhoury先生。

ACC关键产品 (ACC Key Products)

  • Portland cement


  • Premium cements


  • Bulk cement


  • Ready Mixed Concrete


  • Ready Mixed Concrete Value Added Products


历史简介 (Brief History)

  • In August 1936, the establishment of ACC Ltd was called The Associated Cement Companies Ltd by the union of ten existing cement companies.


  • In 1944, it recognized as India's first completely original cement plant at Chaibasa in Bihar.


  • In 1956, it organized a bulk cement depot at Okhla in New Delhi.


  • In 1965, it founded Central Research Station at Thane.


  • In 1978, it launched precalcinator technology for the foremost time in India.


  • In 2004, it was renowned as Consumer Superbrand by the Superbrands Council of India.


  • In 2006, Damodhar Cement & Slag Ltd, Bargarh Cement Ltd and Tarmac (India) Ltd combined with the company and Associated Cement Companies Ltd was renamed ACC Ltd with the outcome from September 1, 2006.

    2006年,Damodhar Cement&Slag Ltd,Bargarh Cement Ltd和Tarmac(India)Ltd与该公司以及Associated Cement Companies Ltd合并,更名为ACC Ltd,其结果从2006年9月1日开始。

  • In 2010, it authorized the production of the 2.5 MW windmill project in Maharashtra.


  • In 2011, it acknowledged the ISO 9001-2008 certification from Det Norske Veritas (DNV) AS Certification Services.

    2011年,它认可了Det Norske Veritas(DNV)AS认证服务的ISO 9001-2008认证。

ACC成就 (ACC Achievements)

  • In 2010, it set its foot into platinum jubilee year and became the most prominent company in the cement industry to accomplish this standard. In the same year, it also acknowledged the FICCI Award for 2009-10.

    在2010年,它踏入了白金禧年,并成为水泥行业中达到这一标准的最杰出公司。 同年,它还承认了2009-10年度FICCI奖。

  • In 2011, it installed the world's largest kiln at ACC Cement Plant in Karnataka with a capacity of 12,500 tonnes per day.


  • In 2012, ACC launched M-100 grade concrete for the construction of high-intensity towers. It also became the first cement company in India to launch the use of Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) and GPS to advance the turnaround time of trucks.

    2012年,ACC推出了M-100级混凝土,用于建造高强度塔架。 它也成为印度第一家使用射频识别设备(RFID)和GPS来延长卡车周转时间的水泥公司。

  • In 2013, ACC won CII-ITC Sustainability Prize and ranked as the Most Admired Company of India in the cement sector by Fortune India and Hay Group India.

    2013年,ACC荣获CII-ITC可持续发展奖,并被《财富》杂志和印度Hay Group评为水泥行业印度最受尊敬的公司。

  • In 2014, it introduced the Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) at Gagal, a significant move in the direction of energy conservation.


  • In 2015, it founded two waste pre-processing plants at Wadi and Kymore to enhance the usage of industrial waste.


  • In 2016, ACC acknowledged the Silver Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its Annual Report 2014 from the ICAI.

    2016年,ACC因其ICAI 2014年度报告而获得了卓越的财务报告银奖。

  • In 2017, ACC won the "Silver Award" for excellence in Financial Reporting for its Annual Report 2015 from the ICAI.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/acc-full-form.aspx



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