
HTML:超文本标记语言 (HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language)

HTML is an abbreviation of Hypertext markup language. Hypertext markup language is a text based standard markup language used to create web pages and design documents which are to be exposed to view in a web browser. It is marked up by put into writing in the form of HTML elements. Hyperlink alludes to a sequence series of joining links in a page to other pages. Markup language means to expound the page layout and elements inside the page by using the tags around the document text. Its primary center of attention is towards how to show information on web pages, i.e. On the internet, the webpages we spot are written using HTML code. HTML documents are elucidated and exposed to view by web browsers. Some popular web browsers are: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer etc.

HTML是超文本标记语言的缩写超文本标记语言是一种基于文本的标准标记语言,用于创建网页和设计文档,以供在Web浏览器中查看。 通过以HTML元素的形式写入来标记它。 超链接暗示页面中一系列链接到其他页面的一系列序列。 标记语言意味着通过使用文档文本周围的标签来说明页面布局和页面内的元素。 它的主要关注点是如何在网页上显示信息,即在Internet上,我们发现的网页是使用HTML代码编写的。 阐明了HTML文档并将其公开给Web浏览器查看。 一些流行的网络浏览器是:谷歌浏览器,Mozilla Firefox,Opera,Safari,Internet Explorer等。

In late 1990s, HTML was originated by Tim Berners-Lee. It was in the beginning launched in 1993. Until then, lots of versions of HTML have been launched. Latest HTML5 version is earning popularity because of its various substantial specifications.

在1990年代后期, HTML由Tim Berners-Lee提出。 它最初是在1993年发布的。在那之前,已经发布了许多版本HTML。 最新HTML5版本因其各种实质性规格而受到欢迎。

Following are some specifications of HTML5 version,


  • Video: To stream video from a website, the video element enables the users to access it.

    视频 :要从网站流式传输视频,视频元素使用户可以访问它。

  • Figure: Visual content like photos, illustrations, diagrams, etc. are displayed by the aid of the figure element.

    插图 :借助插图元素,可以显示诸如照片,插图,图表等的视觉内容。

  • Section: Webpage content gets organized by the help of section elements, such as div.

    Section :网页内容是通过诸如div之类的section元素来组织的。

  • NAV: That part of a website that is connected to other pages of the website is used by NAV.

    资产净值 :资产净值使用与网站其他页面连接的网站部分。

  • Header: Introductory elements on a website like a logo, navigation items, search form, etc. are combined by enabling through Header.

    标头 :通过标头启用,可以组合网站上的介绍性元素,如徽标,导航项,搜索表单等。

  • Footer: It is placed at the lowest part of a webpage. It usually holds copyright information, connections to social media and navigation elements.

    页脚 :位于页面的最低部分。 它通常拥有版权信息,与社交媒体的连接以及导航元素。

Example of HTML document:


<h1>Write Your First Heading</h1>
<p>Write Your First Paragraph.</p>

优点 (Advantages)

  • It is broadly used language for web pages coding.


  • HTML language is supported by every browser.


  • It is simple to learn and use in creating web pages.


  • A user does not require buying extra software because by default, It's found in every window.


  • A user can combine or merge HTML with CSS, JavaScript, PHP, etc.


缺点 (Disadvantages)

  • If a user requires dynamic pages then HTML is not convenient because It can only create static and plain pages.


  • A user requires writing a lot of code for creating simple web pages.


  • In HTML, Security specifications are not up to the mark or satisfactory.


  • If a user requires writing a lengthy code for creating a webpage then it produces some difficulty.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/html-full-form.aspx



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