jsoneditor编辑器是一个基于 Web 的工具,用于查看、编辑、格式化和验证JSON,它可以作为CommonJS模块,AMD模块或常规javascript文件加载。

支持的浏览器:Chrome,Firefox,Safari,Opera,Edge,Internet Explorer 11。






modes: 'code', 'form', 'text', 'tree', 'view', 'preview'






<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><title>Document</title><script src="https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/jsoneditor/9.9.2/jsoneditor.min.js"></script><link href="https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/jsoneditor/9.9.2/jsoneditor.min.css" rel="stylesheet"><style>#jsoneditor {width: 360px;height: 400px;margin-bottom: 20px;}</style>
</head><body><div id="jsoneditor"></div><button onclick="getText()">获取修改后的JSON文本数据</button><script>// 创建 editorvar container = document.getElementById("jsoneditor");// 参数信息const options = {mode: 'form',onChange() {// 加载完成,JSON数据发生变化触发的函数},onChangeJSON(json) {// 数据发生变化,改变之后的json},onChangeText(text) {// 数据发生变化,改变之后的字符串},onError(error) {// 主动的修改已触发发生错误时},history: false}// 配置参数var editor = new JSONEditor(container, options);// 显示的数据var initialJson = {"Array": [1, 2, 3],"Boolean": true,"Null": null,"Number": 123,"Object": { "a": "b", "c": "d" },"String": "Hello World"}editor.set(initialJson)function getText() {//获得修改之后的文本数据var getText = editor.getText();alert(getText);}</script>



* @constructor JSONEditor

* @param {Element} container Container element

* @param {Object} [options] Object with options. available options:

* {String} mode Editor mode. Available values:

* 'tree' (default), 'view',

* 'form', 'text', and 'code'.

* {function} onChange Callback method, triggered

* on change of contents.

* Does not pass the contents itself.

* See also `onChangeJSON` and

* `onChangeText`.

* {function} onChangeJSON Callback method, triggered

* in modes on change of contents,

* passing the changed contents

* as JSON.

* Only applicable for modes

* 'tree', 'view', and 'form'.

* {function} onChangeText Callback method, triggered

* in modes on change of contents,

* passing the changed contents

* as stringified JSON.

* {function} onError Callback method, triggered

* when an error occurs

* {Boolean} search Enable search box.

* True by default

* Only applicable for modes

* 'tree', 'view', and 'form'

* {Boolean} history Enable history (undo/redo).

* True by default

* Only applicable for modes

* 'tree', 'view', and 'form'

* {String} name Field name for the root node.

* Only applicable for modes

* 'tree', 'view', and 'form'

* {Number} indentation Number of indentation

* spaces. 4 by default.

* Only applicable for

* modes 'text' and 'code'

* {boolean} escapeUnicode If true, unicode

* characters are escaped.

* false by default.

* {boolean} sortObjectKeys If true, object keys are

* sorted before display.

* false by default.

* {function} onSelectionChange Callback method,

* triggered on node selection change

* Only applicable for modes

* 'tree', 'view', and 'form'

* {function} onTextSelectionChange Callback method,

* triggered on text selection change

* Only applicable for modes

* {HTMLElement} modalAnchor The anchor element to apply an

* overlay and display the modals in a

* centered location.

* Defaults to document.body

* 'text' and 'code'

* {function} onEvent Callback method, triggered

* when an event occurs in

* a JSON field or value.

* Only applicable for

* modes 'form', 'tree' and

* 'view'

* {function} onFocus Callback method, triggered

* when the editor comes into focus,

* passing an object {type, target},

* Applicable for all modes

* {function} onBlur Callback method, triggered

* when the editor goes out of focus,

* passing an object {type, target},

* Applicable for all modes

* {function} onClassName Callback method, triggered

* when a Node DOM is rendered. Function returns

* a css class name to be set on a node.

* Only applicable for

* modes 'form', 'tree' and

* 'view'

* {Number} maxVisibleChilds Number of children allowed for a node

* in 'tree', 'view', or 'form' mode before

* the "show more/show all" buttons appear.

* 100 by default.


* @param {Object | undefined} json JSON object


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