





/// // CallTest.cpp // // 说明:使用东进的D081A语音卡的一个自动呼叫电话的例子。 // 完成打一个电话的整个动作。 // // // // 2008-6-23 创建 // /// #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include "LRTimer.h" #include "C:/DJDBDK/Inc/tc08a32.h" #include "C:/DJDBDK/Inc/newsig.h" #pragma comment(lib, "C:/DJDBDK/Lib/Tc08a32.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "C:/DJDBDK/Lib/NewSig.lib") #define ACD_SUCCESS 0 #define ACD_ERROR 1 #define ACD_NUMLEN 32 static char VoicePath[]="C:/DJDBDK/Voc/"; typedef enum { CH_FREE = 0, CH_DIAL, CH_CHECKSIG, CH_PLAY, CH_ONHOOK, CH_CONNECT, CH_OFFHOOK, CH_BUSY, CH_NOBODY, CH_NOSIGNAL, CH_NODIALTONE, CH_NORESULT }ACD_CHANNEL_STATE; typedef struct { int nType; int State; char TelNum[ACD_NUMLEN]; }ACD_LINESTRUCT; // 重置通道 void acdResetChannel(ACD_LINESTRUCT* pChannels, int iChNo) { if(pChannels[iChNo].nType == CHTYPE_TRUNK) { HangUp(iChNo); Sig_ResetCheck(iChNo); StartSigCheck(iChNo); } pChannels[iChNo].TelNum[0]=0; pChannels[iChNo].State = CH_FREE; } // 外线呼出 typedef struct { ACD_LINESTRUCT* pChannels; int iChNo; }ACD_DIALOUT; // 实现呼叫工作, 这个是最主要的回调函数, 在定时事件中回调 // static void acdCallJob(void* pJobParam) { ACD_LINESTRUCT* pChannels = ((ACD_DIALOUT*)pJobParam)->pChannels; int iChNo = ((ACD_DIALOUT*)pJobParam)->iChNo; // 维持放音操作 PUSH_PLAY(); // 维持断续振铃及信号音的函数 FeedSigFunc(); switch(pChannels[iChNo].State) { case CH_FREE: break; case CH_DIAL: if(CheckSendEnd(iChNo) == 1) { StartSigCheck(iChNo); pChannels[iChNo].State = CH_CHECKSIG; } break; case CH_CHECKSIG: { int res = Sig_CheckDial(iChNo); switch(res) { case S_BUSY: pChannels[iChNo].State = CH_BUSY; break; case S_CONNECT: pChannels[iChNo].State = CH_CONNECT; break; case S_NOSIGNAL: pChannels[iChNo].State= CH_NOSIGNAL; break; case S_NOBODY: pChannels[iChNo].State= CH_NOBODY; break; case S_NODIALTONE: pChannels[iChNo].State= CH_NODIALTONE; break; } } break; case CH_BUSY: case CH_NOSIGNAL: case CH_NOBODY: case CH_NODIALTONE: acdResetChannel(pChannels, iChNo); break; case CH_CONNECT: char FileName[MAX_PATH]; RsetIndexPlayFile(iChNo); strcpy_s(FileName, MAX_PATH, VoicePath); strcat_s(FileName, MAX_PATH, "dial.001"); AddIndexPlayFile(iChNo, FileName); strcpy_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,VoicePath); strcat_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,"dial.002"); AddIndexPlayFile(iChNo, FileName); strcpy_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,VoicePath); strcat_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,"d1"); AddIndexPlayFile(iChNo, FileName); strcpy_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,VoicePath); strcat_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,"d2"); AddIndexPlayFile(iChNo, FileName); strcpy_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,VoicePath); strcat_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,"d8"); AddIndexPlayFile(iChNo, FileName); strcpy_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,VoicePath); strcat_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,"d15"); AddIndexPlayFile(iChNo, FileName); strcpy_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,VoicePath); strcat_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,"d9"); AddIndexPlayFile(iChNo,FileName); strcpy_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,VoicePath); strcat_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,"d7"); AddIndexPlayFile(iChNo, FileName); strcpy_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,VoicePath); strcat_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,"dial.003"); AddIndexPlayFile(iChNo, FileName); strcpy_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,VoicePath); strcat_s(FileName, MAX_PATH,"dial.004"); AddIndexPlayFile(iChNo, FileName); pChannels[iChNo].State = CH_OFFHOOK; break; case CH_OFFHOOK: StartIndexPlayFile(iChNo); pChannels[iChNo].State=CH_PLAY; break; case CH_PLAY: if(CheckIndexPlayFile(iChNo) == 1) { StopIndexPlayFile(iChNo); pChannels[iChNo].State = CH_ONHOOK; } break; case CH_ONHOOK: acdResetChannel(pChannels, iChNo); break; } //end switch // 处理异常 if(pChannels[iChNo].nType==CHTYPE_TRUNK && pChannels[iChNo].State != CH_FREE) { if (Sig_CheckBusy(iChNo)) { if(CH_PLAY == pChannels[iChNo].State) { StopIndexPlayFile(iChNo); } acdResetChannel(pChannels, iChNo); } } } // 外线呼出 void acdDialOut(ACD_LINESTRUCT* pChannels, int iChNo, const char* TelNum) { if( CHTYPE_TRUNK != pChannels[iChNo].nType ) { MessageBox(0, "请选择一个外线呼出!", "系统提示", MB_OK); return; } OffHook(iChNo); char tel[ACD_NUMLEN]; strcpy_s(tel, ACD_NUMLEN, TelNum); Sig_StartDial(iChNo, tel, "", 0); strcpy_s(pChannels[iChNo].TelNum, ACD_NUMLEN, tel); pChannels[iChNo].State = CH_DIAL; // 启动定时器 // ACD_DIALOUT dialOut; dialOut.pChannels = pChannels; dialOut.iChNo = iChNo; LRTimer timer(100); timer.setCallbackProc(acdCallJob, (void*)&dialOut); timer.start(); getchar(); timer.stop(); } /// // // calltest 主程序 // /// #define USES_LINENO 1 #define USES_TELNUM "8566" int main(int argc, char** argv) { printf("CallTest 东进语音卡 D081A 测试程序 1.0/n"); // 加载语音卡驱动 // long result = LoadDRV(); if ( result != ACD_SUCCESS ) { MessageBox( 0, "LoadDRV 失败", "系统提示", MB_OK ); return ACD_ERROR; } // 检查通道, 并给每个通道分配缓冲区 // WORD wUsedCh = CheckValidCh(); printf("总线路: %d/n/n", wUsedCh); result = EnableCard(wUsedCh, 8196); if ( result != ACD_SUCCESS ) { FreeDRV(); MessageBox( 0, "EnableCard 失败", "系统提示", MB_OK ); return ACD_ERROR; } // 分配通道并设置每通道状态 // ACD_LINESTRUCT * pLines = (ACD_LINESTRUCT*) calloc(wUsedCh, sizeof(ACD_LINESTRUCT)); assert(pLines); // 设置拨号参数 SetDialPara(1000, 4000, 350, 7); for (int i=0; i<wUsedCh; i++) { pLines[i].nType = CheckChTypeNew(i); pLines[i].State = CH_FREE; } // 在初始化D161A 卡之后调用信号音检测初始化函数Sig_Init Sig_Init(0); // 检查每通道状态 // printf(" 线号 状态 /n-------------------/n"); for(int i=0; i<wUsedCh; i++) { pLines[i].TelNum[0] = 0; switch (pLines[i].nType) { case CHTYPE_TRUNK: printf(" %d/t内线/n", i); break; case CHTYPE_USER: printf(" %d/t外线/n", i); break; case CHTYPE_RECORD: printf(" %d/t录音/n", i); break; case CHTYPE_EMPTY: printf(" %d/t悬空/n", i); break; } } // 拨号: USES_TELNUM 是要拨的号码, 使用外线 USES_LINENO // printf("/n#%d 线路正在呼出: %s ...... (按Enter键退出)/n", USES_LINENO, USES_TELNUM); acdDialOut(pLines, USES_LINENO, USES_TELNUM); // 释放每个通道 // for(int i=0; i<wUsedCh; i++) { if(pLines[i].nType == CHTYPE_TRUNK) { // 如果是内线则挂掉此线路 HangUp(i); Sig_ResetCheck(i); } } DisableCard(); // 释放驱动 FreeDRV(); free(pLines); return 0; }


/******************************************************************************** LRTimer.h                                                                    **                                                                              ** Written by Max Gurdziel 2005 under GNU General Public License                ** contact me: max[at]remoteSOS[dot]com                                         **                                                                              ** LRTimer is a low resolution timer class with own timing thread. It allows    **  an external callback function to be supplied that will be called in         **  pre-defined time intervals.                                                 **  The smallest timer interval you can use is 1ms.                             **                                                                              ** Tested with gcc mingw & Visual C++ 6.0 under WindowsXP Home and Pro          **                                                                              **                                                                              **     LRTimer timer;                                  // define LRTimer object **     timer.setInterval(100);                         // set interval of 100ms **     timer.setCallbackProc(&myCallbackFunction, 0);  // set callback function **                                                     // it's prototype is:    **                               //     void myCallbackFunction(void* pParam);  **                                                                              **     timer.start();            // start the timer                             **     ....                                                                     **     timer.stop();             // stops the timer                             **     ....                                                                     **     timer.start(200);         // starts timer with new interval              **                                                                              **                                                                              **   Example code:                                                              **   Copy and paste below sample code to test LRTimer                           **                                                                              *________________________________________________________________________________#include <stdlib.h>#include "LRTimer.h"// define callback function//static void myCallback(void* data) {static DWORD cnt = 0;char c;cnt++;switch (cnt % 4) {case 0: c = '|'; break;case 1: c = '/'; break;case 2: c = '-'; break;case 3: c = '//';}printf("/b%c",c);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {LRTimer lrt;lrt.setCallbackProc(&myCallback, NULL);   // set the callback function by referencelrt.setInterval(50);                   // set delay interval in milisecondslrt.start();                            // start the timergetchar();                                // let it run for a while - press Enterlrt.stop();                              // stop the timergetchar();                             // wait to show it's stopped - Enterlrt.start(200);                            // start with different delaygetchar();lrt.stop();system("PAUSE");return 0;}________________________________________________________________________________*                                                                              ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its        ** documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby    ** granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software  ** for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. ** See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for more details.                   **                                                                              ** All I ask is that if you use LRTimer in your project retain the              ** copyright notice. If you have any comments and suggestions please email me   ** max[at]remoteSOS[dot]com                                                     **                                                                              ********************************************************************************/#ifndef LRTIMER_H__#define LRTIMER_H__#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500// compile with: /MT /D "_X86_" /c// processor: x86#include <windows.h>#include <process.h>    /* _beginthread, _endthread */#include <stdio.h>#include <assert.h>// define a second in terms of 100ns - used with waitable timer API#define _SECOND 10000typedef VOID (*LRTCallbackEventProc)(VOID*);class LRTimer {public:// default constructor with 1 second intervalLRTimer(DWORD dwInterval=1000);// default destructor~LRTimer();// starts timer by creating new thread. interval must be set earlierVOID start();// starts timer with given interval in milisecondsVOID start(DWORD _interval_ms);// stops the timerVOID stop();// sets time interval in milisecondsVOID setInterval(DWORD _interval_ms);// returns time interval in msDWORD getInterval();// sets function that will be called on time expirationVOID setCallbackProc( LRTCallbackEventProc pcbEventProc,  VOID* pcbParam );// returns true if LRtimer is currently runningBOOL isRunning();// It should be used if the worker class will use CRT functionsstatic HANDLE CrtCreateThread(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa, DWORD dwStackSize, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pfnThreadProc, void *pvParam, DWORD dwCreationFlags, DWORD *pdwThreadId) throw(){// sanity check for pdwThreadIdassert(sizeof(DWORD) == sizeof(unsigned int)); // _beginthreadex calls CreateThread which will set the last error value before it returnsreturn (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(lpsa, dwStackSize, (unsigned int (__stdcall *)(void *)) pfnThreadProc, pvParam, dwCreationFlags, (unsigned int *) pdwThreadId);}private:DWORD m_dwInterval;               // interval between alarmsLRTCallbackEventProc m_pCallback;   // pointer to user callback functionVOID              *m_pcbParam;    // pointer to user callback parameterBOOL   m_bRunning;                 // timer running stateHANDLE    m_hTimerThread;             // handle to timer threadDWORD  m_iID;                      // timer thread id - added for compatibility with Win95/98// timer clocking tread runtinevirtual DWORD WINAPI timerThread();// wrapper to thread runtine so it can be used within a classstatic  DWORD  WINAPI timerThreadAdapter(PVOID _this) {return ((LRTimer*) _this)->timerThread();}// timer callback APC procedure called when timer is signaledvirtual VOID CALLBACK TimerAPCProc(LPVOID, DWORD, DWORD);// wrapper to callback APC procedure so it can be used within a classstatic  VOID CALLBACK TimerAPCProcAdapter(PVOID _this, DWORD a1=0, DWORD a2=0) {((LRTimer*) _this)->TimerAPCProc( NULL, a1, a2 );}};#endif


/******************************************************************************** LRTimer.cpp                                                                  **                                                                              ** Written by Max Gurdziel 2005 under GNU General Public License                ** contact me: max[at]remoteSOS[dot]com                                         **                                                                              ** LRTimer is a low resolution timer class with own timing thread. It allows    **  an external callback function to be supplied that will be called in         **  pre-defined time intervals. The smallest timer interval you can use is 1ms. **                                                                              **  See header file for more info, usage information and example                **                                                                              **                                                                              **                                                                              ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its        ** documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby    ** granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software  ** for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. ** See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for more details.                   **                                                                              ** All I ask is that if you use LRTimer in your project you retain the          ** copyright notice. If you have any comments and suggestions please email me   ** max[at]remoteSOS[dot]com                                                     **                                                                              ** 2008-6-23 Modified by ZhangLiang                                             **                                                                              ********************************************************************************/#include "LRTimer.h"#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500LRTimer::LRTimer(DWORD dwInterval):m_dwInterval(dwInterval),m_bRunning(FALSE),m_pCallback(NULL),m_pcbParam(NULL),m_hTimerThread(0){}LRTimer::~LRTimer(){}VOID CALLBACK LRTimer::TimerAPCProc(LPVOID, DWORD, DWORD) {// call custom callback functionif (NULL != m_pCallback)(*m_pCallback)(m_pcbParam);#ifdef _DEBUGelseprintf("No callback function set/n");#endif}DWORD WINAPI LRTimer::timerThread() {HANDLE          hTimer;BOOL            bSuccess;LARGE_INTEGER   liDueTime;CHAR            szError[255];if ( hTimer = CreateWaitableTimerA( NULL, FALSE, "LRTimer" ) )liDueTime.QuadPart=-(LONGLONG)m_dwInterval * _SECOND;bSuccess = SetWaitableTimer(hTimer,                            // Handle to the timer object&liDueTime,                         // When timer will become signaled first timem_dwInterval,                      // Periodic timer intervalTimerAPCProcAdapter,               // Completion routinethis,                              // Argument to the completion routineFALSE );                           // Do not restore a suspended systemif ( bSuccess ) {while (m_bRunning)SleepEx(1, TRUE);  // SleepEx(0, TRUE) consumes 100% CPU usageCancelWaitableTimer(hTimer);} else {wsprintfA( szError, "SetWaitableTimer failed with Error %d.", GetLastError() );#ifdef _DEBUGMessageBoxA( NULL, szError, "Error", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION );#endifreturn 1;}CloseHandle(hTimer);return 0;}VOID LRTimer::start() {m_bRunning = TRUE;if (m_hTimerThread != 0) LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINEstop();#ifndef _INC_CRTDEFSm_hTimerThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, timerThreadAdapter, this, 0, &m_iID);#elsem_hTimerThread = CrtCreateThread(NULL, 0, timerThreadAdapter, this, 0, &m_iID);#endifif (m_hTimerThread == NULL) {#ifdef _DEBUGprintf( "CreateThread failed (%d)/n", GetLastError() );#endifreturn;}}VOID LRTimer::start(DWORD _interval_ms) {setInterval(_interval_ms);start();}VOID LRTimer::stop(){m_bRunning = FALSE;CloseHandle(m_hTimerThread);m_hTimerThread = 0;}VOID LRTimer::setInterval(DWORD _interval_ms){m_dwInterval = _interval_ms;}DWORD LRTimer::getInterval(){return m_dwInterval;}VOID LRTimer::setCallbackProc( LRTCallbackEventProc pcbEventProc, VOID* pcbParam) {m_pCallback = pcbEventProc;m_pcbParam = pcbParam;}BOOL LRTimer::isRunning() {return m_bRunning;}


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