塞尔达 amiibo

Every week we bring you interesting highlights from the history of geekdom. This week we take a look at The Legend of Zelda’s 25th anniversary, the Gutenberg press, and the unveiling of primitive super computer ENIAC.

每周我们都会为您带来怪胎史上有趣的亮点。 本周,我们来看看《塞尔达传说》 25周年,古登堡出版社和原始超级计算机ENIAC的揭幕。

塞尔达传说系列25岁 (The Legend of Zelda Series Turns 25)

The brainchild of Nintendo game designers Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka, The Legend of Zelda entered into popular culture on February 21, 1986. Link, the young hero of the Legend of Zelda series, struck a chord with players across the world and is the most recognizable Nintendo character besides their iconic Mario. It would go on to become one of Nintendo’s best selling series with a total of 59 million game units sold across the spectrum of the 15 official games. Link, Zelda, and their nemesis Ganon have been rendered in 8-bit, 16-bit, top-down perspective, side-scrolling, polygon, and cartoon form, and have appeared on every Nintendo console over the last 25 years—they’re slated to appear on the new Nintendo 3DS shortly. What started as Miyamoto’s dream to create a game that captured his childhood exploring the caves of Japan with only a lantern and childlike wonder became one of the most enduring and endearing video game franchises around.

《任天堂的塞尔达传说》是任天堂游戏设计师宫本茂和手冢隆雄的心血结晶,于1986年2月21日进入大众文化。《塞尔达传说》系列的年轻英雄林克与世界各地的玩家共鸣,这是最除了其标志性的马里奥之外,任天堂还可以识别角色。 它将成为任天堂最畅销的游戏系列之一,在15款正式游戏中共售出5900万个游戏单元。 Link,Zelda及其复仇者Ganon已以8位,16位,自上而下的视角,侧滚动,多边形和卡通形式进行渲染,并且在过去25年中出现在每个Nintendo游戏机上,预计不久就会出现在新的Nintendo 3DS上。 宫本的梦想始于创造一款游戏,该游戏捕捉了他的童年,他只用灯笼和童趣就探索了日本的洞穴,这成为了周围最持久,最引人入胜的电子游戏系列之一。

古腾堡出版社改变世界 (The Gutenburg Press Changes the World)

There have been many inventions in the history of the world but few of them can lay claim to the kind of paradigm changing power the Gutenburg press unleashed. The invention of movable type and a press system to utilize it completely revolutionize the distribution of information in a way that wouldn’t be replicated for another 500 or so years with the advent of the internet. Prior to the widespread adoption of the Gutenburg press the reproduction of books was the domain of scribes, fastidiously hand copying works. Even the best of scribes could hardly manage more than a few pages a day. By comparison a simple printing press could manage to churn out in excess of three thousand pages a day. Suddenly it become feasible to mass produce books, political tracts, and other printed items which simply would have gone undistributed prior to Gutenburg’s press. Although the specific date of the first use is murky, this week is widely recognized as the time the first Gutenburg bible was printed.

世界历史上有许多发明,但很少有人声称古登堡媒体释放了这种范式改变力量。 可移动类型的发明和利用它的印刷系统彻底改变了信息的分配方式,这种方式在互联网出现之后的500多年内不会被复制。 在古腾堡出版社被广泛采用之前,书籍的复制是抄写员的领域,是手工复制的作品。 即使是最优秀的抄写员每天也几乎无法管理几页。 相比之下,一台简单的印刷机每天可以印刷超过三千页。 突然,批量生产书籍,政治文案和其他印刷品变得可行,而这些书籍,印刷品在古登堡出版之前根本就没有分发过。 尽管首次使用的具体日期不明确,但本周已被公认为第一本古登堡圣经的印刷时间。

早期超级计算机ENAIC揭幕 (Early Super Computer ENAIC Unveiled)

ENIAC was the first general purpose electronic computer. Unlike prior machines it was programmable for a wide number of tasks rather than custom built for a specific purpose. Originally used to calculate artillery firing tables for the US Army it would later go on to be used for nuclear weapon calculations. ENIAC was absolutely enormous weighing in at more than 30 tons, and contained 17,468 vacuum tubes, 70,000 resistors, 10,000 capacitors, and 5 millions hand soldered joints. It was capable of completing 5,000 addition problems per second (by comparison modern CPUs can work through tens of billions of operations per second). One of the more little known facts about the ENIAC system was that the day to day programming was completed almost exclusively by women, known at the time as “Rosies”. Since then the women have been given more formal recognition for their role in the history of computing.

ENIAC是第一台通用电子计算机。 与以前的机器不同,它可针对大量任务进行编程,而不是针对特定目的进行定制。 最初用于计算美军的火炮发射表,后来又用于核武器的计算。 ENIAC重达30吨,绝对是巨大的重量,它包含17,468个真空管,70,000个电阻器,10,000个电容器和500万个手工焊接接头。 它每秒能够完成5,000个附加问题(相比之下,现代CPU每秒可以完成数百亿次操作)。 有关ENIAC系统的鲜为人知的事实之一是,日常编程几乎完全由女性完成,在当时被称为“玫瑰”。 从那时起,妇女在计算机历史上的作用得到了更为正式的认可。

极客历史上本周其他值得注意的时刻 (Other Notable Moments from This Week in Geek History)

Although we only shine the spotlight on three interesting facts a week in our Geek History column, that doesn’t mean we don’t have space to highlight a few more in passing. This week in Geek History:

尽管我们每周在《极客历史》专栏中仅关注三个有趣的事实,但这并不意味着我们没有足够的空间来强调更多的动态。 本周极客历史:

  • 1946 – Birth of Anthony Daniels, best known for his role as C3-PO.1946年–安东尼·丹尼尔斯(Anthony Daniels)的出生,他以C3-PO的角色而闻名。
  • 1947 – The International Organization for Standardization founded.1947年–国际标准化组织成立。
  • 1955 – Birth of Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple.1955年–苹果公司联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)出生。
  • 1986 – Space Shuttle Challenger explodes shortly after liftoff.1986年-挑战者号航天飞机升空后不久爆炸。

Have an interesting bit of geek trivia to share? Shoot us an email to

有一些有趣的怪胎琐事可以分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至tips@howtogeek.com with “history” in the subject line and we’ll be sure to add it to our list of trivia. tips@howtogeek.com ,主题行中包含“历史记录”,我们将确保将其添加到琐事列表中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/44367/this-week-in-geek-history-zelda-turns-25-birth-of-the-printing-press-and-the-unveiling-of-eniac/

塞尔达 amiibo

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