
There are a ton of Alexa Skills that you can get for your Echo, but now you can create your own basic skills quickly and easily using Alexa Blueprints.


We briefly talked about this before, but essentially Alexa Blueprints is an IFTTT-esque interface that lets you do things like create custom answers for specific questions, design your own trivia games, write your own adventure stories, and more. Here’s how to get started.

我们之前曾简要讨论过这一点 ,但从本质上讲,Alexa Blueprints是一种IFTTT风格的界面,使您可以执行以下操作,例如为特定问题创建自定义答案,设计自己的琐事游戏,编写自己的冒险故事等等。 这是入门方法。

Start by heading to the Blueprints home page and make sure you’re signed into your Amazon account. From there, you can begin creating your custom skill. For this tutorial, I’ll be creating a skill that gives my pet sitter information about our cats in case they forget or have further questions about something.

首先前往“ 蓝图”主页 ,并确保您已登录到亚马逊帐户。 从那里,您可以开始创建自定义技能。 在本教程中,我将创建一项技巧,为我的保姆提供有关猫的信息,以防它们忘记或对某事有进一步的疑问。

Fortunately, Blueprints already has a template for this kind of thing. Scroll down a bit and click the “Pet Sitter” button.

幸运的是,Blueprints已经有了用于此类操作的模板。 向下滚动一点,然后单击“ Pet Sitter”按钮。

Next, click the “Make Your Own” button.


You’ll be shown a quick tutorial of how Blueprints works. Make your way through it if you’d like and then hit the “X” button in top-right corner of the window.

您将获得有关蓝图如何工作的快速教程。 如果需要,请逐步完成操作,然后单击窗口右上角的“ X”按钮。

After that, you’ll be given a handful of text boxes to fill in, like your pet’s daily schedule, where to find certain pet-related things in the house, and any special notes that the pet sitter should know. All you have to do is fill in the blanks!

之后,将为您提供几个文本框,例如宠物的日常日程安排,在房子中可以找到某些与宠物相关的东西以及保姆应该知道的任何特别说明。 您所要做的就是填补空白!

When you’re done filling everything out, click the “Next: Experience” button in the top-right corner.


On this page, you’ll customize the greeting when the Pet Sitter skill is first opened, as well as a few other responses that you can customize. When you’re done with this step, hit “Next: Name” in the top-right corner.

在此页面上,您将自定义“宠物保姆”技能首次打开时的问候语,以及可自定义的其他一些响应。 完成此步骤后,请点击右上角的“下一步:名称”。

Finally, you’ll name your new Alexa skill and then click the “Next: Create Skill” button.


On the next screen, you’re prompted to create an Amazon developer account, which is required in order to make your own Alexa skills. This step is simple, and it uses your current account info. Just click the “Update Account” button to make it happen.

在下一个屏幕上,系统将提示您创建一个Amazon开发人员帐户,这是培养您自己的Alexa技能所必需的。 此步骤很简单,它使用了您当前的帐户信息。 只需单击“更新帐户”按钮即可实现。

Give it some time to create your new skill, which can take a few minutes.


Eventually, your skill will be ready to use on your Echo, but it may take some extra time in order for the skill to be editable if you need to make any changes to it.


To fire up your skill, just say “Alexa, open Pet Sitter” (or whatever you named your skill). From there, you can ask it questions and it will use your custom responses. For example, you might say “what’s the morning schedule” and Alexa will read back whatever information you set up there.

要激发您的技能,只需说“ Alexa,打开宠物保姆”(或您所说的任何技能)。 从那里,您可以提出问题,它将使用您的自定义回复。 例如,您可能说“早上的时间表是什么”,Alexa会读回您在此处设置的所有信息。

Obivously, this is just one example, but there are a handful of templates to choose from. You can do loads of other fun things, like set up a interactive fairy tale for your kids, create flashcards to help you study or learn a new subject, or even teach Alexa some new jokes.

显然,这只是一个示例,但是有一些模板可供选择。 您可以做很多其他有趣的事情,例如为您的孩子设置交互式童话故事,创建抽认卡来帮助您学习或学习新主题,甚至教Alexa一些新玩笑。




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