
  1. 用字符串向量储存整数,当把整数赋给字符串时,它会把整数转换成对应的ASCII码,所以要在赋值前先将整数转换为字符串

    answer[i] = i;
    answer[i] = to_string(i);
  2. 在删除向量元素时
    answer = answer.erase(answer.begin());
  3. if 使用不当
    if ();
    if ();
    if ();
    else ;
    if ();
    else if ();
    else if ();
    else ;


    class Solution {
    public:vector<string> fizzBuzz(int n) {vector<string> ans;for (int i{1}; i <= n; ++i){string s{""};if (i % 3 == 0) s += "Fizz";if (i % 5 == 0) s += "Buzz";if (s.size() == 0) s = to_string(i);ans.push_back(s);}return ans;}


    "Fizz" + "Buzz" = "FizzBuzz"

4/20 Fizz Buzz(412)相关推荐

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    原题: 力扣链接:412. Fizz Buzz 题目简述: 给你一个整数 n ,找出从 1 到 n 各个整数的 Fizz Buzz 表示,并用字符串数组 answer(下标从 1 开始)返回结果,其中 ...

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  8. LeetCode412_412. Fizz Buzz

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  9. iOS LeetCode ☞ Fizz Buzz

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