




英 [kəmˈpju:tə(r)]

美 [kəmˈpjutɚ]

复数: computers


a local network for inter-computer communication; especially a network connecting computers and word processors and other electronic office equipment to create an inter-office system.


To furnish with a computer or computer system.


( computer science) the part of a computer (a microprocessor chip) that does most of the data processing; the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the peripherals are attached.


There is something wrong with the computer programme.


Public Key Cryptosystem


When did the first generation computers become obsolete?



We budgeted for a new computer.


The market absorbed all the computers we could build.


one of the greatest advances in modern technology is invention computers.they help people in different ways.they are widely used in industy,research institues.offices and home .computer are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of sciences .they can solve the most complex mathematical problems.or put thousands of unrelated facts in orer.they can be put to different uses.becaus they work accurately and at high speed.they save research worker years of hard work.

ordinary people can use computers to obtain valuble information .for instance,people going on weekend holiday could be informed about weather condition.they also offer entertainment to people.some people are interested in computer games.some people are interested in chatting online.we can download latest movie conveniently.

computers are the best servants man has ever had,and

there is no limit to the ways in which they can be used to improve our lives.


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