

Computer game


1. A toy store has marked down the Sonic Hedgehog computer game.


2. People complain about how children spend so much time on computer games.


3. Computer games are the ultimate anorak pursuit.


4. The game is a simple sports sim.


5. The research shows that computer games may cause aggression.


6. a bunch of saddos who spend their lives playing computer games


7. The market for computer games has reached saturation point.


8. Improved graphics took computer games into a new era.


9. How people design computer games is beyond me.


10. Computer games are what I'm enjoying.


11. Computer games always take my fancy.


12. I love to play computer games.


13. Then do great people love computer games?

那么伟人喜欢电脑游戏 吗 ?

14. Next I play computer games till the time to have supper.


15. My brother wants a computer game as birthday present.



1. 课程设计分三部分,分别探讨电脑游戏的基本概念,教育与电脑游戏的关系,以及电脑游戏在各领域的应用。

It covers the basic idea for computer game, the edutainment, and its application on the autonomous animal behavior simulation.

2. 柏林电脑游戏博物馆最近向公众开放,这个新的电脑游戏展将永久保留。 玩家们将进行一次历史的旅行,去见证60年间电脑游戏的精彩时刻。

The computer games museum opens in Berlin, showcasing 60 years of gaming history

3. 吉盖克斯同样不喜欢电脑游戏。他认为电脑图形取代了艺术家为游戏玩家所创造的想象空间,降低了游戏的体验度。

Mr Gygax didn't like that either; he thought computer graphics cheapened the experience by substituting an artist's imagination for the player's.

4. 有时我玩电脑游戏,但我父母亲不喜欢看见我玩电脑游戏。

Sometimes I play computer games, but my parents don't.

5. 如果一个人能在业余时间适度地玩电脑游戏,那电脑游戏会成为快乐的一个来源。

If one plays computer game properly in his spare time, computer games can be an excellent source of joy.

6. 中国1400万核心玩家平均每周至少22个小时在线玩游戏。 他们在线、通过局域网打游戏,或者玩脱机的单机电脑游戏。

Fourteen million hard-core Chinese gamers play online games more than 22 hours per week.

7. 随着科技的发展,越来越多的孩子被吸引玩电脑游戏,他们几乎热衷于日夜玩电脑游戏。

With the development of technology, more and more children are attracted to play computer games, they are almost eager to day and night playing computer games.

8. 专家估计那些带有压抑症的病人可能想通过玩电脑游戏作为一种自我治疗的方式,令自己沉浸在电脑游戏的世界来忘记现实生活的一切烦恼。

The researchers hypothesized that depressed individuals might be turning to games as a means of self-medication, immersing themselves in a game's world as a way of forgetting about real-life


9. 个人电脑是个大市场,但爱好电脑游戏的人们形成了一个对具备特殊控制器的超高速电脑有着需求的小型缝隙市场。

PCs are the general market, but people who love computer games make up a small market niche for super-fast computers with special controllers.

10. 当他的部门获得一台新的Elektronika60电脑 ***俄国仿制PDP-11的产品*** 时,他开始为他玩的几款拼图游戏设计电脑游戏版本。

When his department got a new Elektronika 60 computer, a Russian clone of the PDP-11, he began to create computer game versions of several of his puzzles.



I like computer games.


I have tired of these computer games.


There's nothing I like better than playing computer games.


Owners of films, music and computer games obviously have to protect their rights and preventillegal copying, otherwise everyone would get all sorts of content for free.


On one hand, we're bombarded with messages about the perils of letting kids play withcomputer games and gadgets. On the other, we're seduced by games and apps marketed to usas “educational.


We spend all our pocket money on computer games and CDs.


Grandpa. Can I play computer games?


Dad. Can I play computer games?


I write computer games.


Unlike a computer game, there is no set mission to complete Second Life. Instead, the onlineworld is a new frontier waiting for you to discover and enjoy as you wish.


I used this approach for my computer games business.


The computer game is an art form because it presents its audience with fantasy experiencesthat stimulate emotion.



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