

quizList[index] = currentQuiz;
quizList[index].learningItem = item;


Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'learningItem')


currentQuiz对象有可能是undefined,如果再给undefined对象quizList[index]动态添加属性learningItem,会导致出现cannot set property xxx of undefined报错


quizList[index] = currentQuiz == undefined ? {} : currentQuiz;
quizList[index].learningItem = item;




quiz.finishedstudent.forEach(item => {if (item.score < 80) {errorNum++;}


Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'forEach')


if (quiz.finishedstudent != undefined) {quiz.finishedstudent.forEach(item => {if (item.score < 80) {errorNum++;}})

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