
The whole HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray thing is so ridiculous. That we didn't learn from the VHS vs. BetaMax fiasco and are doing it again just kills me. Of course, some folks think the battle is more like the DVD-Audio vs. Super Audio CD (SACD) wars (skirmish?) where neither won.

整个HD-DVD与Blu-Ray的关系是如此荒谬。 我们没有从VHS与BetaMax惨败中学到什么,而再次这样做只会让我丧命。 当然,有些人认为这场战斗更像是DVD音频大战超级音频CD(SACD)大战(小冲突?),两者均未获胜。

Personally, I think HD-DVD will eventually win. Not because of technical superiority (it's not) or cheapness (it's cheaper so far to buy and produce) but because of one simple thing. The name. HD-DVD says what it means. Blu-Ray? Huh? People like simple Acronyms. Also, Sony is coming off as a little snooty in this whole thing.

我个人认为HD-DVD最终会赢。 不是因为技术优势(不是)或便宜(到目前为止购买和生产便宜),而是因为一件简单的事情。 名字。 HD-DVD表示什么意思。 蓝光? ?? 人们喜欢简单的首字母缩写词。 而且,索尼在整个事情上都显得有些傲慢。

Anyway, enough of that nonsense, here's what's up. My Christmas gift this year was an HD-DVD Player for the Xbox360. It's US$199, but it comes with an HD-DVD copy of King Kong as well as the larger-sized XBox 360 Remote Control, which is nice. The drive also is a USB Hub adding two USB ports to make up for the one in the back it takes away from your Xbox.

无论如何,这是胡说八道,这就是最新的情况。 我今年的圣诞节礼物是Xbox360的HD-DVD播放器。 它的价格为199美元,但随附一张金刚的HD-DVD拷贝以及更大尺寸的XBox 360遥控器。 该驱动器也是一个USB集线器,它添加了两个USB端口,以弥补从Xbox拿走的背面中的一个USB端口。

Here's the worst part about HD-DVD. Once you've seen a movie you love in HD-DVD, you'll be unable to tolerate a DVD. I did a test on my wife, on 37" LCD from 10 feet away, she immediately noticed the difference between the DVD version and the HD-DVD version, and she's not one who typically noticed these things. It's like getting new glasses - You're ruined without them.

这是关于HD-DVD的最糟糕的部分。 在HD-DVD中看过喜欢的电影后,您将无法容忍DVD。 我在10英尺外的37英寸液晶显示器上对我的妻子进行了测试,她立即注意到DVD版本和HD-DVD版本之间的区别,而且她不是通常注意到这些事情的人。这就像买新眼镜一样-您没有他们就毁了。

Yes, the picture is amazing, and I'm only watching it in 720p. I'd need to get a Sharp Aquos 1080p TV to get any better. But the picture is just part of it, there are subtle things like being able to access the main DVD menu without stopping the playback. There's 7.1 lossless audio. There's picture in picture multiple-video stream extras. I've got Superman Returns, Batman Begins, Serenity and King Kong and they are truly excellent in every way.

是的,图片很棒,我只以720p观看。 我需要一台Sharp Aquos 1080p电视才能获得更好的效果。 但是图片只是其中的一部分,还有一些细微的事情,例如能够在不停止播放的情况下访问DVD主菜单。 有7.1无损音频。 有画中画多视频流附加功能。 我有《超人归来》,《蝙蝠侠开始》,《宁静》和《金刚》,它们在各个方面都非常出色。

One other cool thing. You can use the HD-DVD Player on both Windows XP and Windows Vista. XP requires drivers, Vista doesn't. WinDVD8 apparently plays HD-DVD movies, a Vista doesn't support HD-DVD out of the box.

一件很酷的事情。 您可以在Windows XP和Windows Vista上使用HD-DVD Player 。 XP需要驱动程序,而Vista不需要。 WinDVD8显然可以播放HD-DVD电影,而Vista不支持现成的HD-DVD。

Ah, one OTHER cool thing. Apparently more and more HD-DVDs (like Superman Returns) are "combo DVD/HD-DVDs" with DVD on one side and HD-DVD on the other. That is pretty slick and if I understand correctly, unique to HD-DVD. That would make me more likely to use HD-DVD if it's true.

啊,还有一件很酷的事情。 显然,越来越多的HD-DVD(如“超人归来”)是“复合DVD / HD-DVD”,一侧是DVD,另一侧是HD-DVD。 这是非常光滑的,如果我理解正确的话,这是HD-DVD独有的。 如果确实如此,那将使我更有可能使用HD-DVD。



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