
Just wanted to expand a bit and pull in information from a number of places on how the Xbox 360 displays the Media Center UI. This is a point of confusion for a lot of folks (myself included) and it's a darned interesting thing. The Media Center Sandbox blog has lots of great info on developing on the MCPC, not just now, but in the Vista timeframe. Michael Earls has a nice article on developing Add-Ins with .NET.

只是想扩展一点并从许多地方获取有关Xbox 360如何显示Media Center UI的信息。 对于很多人(包括我自己)来说,这是一个混乱的点,这是一件令人惊讶的有趣事情。 Media Center Sandbox博客不仅提供有关MCPC开发的大量信息,而且还涉及Vista时间范围。 迈克尔·厄尔斯(Michael Earls)有一篇不错的文章,介绍了如何使用.NET开发外接程序。

Clemens is working on something very cool that's clearly HTML-based and will work great in my Xbox360 as HTML-based apps use Remote Desktop functionality to render themselves remotely. While the UI is cool, you'll be very interested to hear how the backend works.

Clemens正在开发非常酷的东西,这些东西显然是基于HTML的,并且将在我的Xbox360中很好地工作,因为基于HTML的应用程序使用远程桌面功能来远程呈现自己。 虽然UI很酷,但是您将非常有兴趣了解后端的工作方式。

The MTV Overdrive (download for MCPC) and VH1 V-Spot are pretty amazing examples of what can be done with an MCPC Application that uses only DHTML, AJAX, Flash and Video, and consequently be remoted via RDP to the Xbox 360.

MTV Overdrive (为MCPC下载)和VH1 V-Spot是使用仅使用DHTML,AJAX,Flash和视频并因此通过RDP远程到Xbox 360的MCPC应用程序可以完成的惊人示例。

Note: You need the Update Rollup 2 to use the Xbox 360 as a Media Extender.

注意:您需要更新汇总2才能将Xbox 360用作Media Extender。

Charlie Owen offered me this table to express "what's rendered how" and reminded me to check the Media Center "Online Spotlight" more often. It'd be nice if there were an RSS feed I could check instead. NewsGator has a pretty nice interface as well, but their site doesn't mention Media Center 2005 so I'm not sure that it's been updated lately. It works fine though.

查理·欧文(Charlie Owen)向我提供了这张桌子,以表达“呈现的内容”,并提醒我更频繁地检查Media Center“在线聚光灯” 。 如果有我可以检查的RSS feed,那就太好了。 NewsGator也有一个非常漂亮的界面,但是他们的网站没有提及Media Center 2005,所以我不确定它最近是否已更新。 它工作正常。

Hosted HTML = Remote Desktop WinFX XBAP (XAML) = Remote Desktop Media Center Add In (.NET) = Rendered Natively on XBox 360Media Center Main Menu (added by me) = Rendered Natively on XBox 360

托管HTML =远程桌面WinFX XBAP(XAML) =远程桌面Media Center加载项(.NET) =在XBox 360上本地呈现Media Center主菜单(由我添加)=在XBox 360上本地呈现

Here's an important note about Charlie's table:


"When I say 'Remote Desktop' I really mean technology similar to remote desktop, but not the same -- expect 3-5 frames per second, full screen updates sent over the wire. Rendered natively on the XBox 360 means we send the MCML over the wire which is interpreted and rendered on the XBox 360 (full 30 frames per second)."

当我说'Remote Desktop'时,我的意思实际上是类似于远程桌面的技术,但并不相同-期望每秒3-5帧,通过网络发送全屏更新。在XBox 360上本地呈现意味着我们发送了MCML通过XBox 360上解释和渲染的导线(每秒30帧)。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/media-center-extenders-and-the-xbox-360


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