
  • Determinant maximization
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Determinant maximization

E1={x∣xTP1x≤1}E2={x∣xTP2x≤1}E_1=\{x\mid x^TP_1x\leq 1\}\\ E_2=\{x\mid x^TP_2x\leq 1\} E1​={x∣xTP1​x≤1}E2​={x∣xTP2​x≤1}
找到最小的椭球,xTPx≤1x^TPx\leq 1xTPx≤1使得其可以包含E1E_1E1​和E2E_2E2​.

By using the fact that the volume of the ellipsoid is proportional to det⁡(P)\det(P)det(P) and appling the S-procedure, it can be shown that is problem can be written as

max⁡det⁡Ps.t.{t1P1⪰Pt2P2⪰PP⪰01≥t1≥01≥t2≥0\max \det P\\ s.t. \begin{cases} t_1P_1\succeq P\\ t_2P_2\succeq P\\ P\succeq 0\\ 1\geq t_1\geq 0\\ 1\geq t_2\geq 0 \end{cases} maxdetPs.t.⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎧​t1​P1​⪰Pt2​P2​⪰PP⪰01≥t1​≥01≥t2​≥0​

the objective function det⁡(P)\det(P)det(P), is not convex, but monotonic transformation can render this problem convex. One alternative is the logarthmic transform, leading to minimization of log⁡(det⁡(P))\log(\det(P))log(det(P)) instead, which only is supported if use SDPT3.

对于其他求解器,将目标函数转为−det⁡(P)1/m-\det(P)^{1/m}−det(P)1/m求解,其中mmm表示PPP的维度(the geometric mean of the eigenvalues, which is a monotonic function of the determinant). 函数det⁡(P)1/m\det(P)^{1/m}det(P)1/m为凹函数,该问题可以使用半正定规划和二阶锥规划求解.

%% max det(p)
p1=randn(2); p1=p1*p1';
p2=randn(2); p2=p2*p2';
% 设置变量
t=sdpvar(2, 1);
p=sdpvar(n, n);% 设置约束
F=[1>=t >=0];
F=[F, t(1)*p1>=p];
F=[F, t(2)*p2>=p];% 求解
sol = optimize(F, -geomean(p));
x=sdpvar(2, 1);% plot
hold on;
plot(x'*value(p)*x<=1, [], 'b');
plot(x'*value(p1)*x<=1, [], 'r');
plot(x'*value(p2)*x<=1, [], 'g');
hold off;


This command can not be used in any other construction than in the objective function, compared to the geomean operator that can be used as any other variable in YALMIP, since it a so called nonlinear operator.

%% sdpt3
optimize(F, -logdet(p), sdpsettings('solver', 'sdpt3'));
x=sdpvar(2, 1);hold on;
plot(x'*value(p)*x<=1, [], 'b');
plot(x'*value(p1)*x<=1, [], 'r');
plot(x'*value(p2)*x<=1, [], 'g');
hold off;

Note that if you use the logdet command but not explicitly select a solver that supports logdet terms natively, YALMIP will use det⁡(P)1/m\det(P)^{1/m}det(P)1/m as objective function instead anyway. However, if you have a mixed objective function such as trace(P)−log⁡det⁡(P)trace(P)-\log\det(P)trace(P)−logdet(P), you can only use SDPT3.



Determinant maximization

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