Episode 22 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week your hosts are Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves), Brad Williams (@williamsba) and Kevin Yank (@sentience).

SitePoint Podcast的 第22集现已发布! 本周的主持人是斯蒂芬·塞格雷夫斯( @ssegraves ),布拉德·威廉姆斯( @williamsba )和凯文·扬克( @sentience )。

下载此剧集 (Download this Episode)

You can also download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link:

您也可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

  • SitePoint Podcast #22: Bing’s Boondoggles (MP3, 33.8MB)

    SitePoint Podcast#22:Bing的Boondoggles (MP3,33.8MB)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Here are the topics covered in this episode:


1-800-FLOWERS on FaceBook


  • 1-800-FLOWERS.COM Sets Up Shop Inside Facebook (TechCrunch)

    1-800-FLOWERS.COM在Facebook内部开设商店 (TechCrunch)

PayPal Outage Affects the Web


  • PayFail: PayPal And Its APIs Go Down, Online Shopping Grinds To A Halt (TechCrunch)

    PayFail:PayPal及其API崩溃,在线购物陷入停顿 (TechCrunch)

Criminal Prosecution over P2P.com Domain Theft


  • First Ever Criminal Prosecution for Domain Name Theft Underway (DomainNameNews)

    域名盗窃案首次提起刑事诉讼 (DomainNameNews)

Microsoft to Take Over Yahoo! Search

微软将接管雅虎! 搜索

  • Bing Boosted by Microsoft and Yahoo Deal (SitePoint)

    由Microsoft和Yahoo Deal (SitePoint) 推动的Bing

Host Spotlights:


  • Stephan: National Broadband Plan

    斯蒂芬: 国家宽带计划

  • Brad: bbPress Theme Project

    布拉德: bbPress主题项目

  • Kevin: Sequel Pro

    凯文: 续集临

显示成绩单 (Show Transcript)

Kevin: The SitePoint Podcast episode 22, for Friday, August 7th, 2009: “Bing’s Boondoggles”.

凯文: SitePoint播客第22集,2009年8月7日,星期五:“必应的Boondoggles”。

Kevin: Hi, there and welcome back to the SitePoint Podcast – news, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers. I’m your host, Kevin Yank coming to you from SitePoint headquarters in Melbourne, Australia and I’m joined by my panel of co-hosts.

凯文:您好,欢迎回到SitePoint播客–有关Web开发人员和设计师的新闻,观点和新思路。 我是您的房东,凯文·扬克(Kevin Yank)从澳大利亚墨尔本的SitePoint总部来找您,我的共同主持人小组也加入了我的行列。

Brad: Brad Williams from WebDevStudios.

布拉德: WebDevStudios的布拉德 ·威廉姆斯。

Patrick: Patrick O’Keefe of the iFroggy Network.

帕特里克: iFroggy网络的Patrick O'Keefe。

Stephan: And Stephan Segraves from Houston, Texas.


Kevin: It’s time once again for the SitePoint podcast and this week we’re without Patrick. Patrick is traveling. His jet-setting lifestyle keeps us without him this week but Brad and Stephan as usual joining me.

凯文:现在是时候再次进行SitePoint播客了,这周我们没有帕特里克了。 帕特里克正在旅行。 他喷气式飞机的生活方式使我们本周没有他,但布拉德和斯蒂芬像往常一样加入了我。

In this episode we’ll be talking about the PayPal outage that affected much of the Web in the past week, a first prosecution under criminal charges for domain name theft, and finally, the deal everyone is talking about, the Microsoft-Yahoo! search deal but first, this episode, we have Facebook.

在本集中,我们将讨论在过去一周中影响到Web大部分地区的PayPal中断,因域名盗窃而受到刑事指控的第一项起诉,最后是每个人都在谈论的交易,即Microsoft-Yahoo!。 搜索交易,但首先,这一集有Facebook。

Stephan: 1-800-Flowers.com has put an application into Facebook that accepts credit cards and delivers flowers, I guess. They teamed up with an app developer named Alvenda, and they’ve created an application within Facebook to take flower orders within Facebook.

斯蒂芬: 1-800-Flowers.com已经将一个应用程序放入Facebook,该应用程序可以接受信用卡并提供鲜花。 他们与一个名为Alvenda的应用程序开发人员合作,并在Facebook上创建了一个应用程序以在Facebook内接受鲜花订购。

Kevin: This developer is famous for doing Facebook apps, is that…


Stephan: I think that’s correct, yeah; I haven’t really looked into him but that’s, from the brief look at their web site, yeah, they’re big Facebook apps.

斯蒂芬:我认为是正确的,是的。 我还没有真正研究过他,但是从他们的网站的简要介绍来看,是的,它们是大型的Facebook应用程序。

Kevin: So rather than going to 1-800-Flowers.com to order flowers for your loved one, you can just do it inside Facebook. You don’t have to leave the walled garden, which has bushes full of flowers I assume these days.

凯文:因此,您不必在1-800-Flowers.com上为自己所爱的人订购鲜花,而可以在Facebook上进行。 您不必离开围墙的花园,那里的灌木丛开满了我最近认为的花朵。

Stephan: It’s hard not to laugh, right?


Kevin: So, it’s looking like Facebook is becoming a web within the Web. As much as possible, you don’t have to leave Facebook to do anything on the web. I assume they decided they could sell more flowers this way. I suppose instead of buying virtual flowers on Facebook, you can buy the real thing now.

凯文:所以,看起来Facebook正在成为网络中的网络。 尽可能地,您不必离开Facebook即可在网络上进行任何操作。 我以为他们决定以这种方式可以卖出更多的花。 我想您现在可以购买真实的东西,而不是在Facebook上购买虚拟花。

Brad: I can really see this taken off. I think a lot ecommerce sites are going to start looking at 1-800-Flowers is doing and start asking their IT department why they’re not doing?

布拉德:我真的可以看到这一点。 我认为许多电子商务网站将开始关注1-800-Flowers的状况,并开始询问其IT部门为何不这样做?

Kevin: Right.


Brad: Why they’re not offering their items up for sale on Facebook?


Kevin: It certainly – you have to go for those mainstream products for now I think. I can’t imagine SitePoint opening a bookstore within Facebook in the very near future. It’s a strange, strange thing but, yeah look, it’s got to make sense for them.

凯文:当然可以,我认为您现在必须选择那些主流产品。 我无法想象SitePoint在不久的将来会在Facebook内开设一家书店。 这是一件奇怪的事情,但是,是的,这对他们来说很有意义。

Stephan: If the back end is focused in one general place then I guess it’s okay but it just seems there’s too much to keep up with now, right? We’ve kind of gone this natural progression of – we’ve gotten rid of the phone number, 1-800-Flowers, you don’t call anymore. You go to 1-800-Flowers.com and now you go to Facebook to go to 1-800-Flowers.com. It’s like, when you go to 1-800-Flowers.com now are you going to have another web site within in to go to Facebook. I don’t know, at what point do we stop?

斯蒂芬:如果后端集中在一个通用的地方,那我觉得还可以,但似乎现在有太多需要跟上的,对吗? 我们已经经历了这种自然的发展-我们摆脱了电话号码1-800-花,您不再打给您。 您转到1-800-Flowers.com,现在转到Facebook,转到1-800-Flowers.com。 就像当您现在访问1-800-Flowers.com时,您将拥有另一个网站以访问Facebook。 我不知道,我们什么时候停下来?

Kevin: I’m trying to figure out what the Facebook short URL for this is. Yeah, it’s facebook.com/1800flowers. They’ve taken the dashes out of it now.

凯文:我想弄清楚这是Facebook的简称URL。 是的,它是facebook.com/1800flowers 。 他们现在已经消除了破折号。

Brad: Yeah, a cool application I could see this maybe morphing into is if you were able to maybe somehow suggest products to your friends and say, “hey, look at this basket of flowers. I thought you might like it,” and then they could take that recommendation and purchase it. I could see it kind of evolving in that. I think this is – it’s very early on that web sites are starting to do this, but I could easily see this evolving until this completely hooks into the entire social graph and allows you to kind of share your products throughout your friends, through recommendations and feedback.

布拉德:是的,很酷的应用程序,如果您能够以某种方式向您的朋友推荐产品并说:“嘿,看看这花篮,我可能会看到这种变化。 我认为您可能会喜欢”,然后他们可以接受该建议并购买。 我可以看到它在不断发展。 我认为这是–网站开始这样做尚为时过早,但是我可以很容易地看到这种情况的发展,直到它完全融入整个社交圈,并允许您通过推荐和反馈。

Kevin: Clearly it’s a land grab because when they had their phone number, they were one of, I assume, many places you could call to get flowers delivered and so then they moved to the Web because they were cutting edge, and if you were a web user, they became, for a short time, maybe the only well-known place you could go online for flowers and now that market is getting crowded so they move into Facebook, and now they’re the only real flower retailer on Facebook. So it seems like 1-800-Flowers.com is not about competing on the grounds of having the best flowers, it’s about competing on the grounds of being the only ones in a particular space offering flowers. So it’s convenience that they’re competing on.

凯文:显然,这是一个抢地之举,因为当他们有了电话号码时,我想他们可以打电话到很多地方来送花,然后他们就搬到了网上,因为他们很前沿,如果作为网络用户,他们在很短的时间内成为了您可能唯一可以在线购买鲜花的知名网站,而现在市场越来越拥挤,因此他们进入了Facebook,现在,他们是Facebook上唯一的鲜花零售商。 因此,似乎1-800-Flowers.com并不是要以拥有最好的花朵为由进行竞争,而是要以成为特定空间中唯一提供鲜花的领域为由进行竞争。 因此,他们竞争很方便。

Stephan: Yeah, I think you’re absolutely right and they’re going after the crowd that hangs out on Facebook all the time. I never get on Facebook really anymore so this service is useless to me but I know people that can spend hours a day on it and so maybe this is useful, I don’t know.

斯蒂芬:是的,我认为您是绝对正确的,他们一直在追随一直在Facebook上闲逛的人群。 我再也没有真正上过Facebook,所以这项服务对我来说毫无用处,但是我知道人们每天可以花数小时在上面,所以也许这是有用的,我不知道。

Kevin: Well, there are 2371 fans on Facebook who I guess think this is a good thing. That’s how many fans 1-800-Flowers have on Facebook.

凯文:好吧,Facebook上有2371名粉丝,我想这是一件好事。 那就是1-800-Flowers在Facebook上拥有多少粉丝。

Thinking from a user perspective, what makes people happy to work within a walled garden like Facebook I suppose are the built-in services that come with it. When you’re on Facebook, everything you do is connected to the people you know, is within an interface that you’re familiar with. If the Web had been designed with those facilities, those conveniences from day one, Facebook and sites like it probably would not have had a business and we now see Open Standards trying to catch up on these fronts. You see open standards like OpenID coming along trying to bring features like having your social graph with you everywhere, having one login to take with you everywhere, these conveniences that you can get today within Facebook, the standards are trying to catch up so that you have them everywhere you go on the Web and if this is successful then eventually, the Facebooks of the world will become obsolete and they’ll have to evolve to provide the next level of convenience that the raw Web can’t provide.

从用户的角度考虑,让人们高兴地在像Facebook这样的围墙花园中工作的原因是它附带的内置服务。 当您在Facebook上时,您所做的一切都会与您认识的人建立联系,并且都在您熟悉的界面内。 如果设计的Web具有这些功能,那么从第一天起的那些便利,Facebook和类似的站点可能就没有生意了,我们现在看到开放标准正试图赶上这些领域。 您会看到像OpenID这样的开放标准,它们试图带来各种功能,例如随处可见您的社交图谱,随处可见一个登录名,如今在Facebook上可以获得的这些便利,这些标准正在努力赶上您,将它们带到Web上的任何地方,如果成功,那么最终,世界上的Facebook将变得过时,它们将不得不发展以提供原始Web无法提供的下一级别的便利。

It’s is easy to scoff at this but I think 1-800-Flowers is making a smart move. I’m not sure I would recommend them as the best flower outlet on the Web. It probably just be the only one on Facebook right now. So ladies – or gentlemen – if you receive a bouquet of flowers with 1-800-Flowers sticker on it, just realize that the people who got it for you cared more about convenience than about the quality of the flowers you’re receiving.

对此很容易sc之以鼻,但我认为1-800-Flowers正在采取明智之举。 我不确定我会推荐它们作为网络上最好的鲜花出口。 它可能只是目前Facebook上唯一的一个。 因此,女士们-先生们-如果您收到一束上面贴有1-800-Flowers鲜花的花束,只需意识到为您准备的花束的人们对便利性的关心远胜于所收到鲜花的质量。

Stephan: It brings up a good question though, because if you surf for 1-800-Flowers on Facebook, you get “1-800-Flowers Sucks” as the group.

斯蒂芬:但是,这提出了一个很好的问题,因为如果您在Facebook上浏览1-800-Flowers,您将得到“ 1-800-Flowers Sucks”作为群组。

Kevin: Oh, that’s good.


Stephan: So where does this go because how do you control how your search results are in Facebook? So at least a whole different set of issues, right?

斯蒂芬:那该怎么办,因为您如何控制搜索结果在Facebook中的状态? 所以至少有一系列不同的问题,对不对?

Kevin: Yeah, that’s the Web baby.


Stephan: So yeah, I’m going off on a tangent, here…


Kevin: You have the problem with Google, I guess.


Stephan: Yeah.


Kevin: Speaking of conveniences that we’ve gotten used to, PayPal had a big outage this week, right Brad?


Brad: Yeah, PayPal had a nice epic fail earlier in the week and they actually had a site and API-wide outage. From all the reports I’ve read, it looks like it lasted about an hour, even though initial reports were saying two hours, but the PayPal.com and their entire payment processing API were dead in the water which essentially means any web site that accepted PayPal as the form of payment would no longer allow that because the PayPal API was dead, which is obviously a huge, very, very big black eye for eBay, which is the owner, parent company of PayPal. But now the real question is, is eBay liable for the lost sales that happened during that hour or two hours of outage that they had.

布拉德(Brad):是的,贝宝(PayPal)在本周早些时候发生了一次史诗般的失败,实际上他们在站点和API范围内都发生了故障。 从我读过的所有报告中看来,它似乎持续了大约一个小时,即使最初的报告说是两个小时,但PayPal.com及其整个付款处理API都已死了,这实际上意味着任何网站接受贝宝(PayPal)作为付款方式将不再允许,因为贝宝(PayPal)API已失效,这显然是eBay的巨大,非常大的黑眼,后者是贝宝(PayPal)的所有者,母公司。 但是现在真正的问题是,eBay是否应该为停电一两个小时内发生的销售损失负责。

Kevin: Well, I know SitePoint would have been affected by this. We were all asleep at the time here in Australia, so we did not see this happening real time, but yeah, we would have lost some sales overnight.

凯文:嗯,我知道SitePoint会受到此影响。 当时我们在澳大利亚都睡着了,所以我们没有实时看到这种情况,但是是的,我们将在一夜之间失去一些销售。

Stephan: How do brick and mortar stores when their credit card processors go out, do they hold the processor liable for this, does anyone know?


Kevin: I don’t think so. I think they just apologize and take cash for an hour so. I definitely…

凯文:我不这么认为。 我认为他们只是道歉并花了一个小时的现金。 我绝对…

Brad: Or I think they can also call and do the transaction over the phone with the processing company.


Stephan: Gotcha. So it would be a little harder in this case.

斯蒂芬:哥。 因此,在这种情况下会更加困难。

Brad: Yeah, in this case, and it’s also probably hard exactly how much was lost. You can obviously track how many people landed on your page, but how do you know how many of those people would actually have clicked that final ‘send payment’ button or whatever it may have been. I’m sure they can estimate they think they might have been lost but I think the exact amount is probably going be near impossible.

布拉德:是的,在这种情况下,丢失多少钱可能也很难。 显然,您可以跟踪有多少人登陆了您的页面,但是您如何知道实际上有多少人单击了该最终的“发送付款”按钮,或者可能单击了什么按钮。 我相信他们可以估计他们认为自己可能已经丢失,但是我认为确切的数额可能几乎是不可能的。

Kevin: Right. How long has it been since you guys have seen one of those when you go to a shop, and either it’s an old shop or they don’t have a phone line and they bring out the big imprint machine and they clonk it down on the desk and they take an imprint of your credit card.

凯文:对。 你们去商店时看到一个这样的东西已经有多长时间了,这是一家老店,或者他们没有电话线,他们拿出了大型烙印机,然后将其塞在了服务台,他们会在您的信用卡上留下烙印。

Brad: I don’t even want to pay after I see one of those things. Having my credit card information actually on a piece of paper underneath someone’s counter is a little bit scary, these days.

布拉德:看到其中一件事后,我什至不想付钱。 这些天来,我的信用卡信息实际上放在别人柜台下的纸上有点吓人。

Kevin: Well, I suppose the digital equivalent would be if PayPal outages or payment system outages online were a regular thing, people would design their ecommerce services so that they would check if the service is up and if it wasn’t, they would do the equivalent of taking an imprint, which I guess would be taking your credit card details and storing them on the merchant’s server rather than immediately passing them on to the credit card provider which is usually what is required when you get a merchant account online. I’m not sure I’d be happy with that. I know a lot of people wouldn’t.

凯文:好吧,我想数字等效是如果PayPal停电或在线支付系统停电是经常发生的事情,人们会设计自己的电子商务服务,以便他们检查该服务是否正常运行,如果不正常,他们会这样做这相当于打上烙印,我猜想是要获取您的信用卡详细信息并将其存储在商家的服务器上,而不是立即将其传递给信用卡提供商,这通常是您在线获得商家帐户时所需要的。 我不确定我对此是否满意。 我知道很多人不会。

Stephan: No, that’s was like, it’s a big no-no. I don’t want to be liable for people’s credit card information. If they track it back to me that someone hacked my server, I’m responsible for whatever charges happened on their card. I don’t want that.

史蒂芬:不,那就像,这是一个很大的禁忌。 我不想对人们的信用卡信息负责。 如果他们将其追溯到我身上有人入侵了我的服务器,我将对他们卡上发生的任何费用负责。 我不要

Brad: It’s possible to do that and I actually think that’s how Amazon works; when you put an order at the Amazon, it accepts your order and then emails you an hour later saying it was successfully placed or whatever. The problem with doing that with PayPal is that web sites at no point ask for your PayPal information. If you run an ecommerce site, you don’t ask for the user’s PayPal username and password, you redirect them to PayPal.com and they provide it directly to PayPal, which is a little different from a credit card transaction. So there is actually, there would be no way to do an offline PayPal payment; they would have to come back at a later date and send that payment in.

布拉德:有可能做到这一点,而我实际上认为这就是亚马逊的运作方式。 当您在亚马逊下订单时,它会接受您的订单,然后在一小时后通过电子邮件向您发送电子邮件,说明已成功下达订单。 使用PayPal执行此操作的问题在于,网站绝对不会要求您提供PayPal信息。 如果您经营电子商务网站,则无需输入用户的PayPal用户名和密码,而是将其重定向到PayPal.com,然后直接将其提供给PayPal,这与信用卡交易略有不同。 因此,实际上没有办法进行离线PayPal付款; 他们将不得不稍后再回来并汇款。

Kevin: You know, these outages for the hour that they’re going on, people get really upset and they make grand statements that they’re going to start a class action suit to reclaim the lost funds but as soon as it passes, it seems to be business as usual very quickly. Do you think anything will come out of this?

凯文:你知道,这些中断持续了一个小时,人们真的很沮丧,他们发表了宏伟的声明,说他们将要发起集体诉讼来收回损失的资金,但是一旦流失,它就会似乎很快照常营业。 您认为这会带来什么结果吗?

Brad: I would doubt it. I think you’re right, when it first happens in the heat of the storm, everyone is up in arms about it but then it does blow over. Like I said, I think it’s really going to be hard for them to be able to determine what was lost on a per web site basis. I think they could estimate it but I don’t think they could have a solid number and without an actual solid number, what are they to do? So I can’t imagine anything would come out of it.

布拉德:我会怀疑的。 我认为您是对的,当它第一次在狂风中发生时,每个人都对它抱有同情心,但后来确实爆发了。 就像我说的那样,我认为对于每个网站而言,要确定丢失的内容确实非常困难。 我认为他们可以估算出来,但是我不认为他们可以有一个实数,而没有一个实际的实数,该怎么办? 所以我无法想象会有什么结果。

Stephan: I’m interested to know how many web sites failed gracefully.


Kevin: Yeah, exactly. If this was a regular thing, we would be designing our web sites to fail gracefully in a case like this. Maybe you can’t take their credit card details but you could take their order and then once PayPal comes back up, send them an email saying click here to pay for that order.

凯文:是的,确实如此。 如果这是正常的事情,我们将设计这样的网站,使其在这种情况下无法正常运行。 也许您不能接受他们的信用卡详细信息,但是您可以接受他们的订单,然后在PayPal重新出现后,向他们发送一封电子邮件,说单击此处为该订单付款。

Stephan: Yeah, or you call them or you email them saying here’s a link to complete your order, please… we apologize for the inconvenience… or something. I’m interested in how many web sites would have done that and worked up to the point of purchase.

斯蒂芬:是的,或者您给他们打电话或给他们发送电子邮件,说这是完成订单的链接,请……对于给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意……。 我对有多少网站会做到这一点并达到购买目标感兴趣。

Kevin: Our next story has to do with a domain name theft. Certainly not the first domain name theft that’s taken place on the web. Reading this story, you’d think one happens every day, but this is the first one that’s made it into a criminal court case in the US.

凯文:我们的下一个故事与域名盗窃有关。 当然,这不是网络上的第一次域名盗用。 阅读这个故事,您会认为每天都会发生,但这是第一个被美国刑事法庭审理的故事。

In a great, big story at DomainNameNews.com, you can read the whole history of this case in which P2P.com – and let’s be clear, it’s not the site but the domain name – as far as I can tell, a site has not existed under this domain name at least for the past few years. I was poking around in the Web Archive a bit to see if a web site of interest had ever existed on this domain but as usual, the Web Archive was a little slow and I wasn’t able to get that answer but it looks like this once belonged to a company called Port to Print, Inc. and was sold in 2005 to some domain name investors; people who buy domains at hopefully a cheap price and then when a market exists for that name, they then sell it for a much higher price. So that was bought in 2005, and somewhere between then and now, was stolen out of their GoDaddy.com account and resold on eBay. And apparently, this is something that happens quite a bit. According to the story, the highest profile case of domain name theft was the domain Sex.com which was stolen and never recovered as far as I could tell and criminal case never brought to bear on that situation. But this time things are different, right?

在DomainNameNews.com的一个宏大的故事中 ,您可以阅读P2P.com的整个案例历史-很明显,这不是网站而是域名-据我所知,一个网站拥有至少在过去几年中,该域名下不存在该域名。 我在Web存档中闲逛了一下,以查看该站点上是否存在感兴趣的网站,但是像往常一样,Web存档有点慢,我无法获得该答案,但看起来像这样曾经隶属于一家名为Port to Print,Inc.的公司,并于2005年出售给某些域名投资者; 希望以便宜的价格购买域名的人,然后当该名称存在市场时,他们便以更高的价格出售。 因此,该产品是在2005年购买的,从那时到现在,一直从他们的GoDaddy.com帐户中盗窃并转售到eBay上。 显然,这确实发生了很多。 根据这个故事,据我所知,域名盗窃案中最引人注目的案件是Sex.com域名,据我所知,该域名被盗且从未被追回,而刑事案件也从未对这种情况造成影响。 但是这次情况有所不同,对吗?

Stephan: It’s kind of good to know though. I don’t really even know where to stand on this because it brings in a question, if you’re legitimately doing this, how hard is it for someone to make a legal claim against you? If you’re legally trading a domain or something, and someone steps in and says I own that or something, and there’s no paper trail, then how hard is it for them to have a real argument against it.

史蒂芬:知道是一件好事。 我什至不知道该站在哪里,因为它提出了一个问题,如果您合法地这样做,那么有人对您提起法律诉讼有多难? 如果您正在合法地交易某个域名或某物,并且有人介入并说我拥有该东西或某物,并且没有书面记录,那么对他们提出真正的论证有多困难。

Kevin: Yeah, there are several gray areas here. I think this is pretty cut and dry at this point. There is evidence that the domain was in one GoDaddy account and was transferred to another and that the target account that it was transferred into was held in either the account or the whois information that was associated with it was a fake name. It was the first name of the guy who stole it or who allegedly stole it and his wife’s maiden name – so it was held in a fake name – and this guy who did the stealing was implicated in several other domain name theft cases, which apparently GoDaddy was aware of at least a week before the theft occurred. But GoDaddy have washed their hands of responsibility in this case because the way that the theft happened was that the thief broke into the GoDaddy account of the person who lost the domain. He got into the person’s AOL email account using, I assume, usual social engineering approaches to guessing a password and from there, was able to retrieve the password to the GoDaddy account and from there was able to transfer the domain. He also, in the process, decided to falsify some PayPal receipts going back and forth between his email account and the victim in the case that were sort of showing, if legitimate, these receipts would have indicated that the domain was transferred in a normal sale, but those documents have been shown to be fake now. It’s a huge story but what it comes down to for me, the question for me is, should GoDaddy be liable in a case where someone’s GoDaddy account is hacked into and then their domains are transferred to another GoDaddy account?

凯文:是的,这里有几个灰色区域。 我认为这时已经很干了。 有证据表明该域位于一个GoDaddy帐户中,并已转移到另一个帐户,并且该帐户所转移到的目标帐户被保留在该帐户或与之关联的Whois信息中,是一个假名。 这是偷盗该男子或据称偷盗该男子的名字以及他妻子的娘家姓-因此以假名持有-这个偷窃的男子还牵涉到其他几个域名盗窃案中,这显然是GoDaddy至少在盗窃发生一周之前就知道了。 但是GoDaddy在这种情况下已经洗手尽责,因为盗窃的发生方式是小偷闯入了丢失域名者的GoDaddy帐户。 我以为他进入了该人的AOL电子邮件帐户,我假设使用通常的社会工程学方法来猜测密码,然后从那里可以将密码检索到GoDaddy帐户,然后可以从该域转移域名。 在此过程中,他还决定伪造一些电子邮件帐户和受害人之间来回往返的PayPal收据,这些收据表明,如果合法,这些收据将表明该域名是在正常销售中转移的,但现在证明这些文件是伪造的。 这是一个巨大的故事,但对我来说,问题是,如果有人的GoDaddy帐户被黑客入侵,然后将他们的域转移到另一个GoDaddy帐户,那么GoDaddy是否应承担责任?

Brad: I don’t really think they should be. Ultimately, this boils down to the email account that was hacked and had the email account not been hacked, then he wouldn’t have been able to gain access to his GoDaddy account. It’s just like any other service; if someone would hack your email and gain access to, say, your Amazon account, they go on there and do a bunch of one-click purchases of some really large items, is it Amazon’s fault that they broke into your account from your email? I don’t think it should be, or I don’t think it would be.

布拉德:我真的不认为他们应该这样做。 最终,这归结为被黑客入侵的电子邮件帐户,并且该电子邮件帐户未被黑客入侵,那么他将无法访问他的GoDaddy帐户。 就像其他服务一样; 如果有人入侵您的电子邮件并获得访问您的Amazon帐户的权限,然后他们继续进行一键式购买一些非常大的物品,那是Amazon的错,他们从您的电子邮件中侵入了您的帐户吗? 我不应该这样,或者我不应该这样。

Kevin: We have talked about password security in recent episodes and I think this just highlights that single point of failure that your email account can be that almost any web site that you have a password on will let you retrieve that password through your email address so if you only have one account that has a unique password, that has a strong password with letters and numbers and maybe even punctuation marks in it, it should be your email account and not only should your password be strong, but the security questions that some of these sites let you set up to retrieve your password if you forget it, you need to lie in the answers to those questions.


If it asks you your first pet’s name, make something up, because that’s information that someone might be able to get about you online, if they put their minds to it. Certainly, mother’s maiden name I’ve seen, father’s middle name – those kind of things, you really need to lie about them and have like these fictitious answers for those questions that just live in your head but are very memorable to you.

如果它问您第一个宠物的名字,请补上一些东西,因为如果有人愿意的话,这就是某人可以在网上找到您的信息。 当然,我见过的母亲的娘家姓,父亲的中间名-这些事情,您真的需要撒谎,并且想像这些虚构的答案,这些问题只存在于您的脑海中,但对您而言却非常难忘。

Stephan: Maybe we just need to get rid of that stuff and come up with a better way?


Kevin: Okay, any suggestions?


Stephan: No. I’m great at pointing out the problem, but no solutions.


Brad: What’s kind of odd about this is, I use GoDaddy for all my domain names and no matter what you do on GoDaddy, if you make an account change, any kind of change, they send you an email, to the email that’s on the domain. So I’m almost willing to bet that the original owner of P2P.com probably set up an email on that domain that he didn’t frequently check and he probably was emailed that this domain is being transferred to this other GoDaddy account. Since he didn’t check that email, he probably had no idea until it was too late.

布拉德:奇怪的是,我将GoDaddy用作我的所有域名,无论您在GoDaddy上做什么,如果您更改帐户,进行任何形式的更改,他们都会向您发送一封电子邮件,域。 因此,我几乎可以打赌,P2P.com的原始所有者可能在该域上设置了一封他不经常检查的电子邮件,并且可能已通过电子邮件将该域转移到了另一个GoDaddy帐户。 由于他没有检查该电子邮件,因此直到为时已晚之前他可能不知道。

Kevin: If that email went into the hacked AOL account, the attacker could just delete it immediately. But yeah, brr … messy, messy business. So the case was put to rest in New Jersey several years ago due to lack of evidence supposedly, and the victims in the case continued gathering evidence on their own building a civil case and then just this year, a new district attorney came in, in New Jersey, and resurrected that criminal case based on all of this new evidence that’s been found over the years. So the attacker – the thief in this case – was taken into custody, his computers seized, he’s now been released on a $60,000 bond but he is now facing criminal court. If you want to keep up with this story, certainly be sure to visit DomainNameNews.com and certainly if he’s found either innocent and guilty and we hear about it, we’ll let you know here on the podcast but finger’s crossed, this goes in a useful direction to the many people who lose domains that are a little less valuable than P2P.com.

凯文:如果该电子邮件进入了被黑客入侵的AOL帐户,攻击者可以立即将其删除。 但是,是的,老兄……杂乱无章的生意。 因此,该案几年前由于据称缺乏证据而被搁置在新泽西州,该案的受害人继续自己建造民事案件收集证据,然后就在今年,一名新的地方检察官来到了新泽西州。新泽西州,并根据多年来发现的所有这些新证据恢复了该刑事案件。 因此,攻击者(本案中的小偷)被拘留,他的计算机被没收,他现在已被以6万美元的保释金释放,但他现在面临刑事法庭。 如果您想跟上这个故事,一定要确保访问DomainNameNews.com,并且如果他被发现无辜又有罪,并且我们听到了,我们会在播客上让您知道,但请耐心等待,对于丢失域名的人来说是一个有用的方向,这些域名的价值不如P2P.com。

Kevin: Just in the past week, Microsoft and Yahoo! announced that going forward, the Yahoo! search engine’s results will be powered entirely by Microsoft and the Microsoft Bing search engine and the ads that you see in the search engine will also be provided by Microsoft.

凯文:就在过去一周,微软和雅虎! 宣布未来,雅虎! 搜索引擎的搜索结果将完全由Microsoft和Microsoft Bing搜索引擎提供支持,并且您在搜索引擎中看到的广告也将由Microsoft提供。

This has been a long time coming. The two companies have been backwards and forwarding for a while, it looked like Microsoft was going to buy Yahoo! outright, but now it seems that Microsoft is just going to take over their search engine. Really, this is how Google got its start. Before anyone knew about Google.com was displaying search results through someone else’s search engine, it might have been AOL, can anyone remember?

这已经很长时间了。 两家公司已经倒退了一段时间,微软似乎打算收购Yahoo!。 完全没有,但是现在看来微软即将接管他们的搜索引擎。 确实,这就是Google的起步方式。 在没有人知道Google.com通过其他人的搜索引擎显示搜索结果之前,可能是AOL,有人记得吗?

Stephan: I don’t remember. I think it was AOL.

史蒂芬:我不记得了。 我认为是AOL。

Kevin: Well, for the sake of argument let’s say it was AOL. And the users of AOL got used to seeing the ‘Powered by Google’ logo at the bottom and eventually when Google launched it’s own site, they knew and trusted it and found it provided a slicker, simpler user interface for searches and everyone migrated and the rest as they say is history.

凯文:嗯,为了争辩,我们可以说是美国在线。 AOL的用户习惯于在底部看到“由Google强力驱动”徽标,并最终在Google启动其自己的网站时,他们知道并信任它,并发现它为搜索提供了更加简洁,简单的用户界面,每个人都可以迁移,就像他们说的那样休息。

So has Bing set themselves up to be the next big search engine by taking over Yahoo!?


Stephan: Or is it just a death knell for Yahoo!?


Kevin: Hmmm… there is that.


Stephan: I don’t know. I’ve used Bing a few times now for like my normal searching during the day and it’s actually a pretty decent search engine. I don’t like the name. I don’t like the layout of the site but it comes back with some very relevant results so maybe it is, I will have to see where Google goes. I think Google has turned themselves into kind of a powerhouse as far as applications on the Web go.

史蒂芬:我不知道。 我已经使用Bing几次,就像白天进行普通搜索一样,它实际上是一个相当不错的搜索引擎。 我不喜欢这个名字。 我不喜欢网站的布局,但是它返回了一些非常相关的结果,所以也许是,我将不得不看看Google的去向。 我认为,就网络上的应用程序而言,谷歌已经将自己变成了一个强大的引擎。

Kevin: Yeah, well certainly, there are other things that Yahoo! does; Delicious and Flickr are ones that would probably be very familiar to our audience but they have a really popular finance web site. They have a lot of sort of media outlet sites that they linked to from the Yahoo! front page a lot and these sites tend to have masses of traffic to them and I guess, if they’re no longer having to compete in the search engine space, they may be able to reinvest what money they have left into these other services but I guess the Yahoo! brand has always, for many web users meant a search engine first and if they’re losing that, they’re going to have to figure out a way to redefine their brand.

凯文:是的,当然,雅虎还有其他事情! 做; Delicious和Flickr可能会让我们的听众非常熟悉,但是他们有一个非常受欢迎的金融网站。 他们有很多与Yahoo!链接的媒体出口网站。 这些网站往往吸引大量访问者,我想,如果他们不再需要在搜索引擎领域竞争,他们也许可以将剩下的钱重新投资到其他服务中,但是我猜雅虎! 品牌一直以来,对于许多网络用户而言,首先意味着搜索引擎,如果他们失去了它,他们将不得不寻找一种重新定义其品牌的方法。

Brad: It’s like an article said, Yahoo! is now a portal and there’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it, it’s not confused with a search engine at all. It’s an entertainment portal, especially the new AOL, minus the original content which is I don’t necessarily think a compliment.

布拉德:就像一篇文章所说,雅虎! 现在是门户网站,没有任何“ ifs”,“ ands”或“ buts”,它根本不会与搜索引擎混淆。 这是一个娱乐门户网站,尤其是新的AOL,减去了我不一定认为值得称赞的原始内容。

Kevin: Well, speaking of Bing by the way, I just noticed when I was researching this story, their front page of Bing.com, it used to be just a search box and a pretty picture. It seems like they’ve started to put mouse overs on those pretty pictures. If you go to Bing.com and move your mouse around, you’ll see these little shaded boxes that pop up and give you bits of trivia about the picture. I actually find it kind of distracting. I guess if you wanted to go to a site and randomly read some stuff a pretty picture every day, Bing.com would be a good site to do that but this is supposed to be a search engine, people. I don’t want to go to my search engine wanting to search for something in a moment and be distracted by a little box, read it and then go, “Oh, what was it I was here to search for again? Oh, crap I’ve forgotten.”

凯文:好吧,顺便说一句Bing,当我研究这个故事时,我刚注意到Bing.com的首页,它曾经只是一个搜索框和一幅漂亮的图画。 似乎他们已经开始将鼠标悬停在那些漂亮的图片上。 如果您访问Bing.com并四处移动鼠标,则会看到这些带阴影的小框弹出,并为您提供有关图片的一些琐事。 实际上,我觉得这很分散注意力。 我想,如果您想每天访问一个网站并随机阅读一些漂亮的图片,Bing.com将是一个很好的网站,但这应该是一个搜索引擎,人们。 我不想去搜索引擎,想一会儿寻找东西,不愿被一个小盒子分散注意力,请阅读它,然后说:“哦,我在这里再次寻找什么? 哦,我已经忘记了。”

This seems to be a step in the wrong direction. Like Google won because they had a distraction-free search box page, and already, it’s been less than six months since Bing has launched and they’re already falling prey to the temptation to add boondoggles to their homepage so they’re going to be distracting and annoying.

这似乎是朝错误方向迈出的一步。 像Google一样赢得了胜利,是因为他们拥有无干扰的搜索框页面,而且自Bing推出以来不到六个月,他们已经不愿在其主页上添加笨蛋的诱惑,因此他们将成为分心和烦人。

Stephan: So, does anyone know if people still use Yahoo! Mail? Does anyone out there still use Yahoo! Mail?

斯蒂芬:那么,有谁知道人们是否仍在使用Yahoo !! 邮件? 外面还有人使用Yahoo! 邮件?

Kevin: Yahoo! Mail is huge. It is by far the most dominant of the web mail services. It has a much bigger user base than either Hotmail or Gmail.

凯文:雅虎! 邮件很大。 它是迄今为止最主要的Web邮件服务。 它的用户群比Hotmail或Gmail大得多。

Stephan: Okay, I was just wondering because it seems to me like that’s what Yahoo! has left besides the portal and that’s kind of like that is the last standing point for Yahoo! to make their final stand I guess.

斯蒂芬:好的,我只是想知道,因为在我看来,这就是Yahoo! 除了门户网站之外,还剩下Yahoo!的最后一个观点。 为了达到最终目的,我猜。

Kevin: Right.


Brad: Maybe this frees up the resources they need to actually focus on taking that stuff to the next level as well…


Stephan: It could be.


Kevin: Exactly.


Brad: … messing around with search that they were obviously going to beat on for how many years.

布拉德: …搞乱了搜索,他们显然要击败多少年了。

Kevin: If Yahoo! had never been in the search business and they were just this company that had the dominant position in web based mail, that’s not a bad company, right?

凯文:如果雅虎! 从来没有从事过搜索业务,他们只是在基于Web的邮件中占据主导地位的这家公司,这不是一个糟糕的公司,对吗?

Stephan: No.


Kevin: We wouldn’t think too badly of them if that’s what Yahoo! had been all along. According to the SitePoint story though, they had been spending $200,000,000 in search engine technology development cost every year. So that’s a bit of money freed up.

凯文:如果这就是Yahoo!的话,我们不会太在意他们。 一直以来。 不过,根据SitePoint的故事 ,他们每年在搜索引擎技术开发方面的支出为2亿美元。 因此,这释放了一些钱。

Stephan: What were they doing? Sending search monkeys to the moon?

史蒂芬:他们在做什么? 将搜寻猴子送上月球?

Kevin: Well, one thing for developers is that Yahoo! had a really good search API. If you wanted to query search engine results from an application or from your web site, Yahoo! seem to provide actually one of, if not the best APIs to do that and so a lot of developers I think are going to be scrambling in the wake of this announcement because what does this mean for that API? I can only guess that the API will be supported going forward but the results that will be returning will be coming from Bing, which is not so bad but if the API does get decommissioned, there are going to be some developers that are inconvenienced.

凯文:嗯,对于开发人员来说,一件事就是雅虎! 有一个非常好的搜索API。 如果要从应用程序或网站查询搜索引擎结果,请使用Yahoo!。 似乎实际上提供了最好的API之一,即使不是最好的API也是如此,因此我认为很多开发人员在发布此消息后都会争先恐后,因为这对那个API意味着什么? 我只能猜测,将来会支持该API,但是返回的结果将来自Bing,虽然还算不错,但是如果该API退役了,将会给某些开发人员带来不便。

Whether you’re a developer using their search API or you just rely on search engine traffic to get people to your site, this deal means that you should be taking a much harder look at Bing because as soon as Microsoft takes over providing search engine results to Yahoo!, they will be 30% of US search queries. If you can think of a browser like, say, Firefox that has managed to capture 30% roughly of browser use, you immediately take Firefox seriously when they have numbers like that and you start making sure that your site works in Firefox.

无论您是使用他们的搜索API的开发人员,还是仅依靠搜索引擎访问量来吸引人们访问您的网站,这笔交易都意味着您应该对Bing进行更艰苦的尝试,因为一旦Microsoft接手提供搜索引擎结果的任务到Yahoo !,它们将占美国搜索查询的30%。 如果您想到的浏览器(例如Firefox)已经成功地捕获了大约30%的浏览器使用量,那么当您看到Firefox这样的数字时,您会立即认真对待Firefox,并开始确保您的网站可以在Firefox中运行。

By the same token, whatever search engine optimization you do, I think now is the time to start taking Bing seriously and making sure that the optimization work you do not only gives good results on Google but also has you showing up fairly high on Bing.


Brad: I could just picture all the SEO experts kind of running around frantically trying to learn exactly how Bing works and indexes their sites now.


Kevin: Yeah. Exactly. Bing, it’s not all new; it’s been MSN search before that and I can imagine they probably did a bit of tweaking to their algorithms to launch Bing but really it’s been a while for a while but yeah, no one has had a reason to take them this seriously until today.

凯文:是的。 究竟。 ing,这还不是全部。 在那之前是MSN搜索,我可以想象他们可能对他们的算法做了些微调整以启动Bing,但实际上已经有一段时间了,但是是的,直到今天,没有人有理由认真对待它们。

If you’re webmaster – and if you’re listening to this podcast I’d hope that you were – go to bing.com/toolbox because this is the Bing tool box web site that has – you can submit your new site to Bing so that it gets indexed if you don’t have any links from anywhere else yet. Although, links from other places are pretty easy to come by these days. You just tweet about your new site and chances are the search engines will find it. You can submit your site, you can submit a site map and verify that your whole site is being indexed successfully and you can also get an API IDs so you can play with the new Bing 2.0 API. If your application relies on the Yahoo! API, that might be a wise move just in case that service gets shut down.

如果您是网站管理员–如果您正在收听此播客,希望您在–请访问bing.com/toolbox,因为这是Bing工具箱网站,您可以将新网站提交给Bing这样,如果您还没有来自其他任何地方的链接,它就会被索引。 虽然,如今来自其他地方的链接非常容易获得。 您只发布有关新站点的推文,搜索引擎可能会找到它。 您可以提交您的网站,可以提交网站地图并验证整个网站是否已成功编入索引,还可以获得API ID,以便可以使用新的Bing 2.0 API。 如果您的应用程序依赖Yahoo! API,以防万一服务被关闭,这是明智之举。

Will any of you guys be switching back to Yahoo! as a result of this?

你们中的任何一个都将切换回Yahoo! 结果呢?

Brad: No, not likely.


Kevin: Lke I said, I used Bing for a month after they launched just so that I could say I had done it and I had given it a fair shake but yeah, this home page change has become really distracting to me and I have had to switch back so for what that’s worth, take note.


Let’s bring the show to its usual ending these days, guys, with our host spotlights. Stephan, what have you got for us?

伙计们,让我们用主持人的聚光灯将这些表演带到如今的通常结局。 史蒂芬,您为我们准备了什么?

Stephan: I was looking up the broadband.gov initiative. I think it’s pretty interesting. If anyone has any interest in the FCC and the broadband movement in United States to bring out a national broadband plan. If you go to broadband.gov, they have workshops going on right now in DC where you can sit in and listen to different topics about broadband and what the plans are going forward. So if you really want to be informed and really want to learn more about it, definitely to the web site and check it out.

斯蒂芬:我一直在寻找宽带网站 。 我觉得这很有趣。 如果有人对FCC和美国的宽带运动感兴趣,可以提出一项国家宽带计划。 如果您访问宽带.gov,他们现在将在哥伦比亚特区举行研讨会,您可以坐在那里聆听有关宽带的不同主题以及未来的计划。 因此,如果您真的想被告知并且真的想了解更多有关它的信息,请访问网站并查看。

Kevin: Brad?


Brad: Yeah, my host spotlight this week is actually a bbPress theme project that is going on on the SitePoint Forums and it’s actually created and run by one of the mentors, Ryan Hellier.

布拉德:是的,我本周的主持人实际上是一个bbPress主题项目 ,该项目正在SitePoint论坛上进行,它实际上是由其中一位导师Ryan Hellier创建和运行的。

For those of you not familiar, bbPress is basically an open source message board system and it’s developed by the same… or I should say started by the same company that also started WordPress. So it’s basically the WordPress version of a message board. And theme project is going on where the SitePoint community is going to all lend a hand in developing this new theme and it’s going to be not only design a UI look, but it’s also going to have some really cool functionality, almost like plug-in functionality behind the scenes attached to it. So it’s not just for design, there will also be some programming aspects. But I’ll have a link in show notes to take you right to the thread with all the project information.

对于那些不熟悉的人, bbPress基本上是一个开源留言板系统,它是由同一公司开发的……或者我应该说是由同一家公司启动的,而该公司也启动了WordPress。 因此,它基本上是留言板的WordPress版本。 主题项目正在进行中,SitePoint社区将全力以赴来开发这个新主题,它不仅将设计UI外观,而且还将具有一些非常酷的功能,几乎就像插件一样幕后功能。 因此,这不仅用于设计,还将涉及一些编程方面。 但是我将在演出说明中提供一个链接,使您直接进入包含所有项目信息的主题。

Kevin: I was surprised just how ugly bbPress is.


Brad: Yeah, it’s not the prettiest. The default theme is fairly old too. The bbPress project has really ramped up over the past year and finally passed that version 1.0 mark earlier this year. So there’s been a lot more of a focus on it than in years past so it’s definitely growing and the user base is growing and it’s time to get some more themes out there for it, so this project is a great way to help that cause.

布拉德:是的,这不是最漂亮的。 默认主题也很旧。 bbPress项目在过去的一年中确实得到了很大的发展,并终于在今年初通过了1.0版。 因此,与过去几年相比,它有更多的关注点,因此它肯定正在增长,用户群也在不断增长,现在是时候为其提供更多主题的时候了,所以这个项目是帮助解决这一问题的好方法。

Kevin: Great. We forget how ugly WordPress used to be, then they had their big 2.0 re-skin and followed by another re-skin after that and it’s really looking gorgeous these days. I think the visual appeal of the backend sells a lot of people on WordPress these days and so having a really high quality theme for bbPress will hopefully make the same difference. It’s one of the few web forums these days that has sort of a modern front end code. I know the SitePoint forums are based on vBulletin and as a result, it’s one of the least standards compliant areas of sitepoint.com and there’s not a lot we can do about that as long as we’re on vBulletin.

凯文:太好了。 我们忘记了WordPress曾经是多么丑陋,然后对它们进行了大面积的2.0换肤,然后又进行了另一次换肤,这些天来真的很漂亮。 我认为后端的视觉吸引力如今已经在WordPress上吸引了很多人,因此为bbPress拥有真正高质量的主题有望带来同样的效果。 这是现今为数不多的具有现代前端代码的网络论坛之一。 我知道SitePoint论坛是基于vBulletin的,因此,它是sitepoint.com最不符合标准的领域之一,只要我们使用vBulletin,我们就可以做很多事情。

So if standards compliant markup is important to you have the luxury of setting up a new forum and being able to choose your software, bbPress has that strength going for it.


Kevin: And my host spotlight this week is Sequel Pro and you can go to sequelpro.com. I think we’re used to spelling sequel, S-Q-L in this business but this is the full word, S-E-Q-U-E-LPRO.com. it’s a MySQL front end application for the Mac.

凯文:我本周的主持人是Sequel Pro ,您可以访问sequelpro.com 。 我认为我们已经习惯了在此行业中拼写续集SQL,但这是完整的单词SEQUE-LPRO.com。 这是MacMySQL前端应用程序。

So if you’re used to using phpMyAdmin or something like that to administer your MySQL server on your web host or whatever it may be, Sequel Pro provides a much sleeker user interface for doing that, for building queries. As you edit complicated SQL query, it syntax-highlights that code, it auto completes keywords in SQL, as well as your database, table, and column names and provides a really nice interface for browsing both the structure and the content of you database server. And what’s really good is it’s completely free. This is open source GPL software for the Mac.

因此,如果您习惯使用phpMyAdmin或类似的方法来管理Web主机上MySQL服务器或它的主机,Sequel Pro会提供一个更简洁的用户界面来构建查询。 当您编辑复杂SQL查询时,它将语法突出显示该代码,并自动完成SQL中的关键字以及数据库,表和列名,并提供了一个非常好的界面来浏览数据库服务器的结构和内容。 And what's really good is it's completely free. This is open source GPL software for the Mac.

It’s gorgeous, as I mentioned, and the big thing for me is the next major version, which has a release candidate available now if you go to their blog, you can download the release candidate of the next version, the big feature for me is that it doesn’t require a direct connection to your MySQL server. It’s one thing to use one of these front ends on your development server when you have direct access to that server on your Intranet. To query you live server that’s on your hosting account, usually for security reasons, you can’t get a direct connection to that server, you need to shell in to your web host and then connect to MySQL. And so the next version of Sequel Pro will be able to do what’s called SSH tunneling, which means it will be able to log in to your hosting shell account transparently and connect to your MySQL server there. So it’ll provide this beautiful front end transparently, even to servers that are protected behind a shell account. So I really recommend it. Sequelpro.com.

It's gorgeous, as I mentioned, and the big thing for me is the next major version, which has a release candidate available now if you go to their blog, you can download the release candidate of the next version, the big feature for me is that it doesn't require a direct connection to your MySQL server. It's one thing to use one of these front ends on your development server when you have direct access to that server on your Intranet. To query you live server that's on your hosting account, usually for security reasons, you can't get a direct connection to that server, you need to shell in to your web host and then connect to MySQL. And so the next version of Sequel Pro will be able to do what's called SSH tunneling, which means it will be able to log in to your hosting shell account transparently and connect to your MySQL server there. So it'll provide this beautiful front end transparently, even to servers that are protected behind a shell account. So I really recommend it. Sequelpro.com.

Stephan: Have you tried Querious, Kevin?

Stephan: Have you tried Querious , Kevin?

Kevin: Querious, yeah it’s another one sort of in this area, I have not tried Querious.

Kevin: Querious, yeah it's another one sort of in this area, I have not tried Querious.

Stephan: Yeah. I was just wondering. I use Sequel Pro as well and I’ve downloaded Qurius but haven’t used it yet, so I was just wondering.

斯蒂芬:是的。 我只是想知道。 I use Sequel Pro as well and I've downloaded Qurius but haven't used it yet, so I was just wondering.

Kevin: Yeah, if you’re looking for the best one, do check them both out but my pick this week is Sequel Pro.

Kevin: Yeah, if you're looking for the best one, do check them both out but my pick this week is Sequel Pro.

So that brings our show to an end. Let’s go around the table, guys.

So that brings our show to an end. Let's go around the table, guys.

Brad: I’m Brad Williams from webdevstudios.com and you can find me on Twitter @williamsba.

Brad: I'm Brad Williams from webdevstudios.com and you can find me on Twitter @williamsba.

Stephan: And I’m Stephan Segraves and you can find me at @ssegraves on Twitter.

Stephan: And I'm Stephan Segraves and you can find me at @ssegraves on Twitter.

Kevin: And I’m Kevin Yank, you can find me @sentience on Twitter. Visit us at sitepoint.com/podcast to leave comments on this show and subscribe to receive every show automatically.

Kevin: And I'm Kevin Yank, you can find me @sentience on Twitter. Visit us at sitepoint.com/podcast to leave comments on this show and subscribe to receive every show automatically.

Email us at podcast@sitepoint.com with your questions and comments for us and we’ll read them out on the show and answer them. Also, be sure to let us know what you think of our weekly schedule with interviews every second week.

Email us at podcast@sitepoint.com with your questions and comments for us and we'll read them out on the show and answer them. Also, be sure to let us know what you think of our weekly schedule with interviews every second week.

The SitePoint podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker and as always, I’m Kevin Yank. Thanks for listening. Buh-bye.

The SitePoint podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker and as always, I'm Kevin Yank. 谢谢收听。 Buh-bye.

Thanks for listening! Feel free to let us know how we’re doing, or to continue the discussion, using the comments field below.

谢谢收听! 欢迎使用下面的评论字段让我们知道我们的状况,或者继续讨论。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/podcast-22-bings-boondoggles/


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