
Guideline 4.0 - Design

We noticed that several screens of your app were crowded or laid out in a way that made it difficult to use your app.



[cc lang="javascript"]

function resizeCanvas() {

var cvs = cc.find('Canvas').getComponent(cc.Canvas);
this.curDR = cvs.designResolution;
var dr = this.curDR;
var s = cc.view.getFrameSize();
var rw = s.width;
var rh = s.height;
var finalW = rw;
var finalH = rh;

if((rw/rh) > (dr.width / dr.height)){
//!#zh: 是否优先将设计分辨率高度撑满视图高度。 */
//cvs.fitHeight = true;

finalH = dr.height;
finalW = finalH * rw/rh;
/*!#zh: 是否优先将设计分辨率宽度撑满视图宽度。 */
//cvs.fitWidth = true;
finalW = dr.width;
finalH = rh/rw * finalW;
cvs.designResolution = cc.size(finalW, finalH);
cvs.node.width = finalW;
cvs.node.height = finalH;



然后不勾选canvas的fit width和fit height


Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we cannot locate the in-app purchases within your app.




Guideline 5.1.2 - Legal - Privacy - Data Use and Sharing

We noticed that your app does not obtain the user's consent prior to uploading users' scores to a global leaderboard.

To collect personal data with your app, you must make it clear to the user that their personal data will be uploaded to your server.




Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage

We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access their photos but does not clarify the use of the photos in the applicable purpose string.






We are unable to continue this app’s review because your Apple Developer Program account is currently under investigation for not following the App Store Review Guidelines’ Developer Code of Conduct.

Common practices that may lead to an investigation include, but are not limited to:

- Inaccurately describing an app or service
- Misleading app content
- Engaging in inauthentic ratings and reviews manipulation
- Providing misleading customer support responses
- Providing misleading responses in Resolution Center
- Engaging in misleading purchasing or bait-and-switch schemes
- Engaging in other dishonest or fraudulent activity within or outside of the app

During our investigation, we will not review any apps you submit. Once we have completed our investigation, we will notify you via Resolution Center.

We do not require any additional information from you at this time, nor do we have any additional details to share. We appreciate your continued patience during our investigation.




Guideline 2.3.1 - Performance

We discovered that your app contains hidden features. Specifically, it would be appropriate to ensure that all features and functions in the app are visible and fully accessible during review.

The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.

Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase

We noticed that your app or its metadata enables the purchase of content, services, or functionality in the app by means other than the in-app purchase API, which is not appropriate for the App Store.




Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness

We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone running iOS 13.4.1 on Wi-Fi.

Specifically, WeChat login was not functional.



Guideline 4.2.3 - Design - Minimum Functionality

We were required to install the WeChat app before we could log in via WeChat. Users should be able to log in with WeChat and access their accounts without having to install any additional apps.

Next Steps

If you would like to offer authentication through WeChat, please use a mechanism that allows users to log in with WeChat from within your app without first having to install an additional app.

We recommend implementing the Safari View Controller API to display web content within your app. The Safari View Controller allows the display of a URL and inspection of the certificate from an embedded browser in an app so that customers can verify the webpage URL and SSL certificate to confirm they are entering their sign in credentials into a legitimate page.


Guideline 4.8 - Design - Sign in with Apple

We noticed that your app uses a third-party login service but does not offer Sign in with Apple.





Guideline 4.0 - Design

We noticed an issue in your app that contributes to a lower quality user experience than Apple users expect:

- Your app uses Sign in with Apple as a login option but does not use Sign in with Apple button design, branding and/or user interface elements appropriately as described in the Sign in With

Apple Human Interface Guidelines.







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