
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

HBO Max combines TV shows and movies from HBO, WarnerMedia, Warner Bros, brand new originals, and other studios. With so much to watch, you’ll need to know where to stream it all. Here are all of the devices that support (and don’t support) HBO Max.

HBO Max结合了HBO,WarnerMedia,Warner Bros,全新原著和其他工作室的电视节目和电影。 有这么多东西要看,您将需要知道将所有内容流向何处。 以下是所有支持(但不支持)HBO Max的设备。

为什么不支持Amazon Fire TV或Roku? (Why No Amazon Fire TV or Roku Support?)

Starting with the elephant in the room, at launch, HBO Max is not available on Roku or Amazon Fire TV televisions or streaming devices. As both platforms represent over 80 million customers and offer HBO Go and HBO Now, this seems like a strange oversight.

从房间里的大象开始,在启动时,Roku或Amazon Fire TV电视或流媒体设备上不提供HBO Max。 由于这两个平台都代表超过8000万客户,并提供HBO Go和HBO Now ,这似乎是一个奇怪的疏忽。

According to Variety, the app’s absence is due to revenue-sharing negotiations taking place between WarnerMedia and the two software distribution companies. Reportedly, the disagreements stem from WarnerMedia moving to an app-based subscription model for HBO Max instead of going through Amazon’s or Roku’s channel platforms. This change gives WarnerMedia more control over incoming revenue.

根据Variety的说法,该应用程序的退出是由于WarnerMedia与两家软件发行公司之间进行了收益分享谈判。 据报道,分歧源于WarnerMedia转向了HBO Max的基于应用程序的订阅模式,而不是通过亚马逊或Roku的渠道平台。 此项更改使WarnerMedia可以更好地控制收入。

But that’s not all. The three companies are also continuing discussions around advertisement revenue sharing once the streaming service’s future ad-supported version of HBO Max launches sometime in 2021.

但这还不是全部。 一旦流媒体服务的未来广告支持版本的HBO Max于2021年某个时候推出,这三家公司还将围绕广告收益分成问题继续进行讨论。

One workaround for Roku owners that many have suggested is to sign up for HBO Max through Hulu. Unfortunately, despite your account showing that you have access to Max, you’ll only be able to stream content found in HBO Go or Now. After testing it out ourselves, it looks like you’ll need to wait for an HBO Max app to gain full access to everything offered by the new service.

许多建议的Roku所有者解决方法之一是通过Hulu注册HBO Max。 不幸的是,尽管您的帐户显示可以访问Max,但您只能流式传输在HBO Go或Now中找到的内容。 自己测试完之后,您似乎需要等待HBO Max应用程序才能完全访问新服务提供的所有功能。

HBO Max will likely make it to your Amazon Fire TV or Roku device in the future, but it might be weeks and or months before that happens.

HBO Max将来可能会在您的Amazon Fire TV或Roku设备上使用,但可能要花上几周或几个月的时间。

HBO Max随处可用 (HBO Max is Available Everywhere Else)


Thankfully, HBO Max is available on almost every other major platform. If you’re looking to rewatch every episode of Friends or The Big Bang Theory while on the go, download the HBO Max app for Android from the Google Play Store or for iPhone and iPad from Apple’s App Store. Additionally, you can download the streaming service’s app onto your Android TV and Apple TV or cast content from your mobile devices to your Chromecast or AirPlay-compatible television.

幸运的是,HBO Max几乎可以在所有其他主要平台上使用。 如果您想在旅途中重看《 朋友》《大爆炸理论》的每一集,请从Google Play商店下载适用于Android的HBO Max应用程序,或从Apple的应用商店下载适用于iPhone和iPad的HBO Max应用程序。 此外,您可以将流式传输服务的应用程序下载到Android TV和Apple TV上,或将内容从移动设备投射到与Chromecast或AirPlay兼容的电视上。

As with Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, YouTube TV, and many other streaming services, HBO Max can also be found on other pieces of hardware found around your house. These devices include Sony’s PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One gaming consoles. The HBO Max app can be downloaded from the PlayStation Store or the Microsoft Store. Unfortunately, the service isn’t launching on the Nintendo Switch.

与Netflix,Hulu,迪士尼+,YouTube TV和许多其他流媒体服务一样,HBO Max也可以在房屋周围的其他硬件上找到。 这些设备包括索尼的PlayStation 4和微软的Xbox One游戏机。 可以从PlayStation商店或Microsoft商店下载HBO Max应用程序。 不幸的是,该服务并未在Nintendo Switch上启动。

Last but certainly not least, HBO Max can be added to your Samsung smart TV. As long as your television is connected to the internet and is from 2016 or later, you should be able to stream your favorites from Warner Bros, Turner Classic Movies, Studio Ghibli, and others.

最后但同样重要的是,HBO Max可以添加到您的三星智能电视中。 只要您的电视已连接到互联网并且是2016年或更晚的日期,您就应该可以从华纳兄弟,特纳经典电影,吉卜力工作室等播放您的收藏夹。

If HBO Max not being on Amazon Fire TV or Roku is a dealbreaker for you, you can cancel your subscription at any time.

如果未在Amazon Fire TV或Roku上出现的HBO Max是您的不二之选,则您可以随时取消订阅 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/675117/which-devices-support-hbo-max-roku-and-amazon-fire-tv-dont/


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