require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/TimRestInterface.php';

class TimRestAPI extends TimRestInterface



protected $sdkappid = 0;

protected $usersig = '';

protected $identifier = '';

#开放IM https接口参数, 一般不需要修改

protected $http_type = 'https://';

protected $method = 'post';

protected $im_yun_url = '';

protected $version = 'v4';

protected $contenttype = 'json';

protected $apn = '0';


* 初始化函数

* @param int $sdkappid 应用的appid

* @param string $identifier 访问接口的用户


function init($sdkappid, $identifier)


$this->sdkappid = $sdkappid;

$this->identifier = $identifier;



* 构造访问REST服务器的参数,并访问REST接口

* @param string $server_name 服务名

* @param string $cmd_name 命令名

* @param string $identifier 用户名

* @param string $usersig 用来鉴权的usersig

* @param string $req_data 传递的json结构

* $param bool $print_flag 是否打印请求,默认为打印

* @return string $out 返回的签名字符串


public function api($service_name, $cmd_name, $identifier, $usersig, $req_data, $print_flag = true)



$req_tmp = json_decode($req_data, true);

# 构建HTTP请求参数,具体格式请参考 REST API接口文档 (即时通信云-数据管理REST接口)

$parameter = "usersig=" . $this->usersig

. "&identifier=" . $this->identifier

. "&sdkappid=" . $this->sdkappid

. "&contenttype=" . $this->contenttype;

$url = $this->http_type . $this->im_yun_url . '/' . $this->version . '/' . $service_name . '/' .$cmd_name . '?' . $parameter;



echo "Request Url:\n";

echo $url;

echo "\n";

echo "Request Body:\n";

echo json_format($req_tmp);

echo "\n";


$ret = $this->http_req('https', 'post', $url, $req_data);

return $ret;



* 构造访问REST服务器参数,并发访问REST服务器

* @param string $server_name 服务名

* @param string $cmd_name 命令名

* @param string $identifier 用户名

* @param string $usersig 用来鉴权的usersig

* @param string $req_data 传递的json结构

* $param bool $print_flag 是否打印请求,默认为打印

* @return string $out 返回的签名字符串


public function multi_api($service_name, $cmd_name, $identifier, $usersig, $req_data, $print_flag = true)



$req_tmp = json_decode($req_data, true);

# 构建HTTP请求参数,具体格式请参考 REST API接口文档 (即时通信云-数据管理REST接口)

$parameter = "usersig=" . $this->usersig

. "&identifier=" . $this->identifier

. "&sdkappid=" . $this->sdkappid

. "&contenttype=" . $this->contenttype;

$url = $this->http_type . $this->im_yun_url . '/' . $this->version . '/' . $service_name . '/' .$cmd_name . '?' . $parameter;



echo "Request Url:\n";

echo $url;

echo "\n";

echo "Request Body:\n";

echo json_format($req_tmp);

echo "\n";


$ret = $this->http_req_multi('https', 'post', $url, $req_tmp);

return $ret;



* 独立模式根据Identifier生成UserSig的方法

* @param int $identifier 用户账号

* @param int $expiry_after 过期时间

* @param string $protected_key_path 私钥的存储路径及文件名

* @return string $out 返回的签名字符串


public function generate_user_sig($identifier, $expiry_after, $protected_key_path, $tool_path)


# 这里需要写绝对路径,开发者根据自己的路径进行调整

$command = escapeshellarg($tool_path)

. ' '. escapeshellarg($protected_key_path)

. ' ' . escapeshellarg($this->sdkappid)

. ' ' .escapeshellarg($identifier);

$ret = exec($command, $out, $status);

if( $status == -1)


return null;


$this->usersig = $out[0];

return $out;



* 托管模式设置用户凭证

* @param string $protected_key_path 私钥的存储路径及文件名

* @return bool 返回成功与否


public function set_user_sig($usr_sig)


$this->usersig = $usr_sig;

return true;



* 向Rest服务器发送请求

* @param string $http_type http类型,比如https

* @param string $method 请求方式,比如POST

* @param string $url 请求的url

* @return string $data 请求的数据


public static function http_req($http_type, $method, $url, $data)


$ch = curl_init();

if (strstr($http_type, 'https'))


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);


if ($method == 'post')


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

} else


$url = $url . '?' . $data;


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,100000);//超时时间




}catch(Exception $e)



return json_encode(array('ret'=>0,'msg'=>'failure'));



return $ret;



* 向Rest服务器发送多个请求(并发)

* @param string $http_type http类型,比如https

* @param string $method 请求方式,比如POST

* @param string $url 请求的url

* @return bool 是否成功


public static function http_req_multi($http_type, $method, $url, $data)


$mh = curl_multi_init();

$ch_list = array();

$i = -1;

$req_list = array();

foreach($data as $req_data)



$req_data = json_encode($req_data);

$ch = curl_init();

if ($http_type == 'https://')


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1);


if ($method == 'post')


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $req_data);

} else


$url = $url . '?' . $data;


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,100000);//超时时间

curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $ch);

$ch_list[] = $ch;

$req_list[] = $req_data;





$mret = curl_multi_exec($mh, $active);

}while($mret == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM);

while($active and $mret == CURLM_OK){

if(curl_multi_select($mh) === -1){




$mret = curl_multi_exec($mh, $active);

}while($mret == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM);


}catch(Exception $e)



return json_encode(array('ret'=>0,'msg'=>'failure'));


for($i = 0; $i < count($ch_list); $i++)


$ret = curl_multi_getcontent($ch_list[$i]);

if(strstr($ret, "URL_INFO"))



return $ret;


$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

echo json_format($ret);



return true;


#REST API 访问接口集合


public function openim_send_msg($account_id, $receiver, $text_content)



$msg_content = array();

//创建array 所需元素

$msg_content_elem = array(

'MsgType' => 'TIMTextElem', //文本类型

'MsgContent' => array(

'Text' => $text_content, //hello 为文本信息



//将创建的元素$msg_content_elem, 加入array $msg_content

array_push($msg_content, $msg_content_elem);

$ret = $this->openim_send_msg2($account_id, $receiver, $msg_content);

return $ret;


public function openpic_pic_upload($account_id, $receiver, $pic_path, $busi_type)



$pic_data = file_get_contents($pic_path);

$md5 = md5($pic_data);

$pic_size = filesize($pic_path);


$fp = fopen($pic_path, "r");

$pic_data = fread($fp, $pic_size);

$slice_data = array();

$slice_size = array();

$SLICE_SIZE = 32*4096;


for($i = 0; $i < $pic_size; $i = $i + $SLICE_SIZE)


if($i + $SLICE_SIZE > $pic_size)




$slice_tmp = substr($pic_data, $i, $SLICE_SIZE);

$slice_tmp = chunk_split(base64_encode($slice_tmp));

$slice_tmp = str_replace("\r\n", '', $slice_tmp);

$slice_size[] = $SLICE_SIZE;

$slice_data[] = $slice_tmp;



if($i - $SLICE_SIZE < $pic_size)


$slice_size[] = $pic_size-$i;

$tmp = substr($pic_data, $i, $pic_size-$i);

$slice_size[] = strlen($tmp);

$tmp = chunk_split(base64_encode($tmp));

$tmp = str_replace("\r\n", '', $tmp);

$slice_data[] = $tmp;


$pic_rand = rand(1, 65535);

$time_stamp = time();

$req_data_list = array();

$sentOut = 0;

printf("handle %d segments\n", count($slice_data)-1);

for($i = 0; $i < count($slice_data)-1; $i++)



$msg = array(

"From_Account" => $account_id, //发送者

"To_Account" => $receiver, //接收者

"App_Version" => 1.4, //应用版本号

"Seq" => $i+1, //同一个分片需要保持一致

"Timestamp" => $time_stamp, //同一张图片的不同分片需要保持一致

"Random" => $pic_rand, //同一张图片的不同分片需要保持一致

"File_Str_Md5" => $md5, //图片MD5,验证图片的完整性

"File_Size" => $pic_size, //图片原始大小

"Busi_Id" => $busi_type, //群消息:1 c2c消息:2 个人头像:3 群头像:4

"PkgFlag" => 1, //同一张图片要保持一致: 0表示图片数据没有被处理 ;1-表示图片经过base64编码,固定为1

"Slice_Offset" => $i*$SLICE_SIZE, //必须是4K的整数倍

"Slice_Size" => $slice_size[$i], //必须是4K的整数倍,除最后一个分片列外

"Slice_Data" => $slice_data[$i] //PkgFlag=1时,为base64编码


array_push($req_data_list, $msg);

$sentOut = 0;

if ($i != 0 && ($i+1) % 4 == 0)



$req_data_list = json_encode($req_data_list);

printf("\ni = %d, call multi_api once\n", $i);

$ret = $this->multi_api("openpic", "pic_up", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data_list, false);

if(gettype($ret) == "string")


$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


$req_data_list = array();

$sentOut = 1;



if ($sentOut == 0)


$req_data_list = json_encode($req_data_list);

printf("\ni = %d, call multi_api once\n", $i);

$this->multi_api("openpic", "pic_up", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data_list, false);



$msg = array(

"From_Account" => $account_id,//发送者

"To_Account" => $receiver,//接收者

"App_Version" => 1.4,//应用版本号

"Seq" => $i+1,//同一个分片需要保持一致

"Timestamp" => $time_stamp,//同一张图片的不同分片需要保持一致

"Random" => $pic_rand,//同一张图片的不同分片需要保持一致

"File_Str_Md5" => $md5,//图片MD5,验证图片的完整性

"File_Size" => $pic_size,//图片原始大小

"Busi_Id" => $busi_type,//群消息:1 c2c消息:2 个人头像:3 群头像:4

"PkgFlag" => 1,//同一张图片要保持一致: 0表示图片数据没有被处理 ;1-表示图片经过base64编码,固定为1

"Slice_Offset" => $i*$SLICE_SIZE,//必须是4K的整数倍

"Slice_Size" => $slice_size[count($slice_data)-1],//必须是4K的整数倍,除最后一个分片列外

"Slice_Data" => $slice_data[count($slice_data)-1]//PkgFlag=1时,为base64编码


$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("openpic", "pic_up", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data, false);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

echo json_format($ret);

return $ret;


public function openim_send_msg_pic($account_id, $receiver, $pic_path)




$busi_type = 2; //表示C2C消息

$ret = $this->openpic_pic_upload($account_id, $receiver, $pic_path, $busi_type);

$tmp = $ret["URL_INFO"];

$uuid = $ret["File_UUID"];

$pic_url = $tmp[0]["DownUrl"];

$img_info = array();

$img_tmp = $ret["URL_INFO"][0];

if($img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] == 4){

$img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] = 3;


$img_info_elem1 = array(

"URL" => $img_tmp["DownUrl"],

"Height" => $img_tmp["PIC_Height"],

"Size" => $img_tmp["PIC_Size"],

"Type" => $img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"],

"Width" => $img_tmp["PIC_Width"]


$img_tmp = $ret["URL_INFO"][1];

if($img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] == 4){

$img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] = 3;


$img_info_elem2 = array(

"URL" => $img_tmp["DownUrl"],

"Height" => $img_tmp["PIC_Height"],

"Size" => $img_tmp["PIC_Size"],

"Type" => $img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"],

"Width" => $img_tmp["PIC_Width"]


$img_tmp = $ret["URL_INFO"][2];

if($img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] == 4){

$img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] = 3;


$img_info_elem3 = array(

"URL" => $img_tmp["DownUrl"],

"Height" => $img_tmp["PIC_Height"],

"Size" => $img_tmp["PIC_Size"],

"Type" => $img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"],

"Width" => $img_tmp["PIC_Width"]


array_push($img_info, $img_info_elem1);

array_push($img_info, $img_info_elem2);

array_push($img_info, $img_info_elem3);

$msg_content = array();

//创建array 所需元素

$msg_content_elem = array(

'MsgType' => 'TIMImageElem', //文本类型

'MsgContent' => array(

'UUID' => $uuid,

'ImageInfoArray' => $img_info,



//将创建的元素$msg_content_elem, 加入array $msg_content

array_push($msg_content, $msg_content_elem);

$ret = $this->openim_send_msg2($account_id, $receiver, $msg_content);

return $ret;


public function openim_send_msg2($account_id, $receiver, $msg_content)



$msg = array(

'To_Account' => $receiver,

'MsgSeq' => rand(1, 65535),

'MsgRandom' => rand(1, 65535),

'MsgTimeStamp' => time(),

'MsgBody' => $msg_content,

'From_Account' => $account_id



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("openim", "sendmsg", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


public function openim_batch_sendmsg($account_list, $text_content)



$msg_content = array();

//创建array 所需元素

$msg_content_elem = array(

'MsgType' => 'TIMTextElem', //文本类型

'MsgContent' => array(

'Text' => $text_content, //hello 为文本信息



//将创建的元素$msg_content_elem, 加入array $msg_content

array_push($msg_content, $msg_content_elem);

$ret = $this->openim_batch_sendmsg2($account_list, $msg_content);

return $ret;


public function openim_batch_sendmsg_pic($account_list, $pic_path)




$busi_type = 2; //表示C2C消息

$ret = $this->openpic_pic_upload($this->identifier, $account_list[0], $pic_path, $busi_type);

$tmp = $ret["URL_INFO"];

$uuid = $ret["File_UUID"];

$pic_url = $tmp[0]["DownUrl"];

$img_info = array();

$img_tmp = $ret["URL_INFO"][0];

if($img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] == 4){

$img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] = 3;


$img_info_elem1 = array(

"URL" => $img_tmp["DownUrl"],

"Height" => $img_tmp["PIC_Height"],

"Size" => $img_tmp["PIC_Size"],

"Type" => $img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"],

"Width" => $img_tmp["PIC_Width"]


$img_tmp = $ret["URL_INFO"][1];

if($img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] == 4){

$img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] = 3;


$img_info_elem2 = array(

"URL" => $img_tmp["DownUrl"],

"Height" => $img_tmp["PIC_Height"],

"Size" => $img_tmp["PIC_Size"],

"Type" => $img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"],

"Width" => $img_tmp["PIC_Width"]


$img_tmp = $ret["URL_INFO"][2];

if($img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] == 4){

$img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] = 3;


$img_info_elem3 = array(

"URL" => $img_tmp["DownUrl"],

"Height" => $img_tmp["PIC_Height"],

"Size" => $img_tmp["PIC_Size"],

"Type" => $img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"],

"Width" => $img_tmp["PIC_Width"]


array_push($img_info, $img_info_elem1);

array_push($img_info, $img_info_elem2);

array_push($img_info, $img_info_elem3);

$msg_content = array();

//创建array 所需元素

$msg_content_elem = array(

'MsgType' => 'TIMImageElem', //文本类型

'MsgContent' => array(

'UUID' => $uuid,

'ImageInfoArray' => $img_info,



//将创建的元素$msg_content_elem, 加入array $msg_content

array_push($msg_content, $msg_content_elem);

$ret = $this->openim_batch_sendmsg2($account_list, $msg_content);

return $ret;


public function openim_batch_sendmsg2($account_list, $msg_content)



$msg = array(

'To_Account' => $account_list,

'MsgRandom' => rand(1, 65535),

'MsgBody' => $msg_content,



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("openim", "batchsendmsg", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


public function account_import($identifier, $nick, $face_url)



$msg = array(

'Identifier' => $identifier,

'Nick' => $nick,

'FaceUrl' => $face_url,



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("im_open_login_svc", "account_import", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


public function register_account($identifier, $identifierType, $password)



$msg = array(

'Identifier' => $identifier,

'IdentifierType' => $identifierType,

'Password' => $password,



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("registration_service", "register_account_v1", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


public function profile_portrait_get($account_id)



$account_list = array();

array_push($account_list, $account_id);

$tag_list = array(




$ret = $this->profile_portrait_get2($account_list, $tag_list);

return $ret;


public function profile_portrait_get2($account_list, $tag_list)



$msg = array(

'From_Account' => $this->identifier,

'To_Account' => $account_list,

'TagList' => $tag_list,

'LastStandardSequence' => 0



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("profile", "portrait_get", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


public function profile_portrait_set($account_id, $new_name)



$profile_list = array();

$profile_nick = array(

"Tag" => "Tag_Profile_IM_Nick",

"Value" => $new_name



$profile_allow = array(

"Tag" => "Tag_Profile_IM_AllowType",

"Value" => "NeedPermission"


array_push($profile_list, $profile_nick);

//array_push($profile_list, $profile_allow);

$ret = $this->profile_portrait_set2($account_id, $profile_list);

return $ret;


public function profile_portrait_set2($account_id, $profile_list)



$msg = array(

'From_Account' => $account_id,

'ProfileItem' => $profile_list



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("profile", "portrait_set", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


public function sns_friend_import($account_id, $receiver)



$msg = array(

'From_Account' => $account_id,

'AddFriendItem' => array()


$receiver_arr = array(

'To_Account' => $receiver,

'Remark' => "",

'AddSource' => "AddSource_Type_Unknow",

'AddWording' => ""


array_push($msg['AddFriendItem'], $receiver_arr);


$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("sns", "friend_import", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


public function sns_friend_delete($account_id, $frd_id)



$frd_list = array();


array_push($frd_list, $frd_id);

$msg = array(

'From_Account' => $account_id,

'To_Account' => $frd_list,

'DeleteType' => "Delete_Type_Both"



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("sns", "friend_delete", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


public function sns_friend_delete_all($account_id)



$msg = array(

'From_Account' => $account_id,



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("sns", "friend_delete_all", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


public function sns_friend_check($account_id, $to_account)



$to_account_list = array();


array_push($to_account_list, $to_account);

$msg = array(

'From_Account' => $account_id,

'To_Account' => $to_account_list,


$ret = $this->sns_friend_check2($account_id, $to_account_list, "CheckResult_Type_Both");

return $ret;


public function sns_friend_check2($account_id, $to_account_list, $check_type)



$msg = array(

'From_Account' => $account_id,

'To_Account' => $to_account_list,

'CheckType' => $check_type



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("sns", "friend_check", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function sns_friend_get_all($account_id)



$tag_list = array(




$ret = $this->sns_friend_get_all2($account_id, $tag_list);

return $ret;


function sns_friend_get_all2($account_id, $tag_list)



$msg = array(

'From_Account' => $account_id,

'TimeStamp' => 0,

'TagList' => $tag_list,

'LastStandardSequence' => 1,



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("sns", "friend_get_all", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function sns_friend_get_list($account_id, $frd_id)



$frd_list = array();

array_push($frd_list, $frd_id);

$tag_list = array(




$ret = $this->sns_friend_get_list2($account_id, $frd_list, $tag_list);

return $ret;


function sns_friend_get_list2($account_id, $frd_list, $tag_list)



$msg = array(

'From_Account' => $account_id,

'To_Account' => $frd_list,

'TagList' => $tag_list,



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("sns", "friend_get_list", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_get_appid_group_list()



$ret = $this->group_get_appid_group_list2(50, null, null);

return $ret;


function group_get_appid_group_list2($limit, $offset, $group_type)



$msg = array(

'Limit' => $limit,

'Offset' => $offset,

'GroupType' => $group_type



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "get_appid_group_list", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_create_group($group_type, $group_name, $owner_id)



$info_set = array(

'group_id' => null,

'introduction' => null,

'notification' => null,

'face_url' => null,

'max_member_num' => 500,


$mem_list = array();

$ret = $this->group_create_group2($group_type, $group_name, $owner_id, $info_set, $mem_list);

return $ret;


function group_create_group2($group_type, $group_name, $owner_id, $info_set, $mem_list)



$msg = array(

'Type' => $group_type,

'Name' => $group_name,

'Owner_Account' => $owner_id,

'GroupId' => $info_set['group_id'],

'Introduction' => $info_set['introduction'],

'Notification' => $info_set['notification'],

'FaceUrl' => $info_set['face_url'],

'MaxMemberCount' => $info_set['max_member_num'],

//'ApplyJoinOption' => $info_set['apply_join'],

'MemberList' => $mem_list



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "create_group", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_change_group_owner($group_id, $new_owner)



$msg = array(

'GroupId' => $group_id,

'NewOwner_Account' => $new_owner



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "change_group_owner", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_get_group_info($group_id)



$group_list = array();

array_push($group_list, $group_id);

$base_info_filter = array(

"Type", //群类型(包括Public(公开群), Private(私密群), ChatRoom(聊天室))

"Name", //群名称

"Introduction", //群简介

"Notification", //群公告

"FaceUrl", //群头像url地址

"CreateTime", //群组创建时间

"Owner_Account", //群主id

"LastInfoTime", //最后一次系统通知时间

"LastMsgTime", //最后一次消息发送时间

"MemberNum", //群组当前成员数目

"MaxMemberNum", //群组内最大成员数目

"ApplyJoinOption" //加群处理方式(比如FreeAccess 自由加入)


$member_info_filter = array(

"Account", // 成员ID

"Role", // 成员身份

"JoinTime", // 成员加入时间

"LastSendMsgTime", // 该成员最后一次发送消息时间

"ShutUpUntil" // 该成员被禁言直到某时间


$app_define_filter = array(

"GroupTestData1", //自定义数据


$ret = $this->group_get_group_info2($group_list, $base_info_filter, $member_info_filter, $app_define_filter);

return $ret;


function group_get_group_info2($group_list, $base_info_filter, $member_info_filter, $app_define_filter)



$filter = new Filter();

$filter->GroupBaseInfoFilter = $base_info_filter;

$filter->MemberInfoFilter = $member_info_filter;

$filter->AppDefinedDataFilter_Group = $app_define_filter;

$msg = array(

'GroupIdList' => $group_list,

'ResponseFilter' => $filter



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "get_group_info", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_get_group_member_info($group_id, $limit, $offset)



$msg = array(

"GroupId" => $group_id,

"Limit" => $limit,

"Offset" => $offset




$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "get_group_member_info", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_modify_group_base_info($group_id, $group_name)



$info_set = array(

'introduction' => null,

'notification' => null,

'face_url' => null,

'max_member_num' => null,

//'apply_join' => "NeedPermission"


$app_define_list = array();

$ret = $this->group_modify_group_base_info2($group_id, $group_name, $info_set, $app_define_list);

return $ret;


function group_modify_group_base_info2($group_id, $group_name, $info_set, $app_define_list)



$msg = array(

"GroupId" => $group_id,

"Name" => $group_name,

"Introduction" => $info_set['introduction'],

"Notification" => $info_set['notification'],

"FaceUrl" => $info_set['face_url'],

"MaxMemberNum" => $info_set['max_member_num'],

//"ApplyJoinOption" => $info_set['apply_join'],

"AppDefinedData" => $app_define_list



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "modify_group_base_info", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_add_group_member($group_id, $member_id, $silence)



$mem_list = array();

$mem_elem = array(

"Member_Account" => $member_id


array_push($mem_list, $mem_elem);

$msg = array(

"GroupId" => $group_id,

"MemberList" => $mem_list,

"Silence" => $silence



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "add_group_member", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_delete_group_member($group_id, $member_id, $silence)



$mem_list = array();

array_push($mem_list, $member_id);

$msg = array(

"GroupId" => $group_id,

"MemberToDel_Account" => $mem_list,

"Silence" => $silence



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "delete_group_member", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_modify_group_member_info($group_id, $account_id, $role)



$ret = $this->group_modify_group_member_info2($group_id, $account_id, $role, "AcceptAndNotify", 0);

return $ret;


function group_modify_group_member_info2($group_id, $account_id, $role, $msg_flag, $shutup_time)



$msg = array(

"GroupId" => $group_id,

"Member_Account" => $account_id,

"Role" => $role




$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "modify_group_member_info", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_destroy_group($group_id)



$msg = array(

"GroupId" => $group_id,




$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "destroy_group", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_get_joined_group_list($account_id)



$base_info_filter = array(

"Type", //群类型(包括Public(公开群), Private(私密群), ChatRoom(聊天室))

"Name", //群名称

"Introduction", //群简介

"Notification", //群公告

"FaceUrl", //群头像url地址

"CreateTime", //群组创建时间

"Owner_Account", //群主id

"LastInfoTime", //最后一次系统通知时间

"LastMsgTime", //最后一次消息发送时间

"MemberNum", //群组当前成员数目

"MaxMemberNum", //群组内最大成员数目

"ApplyJoinOption" //申请加群处理方式(比如FreeAccess 自由加入, NeedPermission 需要同意)


$self_info_filter = array(

"Role", //群内身份(Amin/Member)

"JoinTime", //入群时间

"MsgFlag", //消息屏蔽类型

"UnreadMsgNum" //未读消息数量


$ret = $this->group_get_joined_group_list2($account_id, null, $base_info_filter, $self_info_filter);

return $ret;


function group_get_joined_group_list2($account_id, $group_type, $base_info_filter, $self_info_filter)



$filter = new Filter();

$filter->GroupBaseInfoFilter = $base_info_filter;

$filter->SelfInfoFilter = $self_info_filter;

$msg = array(

"Member_Account" => $account_id,

"ResponseFilter" => $filter



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "get_joined_group_list", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_get_role_in_group($group_id, $member_id)



$mem_list = array();

array_push($mem_list, $member_id);

$msg = array(

"GroupId" => $group_id,

"User_Account" => $mem_list,




$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "get_role_in_group", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_forbid_send_msg($group_id, $member_id, $second)



$mem_list = array();

array_push($mem_list, $member_id);

$msg = array(

"GroupId" => $group_id,

"Members_Account" => $mem_list,

"ShutUpTime" => $second



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "forbid_send_msg", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_send_group_msg($account_id, $group_id, $text_content)



$msg_content = array();

//创建array 所需元素

$msg_content_elem = array(

'MsgType' => 'TIMTextElem', //文本类型

'MsgContent' => array(

'Text' => $text_content, //hello 为文本信息



array_push($msg_content, $msg_content_elem);

$ret = $this->group_send_group_msg2($account_id, $group_id, $msg_content);

return $ret;


function group_send_group_msg_pic($account_id, $group_id, $pic_path)




$busi_type = 1; //表示群消息

$ret = $this->openpic_pic_upload($account_id, $group_id, $pic_path, $busi_type);

$tmp = $ret["URL_INFO"];

$uuid = $ret["File_UUID"];

$pic_url = $tmp[0]["DownUrl"];

$img_info = array();

$img_tmp = $ret["URL_INFO"][0];

if($img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] == 4){

$img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] = 3;


$img_info_elem1 = array(

"URL" => $img_tmp["DownUrl"],

"Height" => $img_tmp["PIC_Height"],

"Size" => $img_tmp["PIC_Size"],

"Type" => $img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"],

"Width" => $img_tmp["PIC_Width"]


$img_tmp = $ret["URL_INFO"][1];

if($img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] == 4){

$img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] = 3;


$img_info_elem2 = array(

"URL" => $img_tmp["DownUrl"],

"Height" => $img_tmp["PIC_Height"],

"Size" => $img_tmp["PIC_Size"],

"Type" => $img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"],

"Width" => $img_tmp["PIC_Width"]


$img_tmp = $ret["URL_INFO"][2];

if($img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] == 4){

$img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"] = 3;


$img_info_elem3 = array(

"URL" => $img_tmp["DownUrl"],

"Height" => $img_tmp["PIC_Height"],

"Size" => $img_tmp["PIC_Size"],

"Type" => $img_tmp["PIC_TYPE"],

"Width" => $img_tmp["PIC_Width"]


array_push($img_info, $img_info_elem1);

array_push($img_info, $img_info_elem2);

array_push($img_info, $img_info_elem3);

$msg_content = array();

//创建array 所需元素

$msg_content_elem = array(

'MsgType' => 'TIMImageElem', //文本类型

'MsgContent' => array(

'UUID' => $uuid,

'ImageInfoArray' => $img_info,



//将创建的元素$msg_content_elem, 加入array $msg_content

array_push($msg_content, $msg_content_elem);

$ret = $this->group_send_group_msg2($account_id, $group_id, $msg_content);

return $ret;


function group_send_group_msg2($account_id, $group_id, $msg_content)



$msg = array(

"GroupId" => $group_id,

"From_Account" => $account_id,

"Random" => rand(1, 65535),

"MsgBody" => $msg_content



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "send_group_msg", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_send_group_system_notification($group_id, $text_content, $receiver_id)



$receiver_list = array();

if($receiver_id != null){

array_push($receiver_list, $receiver_id);


$ret = $this->group_send_group_system_notification2($group_id, $text_content, $receiver_list);

return $ret;


function group_send_group_system_notification2($group_id, $content, $receiver_list)



$msg = array(

"GroupId" => $group_id,

"ToMembers_Account" => $receiver_list,

"Content" => $content



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "send_group_system_notification", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function comm_rest($server, $command, $req_body)



$req_data = json_encode($req_body);

$ret = $this->api($server, $command, $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_import_group_member($group_id, $member_id, $role)



$member_list = array();

$member_elem = array(

"Member_Account" => $member_id,

"Role" => $role


array_push($member_list, $member_elem);

$ret = $this->group_import_group_member2($group_id, $member_list);

return $ret;


function group_import_group_member2($group_id, $member_list)



$msg = array(

"GroupId" => $group_id,

"MemberList" => $member_list,



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "import_group_member", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_import_group_msg($group_id, $from_account, $text)




$msg_content = array(

"Text" => $text


$msg_body_elem = array(

"MsgType" => "TIMTextElem",

"MsgContent" => $msg_content,


$msg_body_list = array();

array_push($msg_body_list, $msg_body_elem);


$msg_list_elem = array(

"From_Account" => $from_account,

"SendTime" => time(),

"Random" => rand(1, 65535),

"MsgBody" => $msg_body_list



$msg_list = array();

array_push($msg_list, $msg_list_elem);

$ret = $this->group_import_group_msg2($group_id, $msg_list);

return $ret;


function group_import_group_msg2($group_id, $msg_list)



$msg = array(

"GroupId" => $group_id,

"MsgList" => $msg_list,




$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "import_group_msg", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;


function group_set_unread_msg_num($group_id, $member_account, $unread_msg_num)



$msg = array(

"GroupId" => $group_id,

"Member_Account" => $member_account,

"UnreadMsgNum" => (int)$unread_msg_num



$req_data = json_encode($msg);

$ret = $this->api("group_open_http_svc", "set_unread_msg_num", $this->identifier, $this->usersig, $req_data);

$ret = json_decode($ret, true);

return $ret;




class Filter{};

/** Json数据格式化方法

* @param array $data 数组数据

* @param string $indent 缩进字符,默认4个空格

* @return sting json格式字符串


function json_format($data, $indent=null)


// 对数组中每个元素递归进行urlencode操作,保护中文字符

array_walk_recursive($data, 'json_format_protect');

// json encode

$data = json_encode($data);

// 将urlencode的内容进行urldecode

$data = urldecode($data);

// 缩进处理

$ret = '';

$pos = 0;

$length = strlen($data);

$indent = isset($indent)? $indent : ' ';

$newline = "\n";

$prevchar = '';

$outofquotes = true;

for($i=0; $i<=$length; $i++){

$char = substr($data, $i, 1);

if($char=='"' && $prevchar!='\\')


$outofquotes = !$outofquotes;

}elseif(($char=='}' || $char==']') && $outofquotes)


$ret .= $newline;

$pos --;

for($j=0; $j

$ret .= $indent;



$ret .= $char;

if(($char==',' || $char=='{' || $char=='[') && $outofquotes)


$ret .= $newline;

if($char=='{' || $char=='['){

$pos ++;


for($j=0; $j

$ret .= $indent;



$prevchar = $char;


return $ret;



* json_formart辅助函数

* @param String $val 数组元素


function json_format_protect(&$val)


if($val!==true && $val!==false && $val!==null)


$val = urlencode($val);




* 判断操作系统位数


function is_64bit() {

$int = "9223372036854775807";

$int = intval($int);

if ($int == 9223372036854775807) {

/* 64bit */

return true;


elseif ($int == 2147483647) {

/* 32bit */

return false;


else {

/* error */

return "error";



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