
HBO Max is the latest streaming service to take on Netflix and Disney+. It includes content from HBO Go and HBO Now, WarnerMedia and Warner Bros TV shows and movies, and HBO Max originals all for $15 a month (after a seven-day free trial). If the streaming service isn’t for you, here’s how to cancel your HBO Max subscription.

HBO Max是采用Netflix和Disney +的最新流媒体服务。 内容包括HBO Go和HBO Now ,WarnerMedia和Warner Bros电视节目和电影的内容,以及HBO Max的原创作品,每月费用为15美元(免费试用7天后)。 如果流媒体服务不适合您,请按照以下方法取消HBO Max订阅。

退订使用iPhone,iPad或Android设备 (Unsubscribe Using Your iPhone, iPad, or Android Device)

No matter if you watch HBO Max on your iPhone, iPad, or Android handset, you can cancel your monthly membership from any of your mobile devices.

无论您是在iPhone , iPad还是Android手机上观看HBO Max,都可以从任何移动设备上取消每月会员资格。

Start by opening the HBO Max app on your device, ensuring that you’re signed in to your account, and selecting your profile. Make sure that the profile is set as an adult with full access to the account’s billing information. From there, tap on the Profile tab found in the bottom-right corner of the app.

首先打开设备上的HBO Max应用程序,确保登录到帐户,然后选择个人资料。 确保将配置文件设置为成人,并且可以完全访问该帐户的帐单信息。 在此处,点击位于应用程序右下角的配置文件选项卡。

If you’re using the HBO Max app on your iPad, the Profile tab can be found on the left-hand side of the screen.

如果您在iPad上使用HBO Max应用程序,则“配置文件”标签可在屏幕的左侧找到。

Next, select the Gear icon to open HBO Max’s Settings menu.

接下来,选择“齿轮”图标以打开HBO Max的“设置”菜单。

Tap on the “Billing Information” option found near the top of the list.


Now, select the “Manage Subscription” button found at the bottom of the page.


Finally, tap on the “Cancel Subscription” link.


You will need to select the “Yes, Cancel Subscription” button to confirm that you want to terminate your membership.


Your HBO Max subscription has now been canceled. You can still access the streaming platform’s content through the end of your billing period (including through the end of your free trial).

您的HBO Max订阅现已被取消。 您仍然可以在结算期结束之前(包括免费试用期结束)访问流媒体平台的内容。

Repeat these steps if you change your mind and wish to resume your subscription before the membership expires.


退订使用计算机 (Unsubscribe Using Your Computer)

If you’d rather cancel your HBO Max subscription from your computer, you can, using your desktop browser of choice.

如果您希望从计算机上取消HBO Max订阅,则可以使用所选的桌面浏览器。

Start by visiting HBO Max’s website, signing in to your account, and then selecting your profile. Make sure that this profile has access to the account’s billing information.

首先访问HBO Max的网站 ,登录到您的帐户,然后选择您的个人资料。 确保此配置文件可以访问该帐户的帐单信息。

Next, select your avatar and name in the top-right corner of the page.


From the menu that appears, click on the “Billing Information” tab and then choose the “Manage Subscription” button.


Select the “Cancel Subscription” option found on the right side of the “My Account” screen.


Finally, confirm that you wish to terminate your membership by clicking the “Yes, Cancel Subscription” button.


Your HBO Max subscription has now been canceled. You will be able to continue watching your favorite WarnerMedia TV shows and movies through the end of your billing period or free trial.

您的HBO Max订阅现已被取消。 在结算期结束或免费试用之前,您将可以继续观看自己喜欢的WarnerMedia电视节目和电影。

Your account can also be reactivated at any time before the subscription expires.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/675024/how-to-cancel-your-hbo-max-subscription/


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