
3.8 Secondary Expansion
=======================                        In the previous section we learned that GNU `make' works in two distinct phases: a read-in phase and a target-update phase (*note How  `make' Reads a Makefile: Reading Makefiles.).  GNU make also has the ability to enable a _second expansion_ of the prerequisites (only) for   some or all targets defined in the makefile.  In order for this second   expansion to occur, the special target `.SECONDEXPANSION' must be
defined before the first prerequisite list that makes use of this feature.   

3.8 二次扩展

在前面的章节中我们了解到 GNU make 的工作分为两个阶段:一个读取阶段 和一个目的变更阶段(*note How 'make' Reads a Makefile: Reading Makefiles.)

GNU make 也有能力允许对 前提条件进行二次扩展。为了此二次扩展可以发生,在第一个前提条件之前,特殊的目的 .SECONDEXPANSION 必须被定义。


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