Rules undergo secondary expansion in makefile order, except that the rule with the recipe is always evaluated last.                        
The variables `$$?' and `$$*' are not available and expand to the 
empty string.                        
二次扩展遵循 makefile中的自然顺序,除了 片段中的 部分总是最后被扩展。
变量 $$? 和 $$* 不可用,会扩展为 空串。

GNU make manual 翻译(六十九)相关推荐

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    继续翻译 复制代码 2.6 Another Style of Makefile                         =============================       ...

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    继续翻译 3.8 Secondary Expansion ======================= In the previous section we learned that GNU `ma ...

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    继续翻译 Variable Assignment ------------------- Variable definitions are parsed as follows: IMMEDIATE = ...

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