
The only restriction on this sort of use of nested variable
references is that they cannot specify part of the name of a function
to be called. This is because the test for a recognized function name
is done before the expansion of nested references. For example,

ifdef do_sort
func := sort
func := strip

bar := a d b g q c

foo := $($(func) $(bar))

attempts to give `foo' the value of the variable `sort a d b g q c' or
`strip a d b g q c', rather than giving `a d b g q c' as the argument
to either the `sort' or the `strip' function. This restriction could
be removed in the future if that change is shown to be a good idea.

You can also use computed variable names in the left-hand side of a
variable assignment, or in a `define' directive, as in:

dir = foo
$(dir)_sources := $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)
define $(dir)_print =
lpr $($(dir)_sources)

This example defines the variables `dir', `foo_sources', and

Note that "nested variable references" are quite different from
recursively expanded variables (*note The Two Flavors of Variables:
Flavors.), though both are used together in complex ways when doing
makefile programming.



ifdef do_sort

  func := sort
  func := strip

bar := a d b g q c

foo := $($(func) $(bar))

试图给出 `foo' 变量值为 `sort a d b g q c' 或 `strip a d b g q c', 而不是给出`a d b g q c' 作为 `sort' 或者 `strip' 函数的参数。如果未来考虑到改变此限制会更好,也许未来会进行改变。


dir = foo

$(dir)_sources := $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)
define $(dir)_print =
lpr $($(dir)_sources)

这个例子定义了变量 `dir', `foo_sources', 和`foo_print'。

要注意这个 "嵌套变量参照" 是和 递归式扩展变量很不一样的。(*note The Two Flavors of Variables: Flavors.) 尽管它们都在 makefile 编程时以复杂的方式进行使用。


dir = foo

$(dir)_sources := $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)

相当于 把  foo目录下的 所有的.c 文件名 获得后,赋值为 foo_sources



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