
Java Static Constructor is not allowed, but why? Before we dig into the reasons for not allowing static constructor, let’s see what happens if we want to make a constructor static.

不允许使用Java静态构造函数,但是为什么呢? 在深入探讨不允许使用静态构造函数的原因之前,让我们看看如果要使构造函数静态化会发生什么。

Java静态构造函数 (Java Static Constructor)

Let’s say we have a class defined as:


public class Data {private int id;public static Data() {}

If you will try to compile this class, you will get an error message as Illegal modifier for the constructor in type Data; only public, protected & private are permitted.

如果您尝试编译此类,则会在Data类型的构造函数中收到一条错误消息,作为非法的修饰符。 仅允许公开,受保护和私有

为什么不允许使用静态构造函数? (Why Static Constructor is not allowed?)

Let’s see some of the reasons that make the compelling arguments for not allowing static constructor in java.


静态属于类,构造函数属于对象 (Static Belongs to Class, Constructor to Object)

We know that static methods, block or variables belong to the class. Whereas a Constructor belongs to the object and called when we use the new operator to create an instance. Since a constructor is not class property, it makes sense that it’s not allowed to be static.

我们知道静态方法,块或变量属于该类。 构造函数属于该对象,并在使用new运算符创建实例时调用。 由于构造函数不是类属性,因此有理由认为它不是静态的。

静态块/方法无法访问非静态变量 (Static Block/Method can’t access non-static variables)

We know that static methods can’t access non-static variables. Same is true for static block also.

我们知道静态方法不能访问非静态变量。 静态块也是如此。

Now, the main purpose of a constructor is to initialize the object variables. So if we make constructor as static then it won’t be able to initialize the object variables. That will defeat the whole purpose of having a constructor for creating the object. So it is justified to have the constructor as non-static.

现在,构造函数的主要目的是初始化对象变量。 因此,如果我们将构造函数设为静态,则它将无法初始化对象变量。 这将使拥有用于创建对象的构造函数的整个目的无效。 因此,使构造函数为非静态是合理的。

Notice that we can’t use this inside a static method to refer to the object variable. Below code will give compilation error as: Cannot use this in a static context.

注意,我们不能在静态方法中使用this来引用对象变量。 下面的代码将给出编译错误,因为: 不能在静态上下文中使用它

public static void main(String args[]) {System.out.println(;

静态构造函数将破坏继承 (Static Constructor will break inheritance)

In Java, every class implicitly extends Object class. We can define a class hierarchy where subclass constructor calls the superclass constructor. This is done by super() method call. Most of the times JVM automatically calls the superclass constructor but sometimes we have to manually call them if there are multiple constructors in the superclass.

在Java中,每个类都隐式扩展了Object类。 我们可以定义一个类层次结构,其中子类构造函数调用超类构造函数。 这是通过super()方法调用完成的。 大多数情况下,JVM自动调用超类构造函数,但有时如果超类中有多个构造函数,我们必须手动调用它们。

Let’s see an example for super() usage.


package com.journaldev.util;class Data {Data() {System.out.println("Data Constructor");}
}public class DataChild extends Data{public DataChild() {super(); //JRE calls it explicitly, calling here for explanationSystem.out.println("DataChild Constructor");}public static void main(String args[]) {DataChild dc = new DataChild();}

Above program will produce the following output.


Data Constructor
DataChild Constructor

If you look at the super() method, it’s not static. So if the constructor becomes static, we won’t be able to use it and that will break inheritance in java.

如果您看一下super()方法,它不是静态的。 因此,如果构造函数变为静态,我们将无法使用它,这将破坏java中的继承 。

Java静态构造方法替代 (Java Static Constructor Alternative)

If you want to initialize some static variables in the class, you can use static block. Note that we can’t pass arguments to the static block, so if you want to initialize static variables then you can do that in the normal constructor too.

如果要在类中初始化一些静态变量,则可以使用静态块。 请注意,我们无法将参数传递给静态块,因此,如果您要初始化静态变量,则也可以在常规构造函数中执行此操作。

class Data {public static int count;static {count = 0;}Data(int c) {//not recommended since the count is class variable //and shared among all the objects of the classcount=c; }

摘要 (Summary)

Java static constructor is not allowed and we have very good reasons for that. We can initialize static variables using the static block as well as through constructor itself.

不允许使用Java静态构造函数,对此我们有充分的理由。 我们可以使用静态块以及构造函数本身来初始化静态变量。




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