
Ever since Facebook decided to force people to use Facebook Messenger to send and receive messages through Facebook, many people are not happy. If you’ve decided to install it and log in, you probably discovered that there’s no way to log out.

自从Facebook决定强迫人们使用Facebook Messenger通过Facebook发送和接收消息以来,许多人都不满意。 如果您决定安装并登录,则可能发现无法注销。

Facebook Messenger may be the easiest way to stay in contact with your friends on Facebook, but you may not want it active all the time. Unfortunately, there is no log out button or option on the interface like there is on Facebook. However, there is a way to log out of the app when you’re not using it.

Facebook Messenger可能是在Facebook上与您的朋友保持联系的最简单方法,但您可能不希望它始终保持活动状态。 不幸的是,界面上没有Facebook上的注销按钮或选项。 但是,有一种方法可以在您不使用该应用程序时将其注销。

To begin, you must remove Messenger from the recent apps list if you’ve run it recently. Touch the “Recent Apps” button on your Android device, as shown outlined in red in the image below.

首先,如果您最近运行过Messenger,则必须将其从最近的应用程序列表中删除。 触摸Android设备上的“最近使用的应用程序”按钮,如下图红色边框所示。

Hold your finger down on the Messenger app thumbnail until a popup menu displays. Touch “Remove from list” on the popup menu.

按住您的Messenger应用程序缩略图上的缩略图,直到显示弹出菜单。 触摸弹出菜单上的“从列表中删除”。

Touch the Home button to return to the Home screen. Swipe down from the top bar and touch “Settings” on the drop-down menu.

触摸主屏幕按钮以返回主屏幕。 从顶部栏向下滑动,然后触摸下拉菜单上的“设置”。

In the “Device” section of the “Settings” screen, touch “Apps.”


Scroll down in the “Downloaded” list on the “Apps” screen until you see “Messenger” and touch it.

在“应用程序”屏幕上的“下载的”列表中向下滚动,直到看到“ Messenger”,然后触摸它。

On the “App info” screen, touch the “Clear data” button.


The “Delete app data?” dialog box displays. Touch “OK” to delete the data for Messenger and essentially “log out” of the app.

“删除应用程序数据?” 对话框出现。 触摸“确定”以删除Messenger的数据,并实质上“注销”该应用程序。

The “Clear data” button becomes grayed out and the amount of “Data” goes down to 0.00B. Touch the “Home” button on your device to return to the “Home” screen.

“清除数据”按钮变灰,“数据”的数量减少到0.00B。 触摸设备上的“主页”按钮以返回“主页”屏幕。

The next time you start Messenger, you’ll see the “Welcome to Messenger” screen with your name listed, but you won’t be automatically logged in. Because Messenger is completely integrated with the Facebook app, your Facebook profile name displays on the Messenger welcome screen, allowing you to simply touch Continue to log in, without having to enter your credentials every time.


If a friend wants to use your device to check their Facebook messages, they just need to touch “Switch Account” at the bottom of the screen. However, be aware they if you’re logged into Facebook, anyone can touch the Continue button if they borrow your phone and log into your Facebook account in Messenger.

如果朋友想使用您的设备检查其Facebook消息,则只需触摸屏幕底部的“切换帐户”。 但是,请注意,如果您登录了Facebook,那么任何人如果借用您的手机并登录Messenger中的Facebook帐户,都可以触摸“继续”按钮。

If you don’t want your Facebook profile name displayed on the Messenger welcome screen so it’s easy for anyone to log in to your Facebook account in Messenger if they get a hold of your device, you need to log out of the Facebook app as well. Then, when you open Messenger, you will be asked to sign in to your Facebook account.

如果您不希望在Messenger欢迎屏幕上显示您的Facebook个人资料名称,这样任何人只要拥有您的设备就可以轻松登录到Messenger中的Facebook帐户,那么您也需要退出Facebook应用。 然后,当您打开Messenger时,将要求您登录您的Facebook帐户。

You may want to read up on app permissions on Android so you have a better understanding about the types of permissions you see listed when you install an app. You should also be aware that Android’s app permissions have been simplified and became less secure as a result.

您可能需要阅读Android上的应用程序权限,以便对安装应用程序时列出的权限类型有更好的了解。 您还应该注意, Android的应用程序权限已得到简化,因此变得不太安全 。



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